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Chapter 113 Insidious Words

The Zhenyu Country in the East is often very different from all other countries in terms of war strategies. Normally, whether they initiate the war or are forced to fight, although everyone has different positions and purposes, if it really comes to the scene, then

Everyone will tacitly abide by the rules on the battlefield. Whether they win or lose, now that they are on the scene, they have the demeanor and bearing that a *** team should have.

However, Zhen Yuguo is "unique". They always like to sneak up on everything and cause some troubles. Just when people think they may be about to start a big fight, they suddenly disappear like ghosts. The same is true for them in wars.

, Xuli State has always only focused on border defense and has never taken the initiative to attack any country. Zhenyu State has understood this and will unscrupulously harass the border areas, finally irritating Xiang Juan's army.

But they fled again.

Every time he mentioned this matter, Jiang Yingnian couldn't help but curse. In his opinion, Zhen Yuguo's endless harassment behavior was like a lunatic. He would bite others when he went crazy, but he would have nothing to do if he was not crazy.


I don't know if it was a coincidence, or the Zhen Yu *** team got some information, but the day after Xiang Ju'an left the Eastern Camp, the team from the Zhen Yu Country in the East showed up again to cause trouble.

This time, like every time in the past, they launched another aggressive provocation. In order to ensure that the people in Xuli's army would be angered, these troops from the True Fool Country even sent people to shout and curse at the gate of Xuli's camp.


They are indeed well-trained, and when they curse, they have deliberately learned the local curse dialect of Xuli.

As expected, the fire in Jiang Yingnian's chest was ignited amidst their yells and curses.

When two armies are fighting, it is the most normal thing to be scolded. This is almost a tactic that has been accepted by people. For example, when attacking a city, if the people in the city do not come out, this is the best time to scold them.


As long as the scolding is harsh, the person being scolded will not be able to stand a few words, and then he will come out to challenge.

Although Jiang Yingnian has a bad temper, he is not angry without reason. He is angry in his heart, but he can still maintain his rationality. When the soldiers who had sent the message came in to report, they said to Jiang Yingnian in a squeaky voice:

"Lord Jiang, those stupid people outside are scolding you!"

After hearing the report, Jiang Yingnian even chuckled and said: "If they want to scold me, they can scold them. They don't even know a few words in Xuli, so what else can they scold me? Call me a "coot"? Or?

Call me a "cowardly little kid"?"

The soldier who passed the news looked embarrassed. He stopped talking and looked at Jiang Yingnian.

Jiang Yingnian turned over the military book in his hand and said leisurely: "Let them scold you for a while longer. Don't worry, they will stop when they get tired of scolding."

"Their people have come to the gate of our camp and started shouting." The soldier said, "Sir, are we really not going to respond?"

Guan Jiyu hurriedly walked in from the outside and said to Jiang Yingnian: "This time they seem to be serious. I looked over from a distance. The people in front of the team didn't look like ordinary people. I guess they were

, they deliberately made some false impressions to confuse us the past few times, but this time are they really going to catch us off guard?"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Yingnian closed the book in his hand and said, "I'll go out and take a look."

When Jiang Yingnian walked to the observation deck, there was indeed a lot of shouting and cursing outside the camp. Listen carefully, you can see that these people from the Really Foolish Country in front of them were all speaking in Xuli dialect and cursing them.

After Jiang Yingnian listened for a while, his face became very ugly.

The people of Zhenyu State were not fools. After yelling and scolding for a while, they found that the people of Xuli did not accept this trick at all, so they quickly changed their strategy.

At this time, what Jiang Yingnian saw were the crowds of soldiers from the Zhenyu Kingdom outside. They were all moving strangely, as if they were possessed by evil spirits. They were shaking their heads and mumbling words, and they were walking like crabs, swinging back and forth from side to side.

Although Zhen Yuguo's style has always been strange and incomprehensible, this time, they broke Jiang Yingnian's understanding of their previous "yin, yin and yang".

Jiang Yingnian heard from a distance that what they were saying was some sinister words. There were not many novel words, but every word was a curse.\./hand\./machine\./edition\.


They are very smart, not to curse the person in front of them, but to point at the Xuli army in front of them. (The next page is more exciting!)

Everyone’s family.

"Those who oppose the Really Foolish Country will have no peace in every household."

"Those who are against the True Foolish Country will have their parents die young and not have a good ending."

People from the Really Foolish Country speak the local dialect of Xuli with some accents, and they always pronounce some words out of tune.


After listening to it for a while, Jiang Yingnian understood that the "curse" they were talking about was a curse.

Such insidious words quickly defeated the originally determined Xuli soldiers. There must be someone in Xiang Ju'an's army whose parents were sick or unwell. Everyone was a son and could not fulfill their filial piety.

Anyone who hears these words will feel uncomfortable.

The curse words continued.

Jiang Yingnian saw the soldiers around him, either with tears in their eyes or furious, and they all threatened to kill these beasts like Zhen Yuguo!

Sometimes people can be very strong, strong enough to withstand all the trials and blows in this world, but sometimes people are so fragile, so fragile that they cannot bear even a harsh word about their loved ones.

"Zi curses those who are against the True Foolish Country. Anyone who has sisters will be slaves and will be trampled and humiliated by me. Anyone who has brothers will become a living target and suffer the pain of being pierced by thousands of arrows..."

All brothers are living targets, suffering from thousands of arrows piercing their hearts...

