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Chapter 58: Don't do bad things with good intentions!

In the snow and thick ice, a fishing rod was set up next to a small ice hole. Beside it, Elizabeth was skillfully drilling wood to make a fire.


The moment the flames rose, the fishing line on the side also started to move. Elizabeth picked up the fishing rod and stood up straight, pulling it up, and a big fish jumped out of the water.

Today's picnic ingredients are available.

Beside, Gui sat cross-legged, looking with satisfaction at the small black footprints printed on the white paper on her knees and several photos of two snow cats interacting.

“It’s so satisfying to have the opportunity to see the snow cat, which was once thought to be extinct, in person.”

Only four years old, Fenghua Xiaoxue, wrapped in a thick cotton coat and wearing a cute Chopper hat, poked her little head and blinked at the photo in Gui's hand.

"Guisang, why don't you catch them and take them back? Those two kittens are so pitiful. They will definitely freeze to death if they stay outside in the snow."

Looking at the innocent and kind-hearted Fenghua Xiaoxue poking her chubby cheeks with her index finger, Katsura didn't say that human activities were the root cause of the snow cat becoming an endangered animal.

Not only because children may not be able to understand such things, but also because Gui doesn't want the children's pure and kind hearts to be cast into unnecessary gloom.

"Your Highness Xiaoxue, the snow cat's meatballs can only be alive outdoors in the snow-capped mountains where there are no traces of humans. If they are indoors with humans, their meatballs will soon lose their elasticity."

"Why?" Xiaoxue tilted her head.

"Because of their habits, they like to stay outdoors in the snow without humans. Once they stay where humans are, their flesh balls will quickly lose their luster and elasticity."

"How could this happen..." Xiaoxue's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Listen up, Your Highness Xiaoxue, in fact, all living things, including humans, have their own habits. If you don't have an insight into what the other person really needs, just doing what you think is for the good of others can easily lead to tragedy.



Xiaoxue tilted her head. Because of her age, she didn't quite understand Gui's words.

"Of course, Her Highness Koyuki's kind heart of wishing others happiness is very precious. Sooner or later, Koyuki-dono, who understands what she just said, will become a great and deeply loved Princess who supports this country and its people.


Looking at the innocent and kind-hearted yet ignorant Koyuki, Katsura sometimes thinks of Princess Sumiya of Edo. After she stepped down, she supported the entire Edo as a female streamer...

"Your Highness Princess..."

Xiaoxue pointed her chin with her index finger and raised her little head to think for a moment, and then she seemed to have made up her mind. She leaned close to Gui's ear and continued in a low voice: "Guisang, in fact, besides becoming a princess, Xiaoxue also has another wish.


"Oh? Even Mr. Fenghua doesn't know?"

"Well, dad doesn't know. I just told Guisang that it must be kept secret! In fact, my other dream is..."

Fenghua City, dusk.

Fenghua Hayayuki, who was waiting at the city gate in advance, also smiled softly when she saw the handsome man with long flowing black hair and his daughter.

Seeing the scene where the daughter held by that strange white creature was still talking excitedly to Gui while ignoring his old father, the old father also felt a little emotional in his heart.

"Your Excellency Fenghua, we are back."

"Thank you for your hard work, Guisang."

Hayayuki still respects Gui very much. Although the contact time is not too long, she can still feel that although most of the other person's head is offline, he has an extremely rare talent for governing the world.

That's why Zaoyue invited Gui to become her daughter's tutor after they had just met her.

Although Gui refused because he wanted to go out to save all the suffering meatballs in the world, he got along well with his daughter recently.

At this time, Xiaoxue also immediately entangled her father and talked excitedly about her experiences outside: "Listen to me, Dad, we saw a very cute snow cat! We even took photos of the snow cat!"

"Oh! A snow cat? It's really amazing. Dad, I have only seen it once since I was a child."

At night, Zaoxue, who had heard from Xiaoxue some of Gui's teachings to Xiaoxue today, and after Xiaoxue fell asleep after playing excitedly for a day, she once again visited the guest room lent to Gui.

"Guisang, can't you really stay in the Land of Snow?"

Hayayuki, who knew early on that Katsura's purpose in coming to the Snow Country was just to see the snow cat with his own eyes, also guessed that Katsura would leave the Snow Country immediately after achieving his goal.

So this time, Zaoxue is here to save her.

Katsura, who was sitting cross-legged with Hayayuki, nodded with her arms folded, and said: "Well, I have already obtained the precious snow cat meat ball rubbings and taken photos, so it is time to go to the place where the next meat ball is. Recently.

Thank you very much for taking care of me, Mr. Fenghua."

"You're welcome, Guisang. It's just that...are you really not considering staying for a while longer? I think if it were you, you would definitely be qualified for the position of Xiaoxue's tutor."

Gui shook his head gently and replied: "Your Excellency Fenghua, Your Highness Xiaoxue is pure, innocent and kind-hearted. Even without my guidance, as long as you can maintain this original intention, you will definitely become a great... Ahem, Your Highness the Princess'


Because of Gui's words, Zaoxue's expression gradually softened, and she whispered softly: "That's it..."

"Then, Your Excellency Fenghua, let's say goodbye."

After returning to her senses, Zaoxue looked at Gui who stood up to say goodbye to her, her expression changed slightly, and then she extended her hand to make a money gesture.

"Guisang, the issue of remuneration can actually be discussed again. Although the Country of Snow is a bit poor, but..."

"Your Highness Fenghua! This is not a matter of treatment, but of too few balls... Ahem! It's because Your Lady Xiaoxue is so talented that she doesn't need too much teaching!"

"Did you just say meatballs?"

"You heard wrong, Lord Fenghua."

"No...I obviously heard Meatball..."

"I never said that."

"I obviously..."

"Please stop it, Mr. Fenghua! I, Katsura Kotaro, have never said that I am in a hurry to leave here because there are too few meatballs in this country!"

"Didn't you already say it?!"

In the end, Gui and Elizabeth said goodbye to Fenghua Zaoyue who was reluctant to leave, and left the country's Fenghua City at night.

Outside the city, inside a small ruined temple.

The younger brother of the current lord of the Land of Snow, Fenghua Hayuki, is secretly discussing a major matter with a group of snow ninjas here with a kerosene lamp on!

In short -

I think my father is unfair!

I am also his son! Why didn't this country be handed over to me but to him? He is partial!

This chapter has been completed!
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