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Chapter 67: In most cases, the game starts without knowing it!

In the morning, in the backyard where the wind was blowing.

Wearing a cotton coat, cotton gloves, and a scarf covering her neck tightly, Gui stood in front of a group of Snow Ninjas with her hands folded, her eyes closed, and she spoke seriously to the Snow Ninjas behind her.

"Listen carefully, even ninjas who are about to die at any time due to harsh tasks will not succeed if they don't know how to relax. So..."

As he spoke, Gui opened his eyes, looked at the open space in front of him filled with thick snow, and announced loudly.

"The first Snow Ninja Cup Snow Sculpture Competition officially begins now!"


In an instant, all the snow ninjas responded at the same time and raised high the weapons in their hands, such as kunai, skis or shovels of the same style as Katsura's.

"Quiet down a little!"

Gui spoke again, and at the same time, all the snow ninjas fell silent instantly.

After clearing her throat with her hands in her hands, Gui took out a few coupons from her sleeves.

"As for the prizes in the competition, the first place is a set of 1,000 taels of tickets for the Anti-Yi Patriot Training Lecture Hall taught by me personally, and the second place is a set of 500 taels of tickets. The consolation prizes in the future are not enough, but they are given by

I just signed a poster of Anti-Yi Patriots officially certified by Katsura Kotaro, so everyone still needs to work hard to get better prizes. And then..."

Having said this, Gui changed the subject, and then pulled Feng Hua Ragao, who had been dragged over at some point, and continued.

"For the sake of fairness, I invited Your Excellency Nu Tao to serve as today's judges together with me and Elizabeth. Your Excellency Nu Tao, is there anything else you want to say to the contestants?"

Because all the kitchen workers had joined Gui's camp, Feng Hua Furong Tao was forced to open the business early in the morning without even having breakfast. His eyes were lowered for a while, and he still looked like he had seen the various situations in the world and life and death.


"Everyone applaud!"

Bang bang bang!

Gui took the lead in applauding and shouted with tears in his eyes: "I can see that Sir Nu Tao is looking forward to your work, so please perform well!"


Seeing the group of snow ninjas in high spirits and Nu Tao who was forced to go to work, Xue Beng on the side gritted his teeth and dared not speak out his anger.

In less than ten days, not only the Snow Ninjas, but also all the servants in Lord Nu Tao's mansion sided with this strange man!

Although it is a bit unbelievable, Master Nu Tao was ignored by this man in his own home! If this continues...

Xue Beng didn't dare to think about it anymore. He always felt that once he thought about it, he would be in despair without any hope! But he couldn't despair, not only for Lord Nu Tao but also for the future of Xue Ninja!

You must be forbearing, and in your forbearance, you must find a sure chance to eradicate this man in one fell swoop!

Xue Beng swore secretly in his heart, but at this moment, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Fubuki who was building a snowman beside him.

"Xuebeng, aren't you going to join?"

"Huh!" Upon hearing this, Xue Beng couldn't control his anger instantly, "Don't be ridiculous! How could a ninja waste time doing such boring things! If you have free time, why not do physical training!"

"That's it, then it's up to you."

Having said that, Fubuki stopped talking to Avalanche and excitedly built her own snowman, determined to get first place and get the chance to be tutored by Katsura alone!

Of course, I didn't think about those messy things that needed to be mosaic, I just wanted to be influenced by Guisang's thoughts!

"Look! I made Master Nu Tao!"

One snow ninja pointed at his snow sculpture and excitedly invited everyone to watch. After seeing the Q version of the angry wave carved by that snow ninja, the other snow ninjas couldn't help laughing.

On the other hand, Xue Beng, when he saw that kind of thing for the first time, he felt angry and furious!

"You brat! You should stop joking in moderation! How can that kind of thing be Master Nu Tao! Get out of here! You guys don't understand the greatness of Lord Nu Tao at all!"

After more than ten minutes, looking at his work "The Great Master", Xue Beng couldn't help but nodded frequently and put away his kunai with satisfaction.

"Did you see it? This is Lord Nu Tao!"

Xue Beng pointed at the handsome snow sculpture with long legs and eight-pack abs that could hardly be identified except for his hairstyle, and spoke very seriously to the snow ninja just now.


Fubuki immediately retorted, pointing at the snow sculpture made of Avalanche and spitting wildly: "What part of this does it look like to Lord Fury? The legs are too long! Where did the big belly go? And the facial features are even.

His handsome face must be someone else’s! Zero points! It’s not real at all, so I get zero points!”

"In my mind, this is Lord Nu Tao's true attitude! He always has this attitude!"

"I don't admit it! That's not Lord Nu Tao at all!"

The quarrel between the two became more and more intense, and their faces got closer and closer. When it seemed that the two of them were arguing and might start fighting, Elizabeth stood between the two of them at the right time and raised the white wooden sign.

[Appropriate artistic processing is not a foul.]

"Damn it!" Fubuki clenched her fists unwillingly.

"Hahahaha, so please stop this boring game quickly!"

"Don't underestimate me! Avalanche! Look! The work we all made together!"

As he said that, Fubuki also turned sideways and stretched out his hand to gesture to the "giant" snow sculpture standing side by side that was made by a group of snow ninjas at some time. Gui and Elizabeth stood side by side and looked to the west!

"How about it! You can't defeat us just by relying on the artistic processing of your personal imagination! Hurry up and give up and quit the game! Avalanche!"

Looking at the vivid snow sculpture made by the other party, Xue Beng looked at the snow sculpture he made that was indeed handsome but completely lost in aura, and his fists were clenched.

"Damn it! Wait for me! I will definitely make a snow sculpture even more majestic than that one! Lord Nu Tao, please believe me!"


Sitting on the judges' bench and refusing to resist despite being forced to do business, Feng Hua Furong Bao uttered a single syllable without raising his head.

This single syllable with only one syllable "ha" also expresses the desirelessness and indifference in Nu Tao's heart at this time.

For Nu Tao right now, maybe lunch is the most important thing.

As the sun sets, the first Snow Ninja Snow Sculpture Competition also comes to an end.

Facing the setting sun, raising his head and looking at the two extremely completed and magnificent snow sculptures, Gui Ye was a little confused and didn't know who to give the championship to.

Xue Beng, who had a dirty face on the side and was still breathing heavily, looked like he had a chance to win. He was convinced from the bottom of his heart that he was more than twenty meters tall.

Will definitely win!

This chapter has been completed!
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