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Chapter 144 Lesson

Eastern Camp.

Zhe Shu's body gradually recovered, and all the wounds left on his body when he was in the Well of Purgatory gradually healed.

Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, but after he recovered from his injury, he was no longer as happy as before. Everything in the military camp remained as usual. After Zhe Shu lay in bed and spent a period of time in a daze, he ignored the advice of others.

He took more rest and then took the initiative to return to his original post.

He was responsible for military camp training as before. After completing his own tasks every day, he would sit alone on the school field again.

Zhe Shu is always alone, he no longer keeps company with anyone.

Seeing Zhe Shu's state, Han Xu felt very uneasy.

Han Xu asked Jiang Yingnian worriedly: "Master, it's been so long since Zhe Shu came back, but he has hardly spoken on his own initiative. Is there any injury in his body that has not yet recovered?"

Jiang Yingnian stared at the lonely figure from a distance, and said after a long time: "I'm afraid this injury won't be cured in a short time. @essence\/书馆*First update~~" He said helplessly: "It's not a physical injury.

The injury is the injury in his heart. We are not him, we don’t know the suffering in his heart, and we can’t help him. This time, we can only wait for him to slowly come out of the pain."

The bell rang for dinner, and everyone was waiting in the back kitchen with their rice bowls. Zhe Shu stood silently at the back of the team with his own bowl. The team moved forward in an orderly manner, and suddenly two people came from behind the team.

The hurried soldiers, who were out of breath because they arrived late, casually lined up behind Zheshu.

Jiang Yingnian and Han Xu had already found a place to sit. Seeing Zhe Shu still queuing up, Han Xu reached out and waved to Zhe Shu and called Zhe Shu several times.

Zhe Shu smiled faintly and did not move his feet, which was a polite rejection of their kindness.

Such a rejection was expected. After returning from the Well of Purgatory, Jiang Yingnian never saw Zhe Shu talking to anyone, nor did he see him sitting with anyone to eat. Zhe Shu was the most lively,

In the past, he always liked to get into crowds of people, and he also liked to gather a group of people to eat together. It was forbidden to make loud noises during meals in the military camp. He was not afraid of punishment and always happily chatted with everyone.

Now Zheshu has completely changed into a different person. Silence has become his protective shell. He is hiding in that shell and no one can call him out.

Even Jiang Yingnian couldn't.

Jiang Yingnian could only say: "Forget it, Han Xu, let's eat first."

Before Jiang Yingnian had taken a few bites of the rice in the bowl, he heard the two soldiers behind Zhe Shu starting to whisper.

The two people's voices were quiet at first, but the more they talked, the louder they became. Apart from the sound of chopsticks being moved at the dinner table, the two people's discussion was very obvious, and Jiang Yingnian could hear it clearly.

I only heard one of the soldiers say: "Hey, our camp is not rich in material resources. Serious soldiers only need to eat. Why should every piece of white rice be used to feed the idlers?"

"That's right!" Another soldier answered: "In my opinion, we should change the rules in our military camp. Nothing in this world is static. If some people are incapable, they should come down and let them go.

Substitute someone who is capable, and there is not just one person in this military camp who is capable, there are many capable people!"

Jiang Yingnian heard all these words. At first he just thought that the soldiers below were displeased, but after a few private discussions and complaints, he didn't take it to heart until Zhe Shu walked to the table with food.

, when Jiang Yingnian picked up the rice spoon and filled the rice, he accidentally saw the two soldiers following Zhe Shu winking at each other.

Zhe Shu's hand holding the rice spoon was very unstable. He struggled to put a large spoon into the rice bowl. Because of the old injury on his hand, he couldn't help but tremble and spill some rice.

He held the bowl with one hand and slowly picked up the spilled rice bit by bit with the other hand.

The soldiers lined up behind him tutted when they saw this: "I don't know what the general is thinking. Although it is said that everyone who can enter this military camp is capable, but what if a person had the ability in the past? What if now?

If you are useless, you should see clearly how much you weigh, and consciously give up your seat, so as not to make a joke and make people dislike you in vain!"

Another soldier rolled his eyes, thinking that no one was paying attention, and deliberately pushed the soldier who was talking to him. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 144 Lessons

Then, the one who was pushed pushed towards Zhe Shu's back. Zhe Shu didn't pay attention to being squeezed like this. He lost his grip on the rice bowl and dropped it directly into the large basin filled with vegetables in front of him.

Because he didn't stand firm, he threw himself forward. Even though he quickly supported the table in front of him with his hands, he couldn't avoid getting some food on his clothes.

The instigator looked at Zhe Shu wiping the vegetable soup on his body in embarrassment, and said sarcastically with great satisfaction: "Master Zhe Shu, why are you so careless? The general often tells us not to waste, but you are just careless, but

So much food was wasted.”

Zhe Shu lowered his head and slowly wrung out the soup from his clothes. He looked at the rice bowl in the communal basin, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to carefully remove the rice bowl.

