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Chapter 8: It is clear at a glance who is ahead and who is behind in internal and external troubles! (Newcomers ask for support)

"Then question two, please translate the following words using kana pronunciation."

As he spoke, Katsura once again posted a big-character poster on the blackboard. On the big-character poster was the name of Sansho Hanzo.

This time, having learned the lesson from the previous question, Yahiko followed Katsura's lead in answering the question.

If the opponent's troops are all useless, then the enemy's general should explain more harshly!

After writing down all the curse words he could think of, Yahiko was convinced that he would definitely get the answer right this time!


Looking at the correct answer announced by Gui: Cheapskate/Why don't you die yet?/When will you die? Yahiko was silent again.

"Who can understand this?"

"What a pity, it seems that no one answered the second question correctly? So, now comes the third question, giving those who have not answered any question correctly a last chance."

"Damn it...!!" Yahiko clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He didn't even answer a single question correctly!

"Ask a question, how many noses does Jackie Chan have? This question is quite difficult, so I will give you some more time to think about it and give you an hour to think about it carefully."

Who is Jackie Chan?!

Yahiko has completely collapsed. Is this a name? Is it a person's name? If it is a person's name, it means that the other person is a human being. Generally, humans only have one nose, but... But if it is so simple, the teacher will not set aside an hour.

, is there any hidden information in this question?

As Yahiko frowned and thought carefully, an hour passed quickly.

"The answer is now announced. The number of noses Jackie Chan has is... one!"


The pen in Yahiko's hand was broken by him, and the final answer he came up with after revising it on the answer board revealed something.

"It seems that only two people passed the first exam. Yahiko, please continue to work hard in the next practical exam."

"Teacher, is it too late to drop out of school now?"

Yahiko raised his hand expressionlessly and asked.

"Listen, no matter what method you want to use to change this sad country, there is no chance without overthrowing the current regime. This country has always been facing internal and external troubles. From the literal meaning, it is clear that we must first

Solve internal problems before solving external ones. Although there are examples in history of transferring internal conflicts to external conflicts to save the country, it is not suitable for this country."

Listening to Katsura's long speech, Yahiko was thoughtful, then raised his hand and asked: "Does it mean that to change this country, we must confront Hanzo? But what I want is to unite all the ninjas in this country through dialogue.

To stop the war..."

Gui also nodded and said: "Well, Yahiko, your idea is very good, but it is not applicable to this country. I know Hanzo's character very well. He is very wary of domestic armed organizations other than his own."

Afraid that others will affect his status!

Moreover, the confrontation I am talking about is only in terms of ideas, and you do not necessarily have to fight the other party. It is just like the second practical test I arranged for you! You can seize power step by step through other methods.

Change this country from the top down!

After that, with the power and voice of an entire country, we will work hard to change this ninja world where wars are constantly happening. This is my suggestion to you. Of course, you can also do it according to your ideas, but as far as the reality is concerned, this

It’s the path with the highest probability of success.”

"Change this country from top to bottom..." Yahiko murmured and repeated Katsura Gang's words, and a new path was suddenly laid out in his mind.

Seeking like-minded companions, fighting for the power of this country without bloodshed, changing the country from top to bottom, and then affecting the entire ninja world...

"Okay, it's time to announce the topics for the second practical exam. The exam content I have assigned to you is -"

As he said that, Gui once again posted a big-character poster on the blackboard: "That's right! This is your first practice of resisting the foreigners! At dawn tomorrow, you will sneak into Hanzo's residence to conduct a sneak attack. I got this

I have clearly memorized the structural diagram of Hanzo’s residence!”

"Wait a minute! This is too fast... No, it's too radical! Didn't you just say that you can seize power without bloodshed? By the way, where did you get the architectural diagram of the house?"

"Don't get excited yet, Yahiko, I haven't finished talking about the mission yet. The specific content of the mission is, after entering Hanzo's residence, did you see that there are only these two locations? Entering these three locations will..."

Looking at the three positions on the topographic map pointed by Gui, Yahiko couldn't help but swallowed. This time the practical test... was for real!

"...the roll paper in the toilet is turned upside down and placed inside like this!"

"Why!!" Yahiko had completely collapsed, holding his head and shouting frantically, "Why is it just toilet paper! Why do you want to turn the toilet paper upside down? I don't understand it at all!"

