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Chapter 74: Doing business requires a win-win situation!

The original one-week trip to the Snow Country was postponed to two weeks due to some special reasons.

After personally trying the self-heating fully automatic toilet, Hayayuki also agreed to trade exchanges with the Land of Rain, and signed an agreement with Yahiko on trade between the two countries in the presence of the ministers of the Land of Snow, as well as Nagato and Konan.


The document established a series of matters including trade tariffs, manpower ratios for cargo transportation and security, and merchant ship insurance.

The steam internal combustion engine, a technological application that is widely used in the country of snow, would have been given to the country of rain by Zaoxue for free if the third doctor and other ministers had not stopped it.

Under the urging of the third doctor and other ministers and two days of discussions, steam trains, a technology that has long been popular in the Snow Country, were sold at a good price.

——Three hundred heated fully automatic toilets in the early stage! Not only are they free of charge, they also require door-to-door installation and after-sales service! Also, all automatic toilets in the Land of Rain within ten years must be discounted at 50%!

Yahiko and others gritted their teeth and agreed!

In short, the result is that the Snow Country thinks they have made a profit, and they will never use ice butts again from now on!

In order not to make themselves feel guilty, the trio from the Country of Rain also gave the Country of Snow a series of preferential policies for trade and interaction.

Seeing that the representative of the Country of Rain was doing alms in the name of trade, Hayayuki was so moved that he personally sent him to the train before leaving.

Until the train arrived at the terminal, Hayazuna still held Yahiko's hand and refused to let go for a long time.

I never thought there were such ninjas in this world!

Is this a ninja?

No! This is obviously a living Bodhisattva!

Train terminal.

"What about that, Mr. Zaoxue, we are leaving, so what about..."

After realizing that he had lost his temper, Zaoyue quickly let go of his hand and said with a moved expression, from today on, the Land of Snow and the Land of Rain are brothers whose blood is thicker than water, no distinction between you and me!

Yahiko, who felt a little guilty after being stared at, hurriedly said goodbye and pulled Nagato back, who was about to give a small special product from the Land of Rain to Princess Koyuki for the 83rd time. The three of them formally left the Land of Snow with Konan.

Listening to the real calls from Hayayuki and others behind him, Yahiko, who was carrying an internal combustion engine, steam engine and various black technology blueprints, also felt that his face was a little burning.

In a hurry, his pace quickened a bit.

"By the way, if we have been away for so long, nothing will happen to the Country of Rain, right?"

On the way to the border of Snow Country, Xiaonan couldn't help but ask.

"Basically everything is fine at the moment. If something goes wrong, the shadow clone will definitely cancel it and tell me what happened." Yahiko said.

"Well, everything is fine in the Country of Rain. Nothing unexpected happened. My Samsara Eye can share the information of the shadow clone."

Nagato, who was dragging a lot of snow country specialties, said casually, and Konan's worries were finally relieved.

"Then again, do you think something is wrong in the Land of Snow?" Nagato continued as if he had thought of something, "Although I can't explain it clearly, I still feel that something is wrong."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiaonan nodded and said seriously: "Well, after Nagato said this, I also feel that something is wrong. Although it is peaceful and the master of the Wind Flower Leader is also very good, but..."

"Indeed, I also feel that something is not quite right."

Hearing what Yahiko said, Konan and Nagato looked at Yahiko in confusion at the same time, trying to get some answers from Yahiko.

"Don't look at me like that. I just feel like there's something wrong, but I can't really explain it. Maybe we're too preoccupied."

Having said this, Yahiko stopped and looked at the vast snowfield in front of him with emotion.

"Although this country has a harsh environment, it is very peaceful. The senior officials led by Mr. Zaoyue also care about the people, and the people's happiness index is very high."

Xiaonan nodded: "Yes, maybe we are overthinking."

"No, we seem to have missed a little bit."

Nagato spoke, and then pointed to the forehead protector on his head towards the two of them, and only then did Konan and Yahiko react.


"That's right, it's a ninja. We didn't see any snow along the way..."

Before Nagato could finish his words, he suddenly heard a strange scream from Wuhu. When he turned around, he saw a dozen figures surrounding him.

Yahiko and others also became alert when they saw the group of snow ninjas rushing towards them on fully automatic sleds.


Seeing the snow ninjas letting him leave after asking about the situation, Yahiko was also surprised.

This is what happens when ninjas from other countries enter our own country! You should treat me a little more! Why don't you stop questioning me seriously?

Are you so casual about your own country?


After thinking about it, Yahiko called to stop a group of snow ninjas represented by Dong Xionghail.

"Huh?" Daxiong stopped and looked at Yahiko with a confused look.

"The attitude is too casual! We are ninjas from another country!"

Big Bear scratched his head: "I know, but didn't you say that you just came to the Snow Country to get the trade license? The leader said that if you are not here to do any bad things, you can ignore them."

"That's not what I meant. I mean you should be more careful. What if we lie? What if we actually do something that harms this country? Think about it more!"

"Oh!" Big Bear nodded quickly, and then asked again, "Did you just lie?"

"No." Yahiko shook his head.

"Oh! Goodbye!"

"Wait for me!!"

Yahiko snarled wildly and called the other party to stop again. In his heart, he was also madly complaining that the other party was too upright.

"What's wrong?" Big Bear looked confused.

Without waiting for Yahiko to say anything, Nagato took the lead and walked forward with a serious face. Seeing this scene, Yahiko, who thought Nagato was trying to save himself some saliva, also closed his mouth.

"Can...can you try this for me?"

Looking at Nagato who asked this question while pointing at the snowboard on which the other party was riding, Yahiko snarled again.

"That's not it!"


Big Bear looked at his own skateboard and scratched his head again, and Nagato, who mistook the other party for trouble, quickly took out his wallet that had been mended countless times by the survivors.

"Is the money okay? How much can I skate once?"


"Can three hundred taels be okay?!"

"Three hundred taels!"

Daxiong was a little confused. Three hundred taels converted into about one, two, three, four...how many rice balls are there?

"Yeah! It's settled! I'll give it a try!"

When Nagato tried snowboarding for the first time in the ninja world, Yahiko also gave a good education to these rough-and-tumble snow ninjas.

"...Do you understand? This kind of interrogation must be more strict! The identity and purpose of the other party must be completely verified!"

"I see."

Big Bear nodded while nodding at the three hundred taels in his hand, thinking in his mind how to spend this ill-gotten wealth.

Should I buy all the plum rice balls or indulge in a few tuna rice balls?

Of course, Xue Beng and the others cannot know about it. If they knew about it, they might rob themselves because they are now loyal to Master Nu Tao and have no jobs to take.

Seeing that Daxiong was not listening at all, Yahiko finally gave up and told the other snow ninjas some of the key points of the cross-examination.

This chapter has been completed!
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