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Chapter Thirty-Nine: The most reasonable method is not necessarily the best method!

After a busy afternoon, when night fell, Orochimaru's special nutritious lunch for pregnant women was finally ready with Fuzi waiting!

"Eat, eat it all."

At the dinner table, looking at Orochimaru who said this coldly, Fuzi felt inexplicably that this man might be really clumsy and cute.

Just as Fuko gradually changed her view on Orochimaru, the rumors in the village about Orochimaru and Yume became more widespread and more outrageous.

Does Orochimaru care? Of course not!

But the doctor has warned that pregnant women should stay in a comfortable mood during pregnancy. If Fuzi feels depressed after hearing these rumors...

Therefore, Orochimaru also found Danzo immediately, but at this time Danzo was in a state of intermittent Alzheimer's amnesia for an unknown number of times.

Orochimaru, knowing that Danzo like this could not help him and might even infect him, left his roots and came to Minato's door at six o'clock in the morning and rang the doorbell.

As for why it is so early, it is because after talking to Minato at this time, you can go to the vegetable market in time to buy the freshest batch of vegetables and fruits, so as not to delay the nutritional intake of the pregnant woman this morning.

Minato worked until three o'clock in the morning last night and made a midnight snack for the hungry Kushina. After opening the door, he looked at Orochimaru in front of him and didn't know what to say.

"Minato, I have something to ask you."

Orochimaru spoke concisely and to the point, regardless of the big dark circles on Minato's face.

"Then... Mr. Orochimaru, you can wait until the morning..."

"No! Now!"

Looking at Orochimaru who was resolute and didn't give himself a chance to sleep for another hour, Minato could only nod in agreement.

"Okay then, let me get dressed and we'll meet in the Hokage's office in five minutes."

"three minutes."

After leaving these three words, Orochimaru turned around without giving Minato a chance to refuse.

Just kidding, if you waste even one minute, you won’t be able to buy the freshest fish!


In the bedroom, Minato, who was dressed, also squatted down and spoke softly to Kushina, who had her sleepy eyes open on the bed.

"Kushina, I will be done soon. Trust me."

"Ok, I know."

After hearing such an answer, Minato lowered his head and kissed her lightly, and then a flying thunder god disappeared into the bedroom.

After Minato left, Kushina also yawned loudly and mumbled quietly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter even if I don't come back to make breakfast. I still want to sleep until noon..."

At 6:30, Minato appeared in the Hokage's office on time, and Orochimaru, who was waiting here in advance, didn't waste a second, skipping the greetings and getting straight to the point.

"This needs to be solved quickly."

After putting a small pile of rumors on his desk, Orochimaru did not wait for Minato's answer, and disappeared again with a teleportation technique.

After all...morning market time waits for no one!

Minato, on the other hand, looked at the summary of rumors left by Orochimaru on the table with a look of helplessness and speechlessness. This Orochimaru is really capable of tormenting people!


I have really been trying to stop the spread of rumors, but the effect is really minimal. I can't give a hush order to the ordinary villagers of Konoha, right?

Anyone who talks about this will be killed?

Believe it or not, there will be tens of thousands more bachelors in Konoha after a week?

Flying Thunder God came to the water gate of the vegetable market, and while selecting the freshest meat, eggs, and milk, he was thinking about what to do about this matter.


Looking at the somewhat pale hand that had chosen the same fish at the same time as his own, Minato was in a dilemma as both Hokage and her husband.

In the end, Minato chose to negotiate with the other party first to see if he could give half of it to himself or to each other.


After seeing that the owner of this hand was actually Orochimaru carrying a vegetable basket, he couldn't say a word because of too many flaws.

"I saw it first."

Orochimaru said calmly, Minato could even feel the suppressed murderous intent of the other party. It was like if he didn't agree, the other party would really take action!

…I’m so hard.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Minato, who had been thinking about it for a long time and couldn't think of any good way to stop the rumors, asked the Sandaime to ask the question.

"Minato, when dealing with problems, don't always think of ordinary, seemingly reasonable methods. Although they can guarantee that there will be no mistakes, sometimes they don't work that well. When dealing with problems, you have to be flexible, take the wrong approach, and be flexible.


Seeing the Sandaime who was holding a big pipe in his mouth and saying such words with a deep expression on his face, Minato also hurriedly asked the old gentleman for his advice.

The Sandaime smiled mysteriously, and then made a pointer without hesitation.

"I heard that boy Gintoki is coming back today."


Why don't you just tell me that you have nothing better to do?

Looking at the extremely detailed task report Gintoki handed in, he even described when he picked his nose, when he scratched his butt, when he farted, and what kind of erotic dreams he had at night.

, Minato still doesn't know how to complain.

"Then...Gintoki, the next mission report doesn't need to be so detailed..."

"Didn't you ask Yin Sang to write the mission report in detail? As a person in power, you are so willful~ You originally asked for it, and now you ask for it again. We common people without rights are really the only ones who can be teased by those in power.

Oh, Hokage-sama, unlike you people in power, we ordinary people at the lowest level have already tried our best just to stay alive! So stop making those willful demands!"

Looking at Gintoki's extremely lazy look with his dead eyes and his little finger picking his nose, Minato didn't pay attention to the other party's deliberate ridicule. He took the last two sentences into his mind and spoke again.

"Gintoki, in short, try to be more concise and concise next time. Then, there is another slightly troublesome thing..."

Seeing Minato who was hesitant to speak and a little embarrassed to speak, Gintoki casually spread the black hard object on his little finger in the direction of the Sandaime.

"Have you encountered trouble? It doesn't matter. At least 80% of life is troubled. Anyway, you will encounter more troublesome things than the current trouble in the future, so the trouble now

Just don’t worry about it.”

"Oh, thank you..." Minato thanked subconsciously, but then he reacted, "No! I didn't ask you to comfort me! I asked you to make suggestions and solve the problem!"

"You told me earlier, what's the problem? Could it be that your marriage has reached a period of burnout? There's no need to worry about this kind of thing. As long as a man says a few sweet words, whether it's a woman or an octopus, they will come over happily wagging their tails."

"That's not the problem... No, no, there is no problem with my marriage to Kushina!"

Minato held his forehead and sighed, having to admit that sometimes he really couldn't keep up with Gintoki's thoughts.

"What, Gintoki..."

At this time, the Sandaime suddenly looked at Gintoki very seriously and spoke. Minato also thanked the Sandaime in his heart for being the savior who did not let his thoughts get carried away.

"Women don't have tails."

Hearing the third generation's addition, Minato almost burst into tears. His eyes twitched and his forehead was covered with black lines. He was originally waiting for you to get to the point!

As a result, your thinking has been led astray?!

"There's no octopus either." Gintoki said matter-of-factly.

"That's it..." The Sandaime nodded, then lowered his head and entered a thoughtful state.

In the end, Minato, who felt that this was not going to work, took the initiative to get to the point and raised the issue without a word of nonsense.


After hearing the news that Orochimaru became a father, Gintoki also let out a tut.

"That bastard is so happy and still so dissatisfied. He won't do it! Yin Sang definitely won't do it!"

"I have free coupons for a new dessert shop here..."

"Wan Shi Wu Yin Sang will answer all your requests!"


"If you want to solve this problem, it's actually quite simple. Isn't there a case before?"

"Huh?" Minato frowned.

"That, that, that "I have a secret"..."


This chapter has been completed!
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