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Chapter 132 Medicine Pond

There were very few maids in the Sixth Prince's Mansion. Because of Guan Jiyu's arrival, King Ying took the unprecedented step of finding more than ten maids specifically to serve Guan Jiyu.

After Guan Jiyu finished bathing, the maid next to her helped her change into a moon-white satin dress with a round collar. The pants were also made of the same material. Her black hair was tied up with a carved wooden hairpin, and her pink face was fair and shiny.

The food in the Sixth Prince's Mansion is very exquisite. Guan Jiyu has only stayed here for less than two days, and his complexion has already recovered extremely well.

Prince Ying was very satisfied with her condition. He even said happily: "My vision is indeed good. Ayu, your physique is better than many men."

Guan Jiyu teased: "Don't say that, Your Majesty, I always feel weird when I hear what you say. It sounds like you are praising a pig for getting fat. I don't know whether I should be happy or sad."

King Ying smiled happily and said: "Why do you compare yourself to a pig? I won't kill you to eat. Don't think of me so badly. Ayu, when this matter is successfully completed, I will not treat you badly."


Guan Jiyu said: "I don't expect the prince to treat me well. The relationship between you and me is just a transaction. I just hope that you will do what you say. When the transaction is over, you will let me go and pretend that we have never met."


Prince Ying smoothed back his flying hair, narrowed his eyes, and said, "The people who came out of Xiang Ju'an's military camp are really heartless."

All the preparations have been completed. Guan Jiyu walked into the secret room. There was an old man in foreign clothes sitting inside. Xia Mingzhong pushed King Ying in slowly. King Ying introduced: "This is Master Zeng Qi. I specially learned from He Chi."

The doctor invited by Liu, Master Zeng Qi will accompany you in every level of practice of the "Wind Slashing Technique" this time. If you encounter any questions, you can ask him."

Master Zeng Qi's beard was already graying, and he cast a firm look. He had almost no unnecessary words and just motioned for Guan Jiyu to sit down.

Guan Jiyu sat opposite Zeng Qi. On the table in front of him were large and small silver needles, about a hundred in total. Guan Jiyu couldn't help but feel physical pain just by looking at it. Zeng Qi could see her fear and

He gave a comforting look and said, "Don't be afraid, just hold on."

Zeng Qi first signaled his maid to roll up Guan Jiyu's sleeves. He took out several slender silver needles and pricked them one by one. Guan Jiyu breathed a sigh of relief. When she was young, she was afraid of getting sick and taking medicine. Although she had practiced

Although she has a lot of skills, she has endured hardships. She is a person who can endure hardships, but when she sees these needles, she can't help but feel scared.

After all, the fear was greater than the pain. Guan Jiyu closed her eyes tightly. After an unknown amount of time, Zeng Qi called her: "It's over, you can open your eyes now." She slowly opened her eyes.

Her limbs, including the top of her head, were covered with dense silver needles. King Ying's eyes kept falling on her body. When the acupuncture was finished, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked an inexplicable question: "Do you want to eat something?"

What? I'll ask the kitchen to cook it for you."

Guan Jiyu froze, not daring to move, and said: "Wait a moment, I don't have much appetite yet. Besides, how can I eat like this?"

Zeng Qi took out the prescription again and asked his maid to sprinkle the medicinal materials into the pool according to the dosage on the prescription and soak them in hot water. After all the medicine in the medicine pool was soaked and dissolved, Zeng Qi took out all the silver needles from Guan Jiyu's body.

He came down and said: "You can enter the medicine pool to soak."

After saying that, Zeng Qi put away his medicine box and pushed it out of the secret room first. The maidservant walked up to Guan Jiyu with a plate. There was a set of plain white gauze clothes on the plate. After Guan Jiyu put it on, Guan Jiyu

Stretch out your feet and step into the medicine pool.

Guan Jiyu didn't understand the so-called acupoints on the human body. Almost all of Zeng Qi's needles were used on her body. She didn't look at her body carefully. She didn't need to think about it. She knew that her body must be densely packed with needle holes.

