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Chapter 122 The Golden Armored Man

This waste pond that looks like a swamp is full of thick, dark green liquid, which is emitting steam. It is not particularly hot here, but this waste pond is as if it has been boiled on a fire.

Bubbles and gurgling.

Guan Jiyu was nauseated by the smell emanating from the waste pool. She covered her mouth and nose and frowned, holding back the discomfort and said: "Let's get out of here quickly. I don't know what is in this waste pool. I smell this smell."

I just want to vomit."

There is only this road in front of them, and the waste pond blocks their way. If they want to continue moving forward, they must find a way to cross this waste pond.

Jiang Yingnian's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area. Except for a crooked-neck tree next to the waste pond, there was nothing here.

Zhe Shu couldn't help but groaned again: "Is it so difficult to go back? These damn fools have to go through 7749 difficulties before they can let us go back properly?"

"Actually, it's not difficult." Jiang Yingnian pointed to the inconspicuous crooked-necked tree and said, "Well, isn't that right?"

Zheshu said: "You mean that crooked-neck tree? It grows on the edge of the waste pond, still some distance away from us. How to get up there?"

Jiang Yingnian said with disdain: "What are you doing up there? Do you still want to jump from that tree to the other side? Tsk tsk, you are always talking about how smart you are. At this critical moment, why are you just a little bit

Have you lost your brain? Think about it carefully, where was I when you came to rescue me?"

Only then did Zhe Shu suddenly slap his head and suddenly realized: "Ouch, I know, I know!" He said with a smile: "Third Young Master, what you mean is that we find a way to find some rope and hang it on the crooked neck of this tree.

On the tree, and then we use the rope to swing from here to the opposite side of the waste pond. Is my guess correct?"

Jiang Yingnian raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, children can be taught."

Guan Jiyu said: "It is not easy to find a rope here. Look here, there is nothing useful around here."

Jingcun said: "Actually, we could have cut off the rope on the turtle shell stone sculpture, and the length of the rope tied to it would be very suitable. However, now that the rope on the stone sculpture has been changed, we can't fix it for a while.

Get those ropes off."

Jiang Yingnian indeed looked confident. He walked back and forth a few steps with his hands behind his back, stared at the three people in front of him, and said: "Who said there is no way? People come up with solutions. I said you Qingziying

People who only know how to practice martial arts with knives and guns all day long? Didn’t Big Brother ever let you exercise your brain before?"

"Third Young Master, do you have an idea?" Zhe Shu said in surprise.

Jiang Yingnian smiled slyly and said, "Take off your clothes."

Take off your clothes?

Zheshu and Jingcun looked at each other, completely confused as to what kind of medicine was sold in Jiang Yingnian's gourd. Zheshu hesitated and said: "Third Young Master, what did you say? This is not good, Ayu is still here, your name is

Let's take off our clothes..."

Jiang Yingnian said strangely: "I meant to ask you to take off the clothes you are wearing, but I didn't ask you to take off your pants. Why are you so shy there?"

Jiang Yingnian pointed to the only inner garment on his upper body and said: "Look at my clothes, I only have one piece of clothing. If I take it off, it will be gone. Zheshu, you and Jingcun must be wearing more than this."

Just take off one piece of clothing for each of you."

Zhe Shu and Jingcun were still hesitant to move, so Jiang Yingnian walked over and took the initiative to help them take off their clothes, one by one. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's almost it, that's enough!"

He called Guan Jiyu again and said, "Tear these two pieces of clothing into strips and tie them up!"

Guan Jiyu moved quickly with her hands and quickly tore all the clothes into long uniform strips of cloth. After tying them all, she picked up two stones on the ground, tied them to both ends of the completed strips, and handed them to

Jiang Yingnian said: "Okay, the next step is up to you."

Jiang Yingnian came over, holding the stone in his hand, narrowing his eyes slightly, raising his hand and throwing it accurately at the crooked neck tree. The stone and the cloth strips were wrapped around the branches several times, which was considered solid and firm.

Jiang Yingnian looked back at the three people behind him and said, "I'll go over first, and then you guys will go there one by one."

Come here!" After saying that, he grabbed the cloth strip in his hand, curled up his legs and feet, and swung all the way across the waste pond to the other side like a swing.

He settled firmly on the opposite side, waved to them, and said: "Come here quickly, catch it!" Jiang Yingnian threw back the cloth with the stones tied in his hand, and Jingcun took it, but

He handed it to Guan Jiyu and said, "Ayu, you go first."

Guan Jiyu nodded, without saying anything else to waste time. He took the cloth and quickly swung it to the other side. After several attempts, the four of them finally crossed the waste pond smoothly.

Zhe Shu kept fanning with his hands and said with a look of disgust: "It stinks so bad! Fortunately we came here, otherwise we would have been smoked to death. Let's leave quickly, we don't want to smell this disgusting smell again!"


The four of them formed a formation of two in front and two in back, and continued to walk forward. The road here was very wide and flat, with few trees, and there was almost no shelter wherever they looked. Everything seemed smooth.

Frankly. Although they still don't know everything about the road ahead, they are not as nervous as they were at the lower level.

"Jingcun, tell me, where are we now? Why do I feel like I keep walking like this? Are we getting closer to the exit, or are we getting further away? What if we go in the opposite direction?"

Jingcun shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I can't remember the direction for a long time. But fortunately, this is the road in front of us. If we keep going, we will reach the end. We will find a way out first."

