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Chapter 56: There is always something that can be used as a substitute!

It was like Nagato who didn't hear Yahiko's complaints at all. At this moment, his expression suddenly revealed some emotion, and he looked at the cannon in front of him with a bit of relief in his eyes.

"Yahiko, don't always be strong alone, I know. Now that there is no master, the situation of the Kingdom of Rain is actually not good. In the past, the master, who was called the ninja demigod, was like a symbol of the Kingdom of Rain.

Just the same, just a name makes those small countries dare not make trouble in the Kingdom of Rain. But now..."

After listening to Nagato's words, Yahiko also fell silent. Nagato was right. The Land of Rain without Hanzo was in a more difficult situation to be honest.

In the past, Hanzo was not only the leader of the Rain Country, but also a threat to enemy countries, but now the Rain Country has lost this threat.

The strongest ninja in the Rain Country now is Nagato, but Yahiko doesn't want Nagato to use that kind of power often.

Because when Nagato was a child, he lost his mind and fell into madness due to the use of such excessive power. Yahiko did not want to see this kind of thing again.

Nagato looked at Yahiko at this time, and continued with a smile: "Teacher Katsura once said that if the Land of Rain wants peace, it must remember the principle that in order to fight against the outside world, you must first calm down the inside. I leave the steps to calm down the inside to you, then

You can no longer bear the responsibility of fighting against foreigners alone."

Hearing this, Yahiko was also stunned, and then he showed a bit of emotion, and there were even tears in his eyes.


"So I made this!" Nagato confidently patted the cannon on the side and continued, "Believe me, Yahiko, this will definitely become a symbol of the Land of Rain comparable to Shigong."


"Forget it!"

Yahiko's emotion disappeared instantly.

Nagato raised his hand to stop him, "Wait a minute, Yahiko! I know you are very excited about this kind of thing, but listen to me first!"

"I'm indeed very excited! But it's not the same excitement as you think! It's completely different!"

"Really, he is such an anxious guy, nothing has changed from before." Nagato shook his head helplessly.

"Listen to me!"

"I know you are curious about the power of the New Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon, so I won't hide it. It only requires the chakra filling of ten Jonin to fire a laser particle cannon that is enough to annihilate a small country.


"The power is a bit too much! What do you want to do with this kind of thing?!"

"As for the range, it's a bit disappointing. It only reaches the Kingdom of Water..."

Seeing the regret on Nagato's face, Yahiko's eyes twitched. This range...

It directly covers the entire ninja world!

At this time, Nagato showed a matter-of-fact expression and chuckled: "As for the purpose, do you even need to ask? Of course it's to shock! As long as the surrounding countries see the power of this New Armstrong...or something (Yahiko:

You think this name is too long!), they will definitely be wary of our Country of Rain and dare not act rashly! At that time, we can develop and reform this country with peace of mind!"

"I understand the truth, why do you want to make it look like this?"

Nagato chuckled and praised: "As expected of Yahiko, I know you will also think of this. Don't worry, I have asked the factory to make a smaller version of this souvenir."

"Wait, souvenir? What is that? Why do you want to do that?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yahiko saw something thrown by the other party, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

After taking a clear look at the weak metallic New... cannon pendant in his hand, Yahiko also fell into silence.

At this moment, Nagato was already minding his own business and began to explain.

"As a symbol of the Land of Rain, this obscene O... no, it is the New Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon. It will be deeply admired by the people of the ninja world! Its miniature souvenir will also become very popular among foreign tourists.

It’s a commodity!”

"No way—!" Yahiko finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled out. Then he pointed at the cannon and complained wildly: "Who else agrees that this kind of thing becomes the symbol of the Rain Country? Don't tell me what you are doing.

Words! I will never agree! Absolutely not!"

Nagato, who was not listening at all, looked at the metal cannon barrel soaring into the sky with a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but sigh softly in his selflessness.

"What an amazing symbol..."

"Listen to what people are saying!"

Nagato's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Yahiko seriously and said: "Yahiko, your idea of ​​using this as the new forehead protection pattern of the Land of Rain is certainly good, but I think it is still too early, so let's promote it first.

First, as the leader, you and us at the top should lead by example..."

"It's just your delusion! No one said that!"

Yahiko yelled again to interrupt Nagato's words, and then pointed at the cannon again and started the crazy complaining mode.

"If something like this is engraved on the forehead protector, the Rain Country will become the laughing stock of the ninja world! All the ninjas in the Rain Country will be unable to hold their heads up when they go out!"

"So this is what is called the burden of accepting the crown?"

Nagato sighed and shook his head, and then gently polished the cannon body on the side, sighing: "Sure enough, the desire to change the world and bring peace to the world is still too heavy..."


Just when Yahiko was silent and no longer wanted to complain, he suddenly heard a child's voice behind him.

"Mom, mom, there is a big [beep——] over there"

When Yahiko turned around, he saw a little devil wearing a black raincoat, and a commoner from the Land of Rain who seemed to be passing by while shopping for groceries.


The food bag filled with vegetables in the hands of the little ghost-headed mother, who was also wearing a raincoat, also slipped from her hands and fell to the ground.

Looking at the young mother whose expression was hidden in the shadows, Yahiko hurriedly explained: "Mom, please don't get me wrong! Although it looks very much like that, this is the defensive function of our Rain Country.

Weapon! It’s a weapon to protect our Rain Country! Hey! Don’t say anything, and don’t leave. This is really just a weapon! It’s definitely not something strange! Hey—”

On this day, a strange building appeared in Yuyin Village in the Land of Rain. As for the souvenirs that Nagato ordered to be sent to the shop for trial sale...

Surprisingly, it sold well!

The exclusive office of the leader of the Kingdom of Rain.

Looking at the [Sales Report of the New Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Cannon Souvenir, the Symbol of the Land of Rain] and [Requesting for Increased Production Permit] and [Buyer Feedback] submitted by Nagato, Yahiko also had a gloomy expression on his face and remained silent for a long time.

Especially the anonymous buyer's feedback that was emphasized several times, "I hope it can be produced in a slightly larger size", made Yahiko not sure how to deal with it.

Due to the years of war, the Country of Rain has lost many of the women who were the backbone of the family... indeed!

After a long time, Yahiko put down the anonymous feedback and smiled with relief as if he had seen through the world of mortals. He raised his head and looked out the window.

Looking at the cannon in the distance that shot straight into the sky and became the "iconic" building of Amegakure Village in just a few days, Yahiko murmured softly.

"Ah~ It seems like I turned into a bird..."

This chapter has been completed!
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