"No..." Nagato held his chin and analyzed seriously, "Look carefully, Yahiko. In this way, they won't be able to easily tear off the toilet paper! The teacher said before that attacking the heart is the most important thing.

Doing this kind of thing will definitely make the other person irritated or even show off their flaws when going to the toilet!"

"I see..." Yahiko's eyes widened, but then he complained again: "...what the hell! Why do you have to hold on to the toilet paper when you've already sneaked in? By the way, he took off his pants from the toilet.

The flaw has already been exposed from the very beginning!"

"Thank you for discovering it, Yahiko. You are indeed one of my favorite anti-barbarian patriots!"

"Ahhhhh! Let me die!"

"Due to some reasons, the practical exam has been temporarily put on hold and we will go directly to the third exam, actual combat!"

"Yoshi! I've been waiting for a long time!"

Hearing Gui announce the news on the podium, Yahiko couldn't wait, clenched his fists, and his face was full of excitement.

Xiaonan raised her hand and asked: "Can I ask what the reasons are for some reasons?"

"Well, that's a good question, because I just remembered that Hanzo actually replaced all the toilets with fully automatic warm water toilets, so now they don't use toilet paper!"

Seeing Gui announcing such news with a serious face, the three little devils also fell silent at the same moment.

Rainy day, outdoors.

Looking at the three "cubs" who had obviously grown much taller and more mature, Gui's eyes gradually softened.

"Congratulations, you graduated."

Hearing the sound, the three Nagatos who were supporting each other and standing opposite Katsura burst into tears at the same time... That was impossible.

"What a graduate!" Yahiko, who was covered in swarthy afro, said with bulging fingers, "What is that silver, exploding ball rolling over? Is that a ninjutsu?! It's too foul! We

We haven’t even taken action yet!”

That's right, after the so-called sparring officially started, the three little guys were ready to go, but before they had time to take action, a small silver metal ball rolled up at the feet of the three of them.

And then... the battle was over.

"Oh, you said this," Gui said, taking out a small metal ball from his arms, "this is a time bomb."

"So...why is it a bomb? Is that considered an exam?!"

"Have you forgotten what I taught you? For something that cannot be lost, you will not hesitate to use dirty methods!"

"Shut up!" Yahiko was really angry and had the urge to part ways with him right now.

"And..." Gui's expression softened again, "In fact, there is no need for this kind of test to prove your growth, because all your growth over the past three years has been seen by me."

For a moment, Yahiko and the three of them all opened their eyes wide and looked at Gui with such a rare expression in disbelief. Then, the three of them also felt that their eyes were a little moist.

Even as a teacher whose mind is offline most of the time, he still learns a lot, enough to probably last a lifetime.

"Yahiko, your dream is really far away for you now, so I will cheer for you. Nagato, don't forget what I told you, I always believe in you. Xiaonan, girls generally

They are more careful, so you should take more care of these two careless men."

"What? It's so sensational. Teacher, you are not a person suitable for sensationalism at all."

Yahiko turned his face away, and even though his lips began to tremble slightly, he was still showing off. Every moment of the three years he and Gui were together kept flashing through his mind.

"So, the last question, Yahiko, what do you think the so-called political power is?"




"That's not right! Listen up, Yahiko. The so-called foundation of political power is actually the people at the bottom! Don't forget the saying that water can carry a boat and also capsize it! Finally, see you again!"

After saying that, Gui Xiaosha turned around, and Elizabeth also held up the white wooden sign "Goodbye qaq..." with tears in her eyes before turning around and following Gui.

Looking at Katsura's leaving figure, Yahiko's nose felt sore, and then he turned around and spoke in a trembling voice: "Nagato, Konan, let's go."

Looking at Yahiko who couldn't hold back his tears after saying this, Xiaonan also sighed softly and complained: "Obviously, you are the one who quarrels the most with the teacher..."

"What a shame! I didn't feel reluctant... to leave... Wuwuwu..."

Seeing Yahiko with tears streaming down his face, Nagato and Konan looked at each other and smiled helplessly, and then they comforted Yahiko with words from you and me.

Of course, what a few people didn't know was that there was another person who actually cried harder than Yahiko, and that was... Gui, who was holding Elizabeth for comfort. His big watery eyes were filled with tears and he kept sobbing.

And Elizabeth kept using her hands to comfort the teacher who was clearly reluctant but insisted on pretending to be relaxed in front of the students...

This chapter has been completed!
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