The potion in the medicine pool was steaming. She tested the water temperature with her feet and found it was a little hot. However, the maid said: "Master Zeng Qi said that the hotter the water, the more effective the medicine will be. Girls, it's better to take a dip while it's hot."

Guan Jiyu had no choice but to walk into the medicine pool and sit down, muttering to herself that it would be nice if someone could take a hot bath like this in winter. Although it was late summer, the weather was still quite hot, so it was too hot for her to take a bath like this.

Even though she was drinking water, she wasn't afraid of fainting from the heat.

It turned out that she was overthinking. This was not an ordinary bath, and she had no chance to faint from the heat. As soon as Guan Jiyu sat in the water and soaked his body in the potions, he slowly felt the potions touching his skin (this chapter is not finished yet).


Chapter 132 Medicine Pond

The stinging pain came in waves, like countless little ants gnawing at her. It was bearable at first. After soaking for about a stick of incense, Guan Jiyu felt that she was getting hotter and hotter, and there was no drop of sweat on her forehead.

The drop fell into the medicine pool, her cheeks turned red, and even her lips turned deep red.

Guan Jiyu's mouth was dry and her throat was so dry that it was almost smoking. She said hoarsely: "Is there any water? I'm so thirsty..."

The maid stepped forward and said respectfully: "Girl, Master Zeng Qi said that you cannot eat or drink water during the soaking period."

Guan Jiyu said sadly: "Ah? Are you so strict? You are not even allowed to drink water, but I am really thirsty..."

The maid just strictly followed Zeng Qi's instructions and said: "Girl, there is still time for one stick of incense, please be patient, it will be soon."

Guan Jiyu had no choice but to continue to endure this long period of thirst. All she could think about was "wanting to drink water". She could no longer feel the pain from the needle pricks on her body or the soreness caused by the erosion of the medicine.

She thought of what Prince Ying had said about her, "Your physique is better than many men." What kind of advantage is this? Guan Jiyu felt irritated and anxious, even a little annoyed with himself. The disadvantage of being in good health is that he feels like fainting now.

Unable to faint, I could only sit awake in this medicine pool and wait.

Although she was sitting quietly and motionless, her thoughts were thousands of miles away.

Guan Jiyu thought about what Jiang Yingnian, Han Xu and He Lanlan were doing in the eastern camp for a while. How was Zhe Shu's injury treated? Then he thought about the Yanjiang Corridor in the north, where Xiang Ju'an and He Lanlan were wondering.

How is the conflict with Chi Liufang? Is Xiang Lincheng still with him, or has Xiang Lincheng returned to the capital? She stopped at the door of Xiang Lincheng last night, but she didn't knock on the door. Now she just feels that it is better to leave Xiang Lincheng

It's so far away. There is also Xiao Qingyuan in the north. Guan Jiyu hasn't been to the north for a long time, and he doesn't know how Xiao Qingyuan is doing now.

She was worried about too many people and things, and after worrying about a large circle, her thoughts returned to herself.

A maid came forward and reminded: "Girl, the time is up, you can come out."

Guan Jiyu was about to stand up in a hurry, but she didn't realize that her legs and feet were numb until she stood up. She endured the numbness, took the water glass from the maid's phone, and drank a glass of water in big gulps. Only then did she feel that she had picked it up again.

Half a life.

The maids wiped off the medicine stains on her body with clean handkerchiefs, and changed her clothes. Guan Jiyu quickened her pace and walked out of the secret room. The sky outside had darkened. She took a deep breath of the air outside before she felt

Feeling better.

Prince Ying had already ordered people to arrange the meals. Guan Jiyu looked at the large and small plates and soup cups on the table. They were all nourishing. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your Majesty is really thoughtful. As the saying goes, eating people with soft mouths takes advantage of short hands.

, the food you gave me was so good, I would not risk my life to help you heal your leg, I really can't bear your warm hospitality."

