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Chapter 83: Thinking about the title here is like opening the food delivery software for half an hour and not knowing which one to order

"Our loyal and brave warriors of the Demon Legion!"

Standing on the stone platform in front of a group of ninjas under the command of the monsters, Gintoki had a serious expression, holding a wooden sword and doing pre-battle mobilization very seriously.

"Now most of the ninjas in the ninja world have been defeated by our Lord Demon's stand-in army and disappeared under the army's iron cavalry! Look! The fire in the distance reflected in the bright night sky is really proof of the justice of our Demon Lord! We have suffered a lot.

The remaining forces of the five major countries that were severely damaged are already useless! To put it bluntly, they are just garbage!"

(Note: Gintoki’s words are a spoof of the last speech delivered by Kirien Zabi to the remaining sergeants gathered here before the first battle of A-Bawaku, after refusing to reconcile and killing his father.)

As soon as Gintoki's voice fell, a group of ninjas under the demons started waving flags and shouting in response! The sound was loud and clear for a long time!

Kushina and the others who had just arrived were standing behind a group of cheering ninjas with their hands raised in the air. When they saw this scene, they were all silent, with expressionless faces and no words.

At this time, it was the agreed gathering time. The investigation mission of Kushina's group had been completed. However, when they arrived at the meeting place, they found that Gintoki and others were not there.

After searching for a while, they saw the message left by Kakashi. Kushina, Shisui and Lin, who followed the message, saw a scene that they didn't know how to complain about when they arrived.

All the ninjas, encouraged by Gintoki, who was like some kind of high-level executive in front of the stage, became very energetic and kept shouting strangely. The two real high-level officials behind Gintoki on the stage couldn't stop nodding.

"Our goal is to make sure those bastards from the five major countries never come back! To bring the entire world under the rule of our demonic army! Rise up, comrades!"

As soon as Gintoki finished speaking, the voices of the ninjas gathered in the audience rose again and continued for a long time!

Under the stage, Obito, who was closest to Gintoki, was completely brought in. He clenched his fists and couldn't stop crying.

"Let those bastards from the five major countries never come back!"

With Obito taking the lead, the subordinates of these monsters also enthusiastically joined in.

Seeing the enemy with soaring fighting spirit, Kushina finally couldn't help but ask Kakashi who was walking towards her.

"Then what...Kakashi, what...is going on?"

Looking at Kushina whose eyes were twitching, Kakashi sighed tiredly, and then he pulled a few people to a corner and told them everything.

It turned out that after they separated, Kakashi, Gintoki and Obito quickly found out the location of the Terracotta Warriors Arsenal. However, after sneaking in, they discovered that the so-called arsenal did not rely on manpower for production.

To be precise, the so-called arsenal is actually two big pits, and a batch of terracotta warriors and horses will emerge from them every once in a while.

And all of this is controlled remotely by the so-called sprites, and there is no possibility of blowing it up or stopping it, except for killing the sprites behind it.

Gintoki and the others, who originally wanted to go back and wait for Kushina and others to complete their mission and reunite, go to the Kingdom of Demons to look for monsters, suddenly encountered the enemy ninjas who were gathering...

"...and what you see is what you see. According to the information I found, this army will soon go to the Kingdom of Ghosts to join the large army of monsters."

After Kakashi finished speaking, Kushina finally understood, nodded and analyzed: "In other words, Gintoki has infiltrated into the enemy's army and gained trust. We can also follow this ninja army to find him openly.

The exact location of the demon..."

Kakashi held his forehead and sighed: "Judging from that idiot's performance, that idiot brother has indeed made such a plan. You guys, please put away your forehead protectors, and I will take you to change clothes."

Seeing Gintoki being courted by all the enemy ninjas on the stage, Shisui took off his kunai from his forehead and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

"As expected of Shiroyasha Gintoki-senpai..."


On the stage, the two real enemy high-level officials standing behind Gintoki were also excited and excited because of what Gintoki had just said.

"Well said! Newcomer!"

The white-haired middle-aged man took a step forward, patted Gintoki's shoulder and said with tears.

The black-haired middle-aged man also took a step forward, looked at the shouting ninjas below and nodded with satisfaction: "From today on, you will be the captain of this group of ninjas. Go to Lord Sprite, I will

I will also ask for credit for you."

"No, no, my lords. I deserve it, as long as you give me a dessert shop and a strawberry milk factory after you rule the world."

"Hahaha!" The black-haired middle-aged man also laughed and patted Gintoki's shoulder vigorously. Then he looked at the white-haired man beside him and said, "Give everyone the things that Lord Demon gave you."

The white-haired man nodded after receiving the look from the black-haired man, and then stretched out his white-white arm. Then, Gintoki discovered that several centipede-like insects suddenly appeared on the white-haired man's arm!

"This is also a gift from Lord Demon."

Seeing those bugs slithering around and making piercing strange noises from time to time, Gintoki's IQ instantly came online and he quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, Yin Sang, I really deserve it!"

"No need to refuse, you deserve this." The black-haired man shook his head and smiled.

"No, no, no, there's really no need! Besides, Yin-sang, I already have bugs!"

"Huh? Already have one?" the white-haired man wondered.

"Really! There is already a huge insect, sir!"

With that said, Gintoki stretched out his hand and started to untie his belt, but just in the middle of untying it, he was stopped by Kakashi who had led Kushina and others who had already changed clothes and witnessed everything with a flying kick.


Gintoki, who was kneeling on the ground while holding his crotch, raised his head tremblingly and looked at the white-haired man in front of him with cold sweat.

"Sir... why don't you give me one? The villain's original one... seems to have a little problem... No... one may not work, please give me a few more... You know, my original one is very


White-haired man:......

Black-haired man:......

"Sir, should we set off?"

Kakashi, whose acting skills are excellent, asked the black-haired man.

The black-haired man pondered for a moment: "Well, you're right. Lord Demon is waiting for everyone. Once we meet, it's time for us to launch a general attack on the witches of the Kingdom of Ghosts!"

"This is the road map," the white-haired man threw a scroll towards Kakashi, and turned around at the same time as the black-haired man, "Be quick, let's go ahead and report to Lord Demon."

Looking at the white-haired man who turned around without any hesitation, Gintoki, who was kneeling on the ground with his crotch covered, suddenly became anxious.

"One...one is fine! Sir! Please, sir! Sir! Sir——!"

Perhaps because he was a little impatient at being shouted at by Gintoki, the white-haired man casually threw a black insect behind him, and then left quickly without looking at it...

This chapter has been completed!
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