Zhe Shu's stomach made a "gurgling" sound. He rubbed his stomach and said, "Hey, I'm already hungry. I used to hate the food in the camp. Now even if I'm asked to eat it with a pot, I'll definitely eat it."

I can eat it all! Hehe."

Jingcun patted his belly and said, "Just bear with it a little longer. When you get out, when you get back to the camp, let them cook a big pot of rice for you to eat as much as you can!"

While they were joking, Jiang Yingnian and Guan Jiyu, who were walking in front, suddenly stopped. Zheshu and Jingcun also stopped suddenly and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you leave?"

About less than twenty steps in front, stood two fully armed men, both of whom were much taller than ordinary people!

After Zhe Shu saw it clearly, he couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva and whispered: "It's so tall. What are these two? Are they...people?"

Guan Jiyu and Jingcun had already taken the lead in standing in front with their weapons raised, in a posture ready for battle.

Jiang Yingnian took out a dagger from his boots and cursed: "I lost my bow somewhere on the way here. It's really uncomfortable to have no one to use it at the critical moment!"

Guan Jiyu asked: "Is it the Yuehan Bow? It was a special gift from the Sixth Prince. It would be a pity to lose it!"

Jiang Yingnian did not have suitable combat tools, so he could only stand behind him. Zhe Shu stepped forward to meet him, standing in a row with Guan Jiyu and Jingcun, protecting Jiang Yingnian in the rear.

Jiang Yingnian said angrily: "I feel bad when I mention it! That is a top quality bow. No, I must find a chance to find that bow back!"

The two tall people in front of them were dressed exactly the same. They both wore golden helmets. The helmets were fully enclosed, even their faces were covered, only a pair of eyes were exposed. They were wearing red bottoms.

, there is also a golden vest-like armor on the outside, and golden armor is worn on all parts of the body that need protection.

The men in golden armor walked in unison. They did not hold any weapons in their hands, but each wore a pair of golden gloves. They waved their arms and approached Guan Jiyu and others step by step.

Guan Jiyu held a long gun in his hand, pointed the tip of the red tassel gun directly at the two people walking towards the opposite side, and raised his voice: "Who is coming?"

They did not answer Guan Jiyu's words, nor did they stop moving forward. Zhe Shu said again: "If you don't retreat, don't blame us for being rude..."

As soon as the word "qi" came out of Zhe Shu's mouth, Guan Jiyu heard the sound of someone falling to the ground next to him.

It was Zhe Shu. For some reason, he suddenly couldn't support himself. He knelt on the ground with one leg and barely put his sword on the ground to support himself. Guan Jiyu saw that Zhe Shu's hand holding the sword was shaking violently.

Two lines of nosebleeds slowly came out of his nose. Guan Jiyu said in surprise: "Are you okay? Zhe Shu!"

Zhe Shu waved his hands and said feebly: "It's okay, I'm okay, it's just that my legs and feet suddenly became weak."

"You should rest for a while first!"

The two golden-armored men in front of him were still approaching slowly. Guan Jiyu hurriedly called Jingcun, hoping that he and Jingcun would take the initiative to go up to meet the enemy, so that Jiang Yingnian and Zheshu could rest aside. She turned her head and was shocked again.

Jingcun's face had a strange green color, and there was a nosebleed in his nostrils!

"Jingcun, Jingcun!" She pointed at Jingcun's nose and said in surprise: "What's wrong with you... what's wrong with you high-end people?"

Jingcun wiped away the nosebleed and said, "It's okay, Ayu, I'm okay!" After saying that, he rushed over first, jumped up with his feet on the ground, and struck straight at one of the golden-armored men with the sword in his hand.

Go, the man in golden armor seemed to have judged the direction he was coming from, and they did not dodge at all. Facing the oncoming Jing Cun, one of them calmly raised his hand and easily grasped Jing Cun's blade.

Seeing that Jingcun was restrained, Guan Jiyu followed him and swung the red tassel gun at the man in golden armor holding the sword. The man in golden armor then tilted his head back to avoid it. Jingcun took advantage of the man in golden armor not paying attention.

In an instant, he quickly withdrew his sword.

After just such a fight, Guan Jiyu and Jingcun already had an idea of ​​what their opponent's strength was.

They looked at each other and said nothing. It was not appropriate to say anything at this time. Even if this bone was difficult to chew, they would not be able to retreat. Even if they broke their teeth, they still had to chew off some of this hard bone.


Guan Jiyu spun the red tassel spear and threw it towards the two golden-armored men on the opposite side. This was her most proud move, and it was often a move that was only used at critical moments.

Jiang Yingnian witnessed the fight not far away. He saw that Guan Jiyu used this move at the beginning, and he couldn't help but feel cold...br


It was only three moves. Guan Jiyu thought he was trying his best to move them, but the other party just brushed them away with ease.

The Hongying gun almost missed every time. She took the gun back and propped herself on the ground, breathing heavily. Her vision gradually became blurry. She saw Jingcun launching an attack again, but she had no strength to follow up.

She seemed to hear someone calling her: "Ayu? Are you okay?"

Guan Jiyu shook her head vigorously. When she turned around, she saw Jiang Yingnian holding her nose and looking at her with worry.

In his hand was a torn piece of clothing material, which had been soaked in blood.

The world was spinning, and Guan Jiyu could no longer hold on. She only felt darkness in front of her eyes, and she fell down and lost consciousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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