King Ying leaned forward slightly, filled a bowl of soup with his own hands and handed it to Guan Jiyu, saying: "Drink some soup quickly. Didn't you keep shouting that you are thirsty in the medicine pool? I asked someone to stew several things for you.

There are soups, both sweet and salty, you can drink as much as you want."

Guan Jiyu picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, stretched out his hand to serve himself a bowl of sweet soup, blew on it and drank most of the bowl, and said: "I won't say more if you want to be polite. I don't have time to spare at night. Master Zeng Qi

He said that he would need to change another pool of potion at night to continue soaking."

"Yeah." King Ying watched her eating the food without caring about her appearance. When she saw that Guan Jiyu had taken two more bites of any dish, he asked someone to move the plate in front of her.

Guan Jiyu had almost finished eating, so he put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "I'll go back to the room and rest for a while. I have to go to the secret room later."

Just as she was about to leave the dinner table, Prince Ying stopped her: "Ayu."

"Huh?" Guan Jiyu looked at him doubtfully, but he hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Thank you for your hard work."

Guan Jiyu felt baffled. He was the one who tried so hard to negotiate a deal with her and asked her to come over to practice the "Wind-Destroying Technique". He was also the one who kept promising and thanking her.

Guan Jiyu couldn't understand this person.

"What do you mean by hard work?" Guan Jiyu scratched his hair and said, "Don't I owe you too? You got us out of the Well of Purgatory. This is what I promised you, so naturally I have to do it with all my heart."

She returned to the room and lay on the soft couch for a while. She estimated that the time was almost up and started to bathe again (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 132 Medicine Pond

Take a shower and change clothes, then return to the secret room.

Master Zeng Qi was already waiting in the secret room. After taking Guan Jiyu's pulse, he nodded, took out another prescription, and ordered his maid to prepare the medicinal materials and put them into the medicine pool.

This time the water in the medicine pool was replaced with ice water.

In fact, Guan Jiyu had just stepped into the secret room and felt the chill inside. The clothes on her body were so thin that she couldn't help but fold her arms in the cold and said, "Why is it so cold?"

The maids ground the required dozen medicinal materials into powder and sprinkled them all into the pool. Guan Jiyu followed the original steps and put on the gauze clothes needed for soaking the medicine. He skillfully tied up his hair and walked slowly.

Put it in the medicine pool.

Chill rushed up to her head along her toes. Guan Jiyu was so cold that she got goosebumps. She sat tremblingly in the pool. She hissed over and over again to force herself to adapt to the water temperature.

She thought of the dream she had, which was sometimes cold and sometimes hot, making her suffer from the pain of ice and fire. This dream should be a reminder to her that she would have to sink into this kind of pain from time to time in the future.

It was late at night, and the ice pond had been soaked for longer than before. Guan Jiyu's body was so cold that he lost consciousness, his head was groggy, and his consciousness was gradually weakening.

"It's so cold, so cold..."

She struggled to squeeze out these words from her throat. At this moment, the maids had already retreated, and everyone in the palace must have fallen asleep.

Guan Jiyu seemed to have had a dream. In the dream, she was in the Beizhong General Mansion Concentration Camp. She was caught in the cold and lying on the bed, and her whole body was burning hot. She also felt cold at that time, and her teeth were chattering from the cold.

She dreamed again that someone knocked on her door. She opened the door and saw a cup of clear chicken soup outside. The warm chicken soup moistened her tongue and slid into her throat warmly. This was the warmest moment she felt.

The taste of that cup of chicken soup was something she would never forget...

At that time, she thought it was from Xiang Lincheng, but she always thought it was from Xiang Lincheng.

It wasn't until Jiang Yingnian came alone from the east to deliver eight-treasure sweet rice to her at the Yanjiang Corridor that she realized that the cup of chicken soup that had always been in her mind was Jiang Yingnian secretly climbing over the wall at night.

, braved the wind and snow to catch her chicken and stew it...

Jiang Yingnian, Jiang Yingnian.

"Jiang Yingnian, I'm so cold."

Chapter 132 Medicine Pond

This chapter has been completed!
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