The swarming heads under the high platform made a "buzzing" noise. Jiang Yingnian suddenly felt dizzy. After his mind went blank for a moment, those words passed through his mind again.

Suffering from thousands of arrows piercing the heart.

This time, he felt like he couldn't hear anything in his ears. The dense crowd of soldiers from the Zhenyu Kingdom in front of him opened and closed their mouths. Jiang Yingnian couldn't hear a word of what they said.

At this moment when the army was approaching the city, it was supposed to be the moment when he was arranging his troops in high spirits, but he felt an unprecedented heartache.

The heart that was beating in his chest was suffering and suffering at this moment.

Jiang Yingnian opened his mouth and casually grabbed a soldier next to him. His ears had not yet returned to normal, and he said "Ahhhhh" several times, but could not say anything. The soldier called him worriedly: "Master Jiang? You

Are you okay?"

When the soldiers surrounding Jiang Yingnian saw that the situation was not good, someone quickly called Guan Jiyu.

Guan Jiyu hurriedly walked ahead, and when he was still a dozen steps away from Jiang Yingnian, he asked: "What happened? What's wrong with you?!"

When Jiang Yingnian saw Guan Jiyu coming, his eyes rolled, and the tears in his eyes could no longer stop flowing.

"What's wrong?" Guan Jiyu asked again.

Jiang Yingnian pointed at the Zhen Yuguo team under the high platform, and spoke with difficulty, "How could this happen..."

Guan Jiyu patted his back and comforted him: "Don't be in a hurry, speak slowly!"

He closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face, and he even swallowed: "You can scold me, hate me, or kill me. Just listen to what they say."

"Whose relatives are not relatives? They cursed me like this, my eldest brother... eldest brother..." Jiang Yingnian could no longer piece together a complete sentence. He was so angry that his fingers trembled violently and his eyes were horribly scarlet.

Guan Jiyu also heard the curse words of the Zhenyu soldiers outside. She looked at Jiang Yingnian calmly, trying to give him a force from her firm eyes, a force that could stabilize his mind.

"Yingnian, look at me." Guan Jiyu held his arm tightly and said, "Listen to me and don't pay attention to what they are saying. Just treat what they say as a bunch of mad dogs barking.

Okay. Remember, we are normal people, and normal people would not say such sinister words, let alone curse casually!"

"Yingnian, don't fall for their female cadre trick!"

The words woke up the dreamer. At this moment, Jiang Yingnian was sweating profusely. When Guan Jiyu said this, he was freed from the intense grief.

He gave the group of shouting Zhenyu soldiers a hard look and said firmly: "Vanguard archery team, go out to fight!"

Together with him, Guan Jiyu picked up their weapons in tacit understanding. The red tasseled spears fluttered with red shadows, and Yuehan's bow was sharp. Without saying anything, the two of them steadily dispatched their men and prepared to go out to meet the enemy.

The "buzzing" sound outside suddenly stopped. The leading generals of the Zhen Yu Kingdom looked at each other and raised their scythes high. (The next page will be more exciting!)

As soon as they got up, the team behind them automatically separated and moved back.

Guan Jiyu and Jiang Yingnian couldn't help but look at each other. Guan Jiyu said: "What do they mean? They all hit the door and finally forced us out. What do they mean by withdrawing another team?"

"Hmph, it's a boring trick." Jiang Yingnian said: "It's just a change of soup without changing the medicine. They obviously don't want to use this place as a battlefield. They are trying to lure us to their territory."

Guan Jiyu frowned and said, "Do you really think we are fools?"

"They are a bunch of beasts. The lives of innocent people can be used as the host for their curses. Will they still look at us with equal eyes?" Jiang Yingnian sneered: "I'm afraid we are not even close to them in their eyes."

It doesn’t count as a human being, right?”

As soon as Xuli's team came out of the gate, Zhenyu's team, which had been waiting for a long time, attacked like wild beasts. Jiang Yingnian had already arranged archers on the tower in advance. At this moment, arrows fell like a drizzle.

The soldiers of Zhenyu Kingdom came to the end one after another. They were not willing to use this place as the main battlefield. Now that they saw how powerful Xu Li's archery team was, they all wanted to retreat.

Guan Jiyu fought hard in front of the battle, while Jiang Yingnian held the Yuehan Bow to cooperate with her. Everywhere he went, there were corpses of Zhenyu soldiers.

"They are about to retreat, stop fighting!" Jiang Yingnian saw the situation clearly and quickly reminded Guan Jiyu.

Guan Jiyu's red tassel gun rotated in a circle on her back. After killing the last enemy around her, the red tassel gun landed steadily in her palm.

“I know.                                                                                                    Generation since the

Just lead the way. If we don’t follow, let’s see what they do!”

Seeing that they were not catching up, the Zhenyu *** team kept wandering around and around. Finally, someone spotted the opportunity. In the chaos, taking advantage of Jiang Yingnian's unpreparedness, he threw an iron chain at him.

There was an iron hook tied to the end of the iron chain. The hook was thrown very accurately and just hooked on Jiang Yingnian's ankle. His whole body was suddenly punched and he fell hard to the ground.

The people who captured Jiang Yingnian did not give him any chance to escape. They cheered and dragged him back and forth, and the crowd laughed.

"Yingnian!" Guan Jiyu shouted in shock...

This chapter has been completed!
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