"If you can't even eat, you can just say so! If you ask someone to help serve the rice, no one will dare to refuse." The soldier behind him said disgustedly: "Who wants to eat after it's like this..."

Zhe Shu paused for a moment while cleaning up his hands. He did not explain or refute. He was surprisingly quiet. He took a clean rice spoon, dug out all the places where his rice bowl had been, and put it in.

He carefully picked out the rice grains that accidentally spilled into his bowl.

Zhe Shu's actions left almost no grounds for investigation. He walked to a table in the corner with his rice bowl and started eating alone in silence.

The two ill-intentioned guys just didn't taste the sweetness, and they really had nothing to criticize. They looked at each other bitterly, and then reached out to fill the meal.

One of them seemed to be unwilling to give up and muttered again: "What are you doing? The food has been cold for so long, how can you eat it..."

Jiang Yingnian had been paying attention to the "farce" in front of him, which was not a farce. He tolerated it for a long time, and finally when he finally heard this grunt, the anger in his heart was completely ignited.

Han Xu noticed Jiang Yingnian's anger and saw Jiang Yingnian put down the chopsticks in his hand and stood up suddenly. Han Xu called him: "Young Master?" Jiang Yingnian didn't seem to hear him and walked straight towards Sheng Sheng.

In front of two soldiers serving meals.

Jiang Yingnian snatched one of the people's rice bowls, poured all the rice in it into the vegetable basin on the table, and stirred it vigorously, mixing all the rice and vegetables that had been poured in.

"Your rice has soiled the entire vegetable basin, how can others eat it?" Jiang Yingnian crossed his arms and said, "If you can't serve it yourself, just come to me, I have plenty of ways to help you serve it.


The two soldiers making trouble seemed not to have expected Jiang Yingnian to behave like this. They were so frightened that their faces turned red and white, and they responded repeatedly: "Master Jiang, let's clean up this place immediately."

"Clean up? What else should I clean up?" Jiang Yingnian asked back: "You have already made a good dish like this, how can you clean it up? Did you clean it up cleanly?"

Both soldiers lowered their heads guiltily and did not dare to say a word.

Jiang Yingnian deliberately mixed rice into most of the pot of vegetables in front of him, making it a mess. No matter how much he picked it, he might not be able to clean it.

"You two -" Jiang Yingnian pointed at the food in front of him and said, "Since you can't sort it all out, just give it all to me."

He Lanlan happened to walk into the dining hall at this time. Seeing this scene, he asked: "What's wrong?"

When the two soldiers saw Helan Lan walking in, they quickly begged for mercy as if they had seen a savior: "Master Helan, please help me to beg for mercy. Master Jiang will punish us to eat all these meals."

The soldier grimaced and whispered: "Who can finish such a big pot... Besides, there are many brothers who haven't come yet. What will they eat when they come..."

Jiang Yingnian looked coldly at the two soldiers begging for mercy in front of him and said firmly: "You eat what you have. As for the people behind you who don't have enough to eat, I will ask the chef to make some more." He pushed the vegetable basin to the two of them.

In front of him, he said sternly: "Eat!"

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. Seeing that He Lanlan didn't want to plead for them, they had to bite the bullet and eat it with chopsticks.

There was silence in the dining hall. Everyone looked at the two people who were punished in public. The expressions in everyone's eyes were also complicated. Some people cast sympathetic glances, while others had "deserted" expressions on their faces.

Jiang Yingnian stood in front and said bluntly: "Brothers, today I. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 144 Lessons

Punishing these two people is not because I have any personal conflicts with them. I, Jiang Yingnian, will not bully others casually for nothing." He looked around and solemnly said: "I hate having people like this in the military camp the most.

If everyone talks about people so unscrupulously, what will it be like?! Some things can be discussed, but some things can never be discussed! Next time if I hear someone say something that shouldn't be said, I will never

He will be punished lightly like this time and will be dealt with directly by military law when the time comes!"

Zhe Shu calmly finished the food in his eyes. He didn't seem to care about what happened in the dining hall. He put away his bowls and chopsticks and walked out silently.

Jiang Yingnian looked at Zhe Shu's back, sighed and sat back down. He could only see this situation once and for all, but Zhe Shu really listened to those unpleasant words.

He Lanlan also sat over and said, "What's wrong? Why do you suddenly get so angry?"

Jiang Yingnian pushed the dish in front of him to the middle and said, "It's nothing. There were two ungrateful guys who said some ungrateful things there. I punished them."

He Lanlan also noticed the changes in Zhe Shu. Watching Zhe Shu walk out silently, he asked Jiang Yingnian: "It seems something is wrong with Zhe Shu this time?"

Jiang Yingnian took a mouthful of rice and said: "He suffered a heart injury. For so many years, he and Jingcun have been almost inseparable. Now he just can't accept that Jingcun is no longer here, so he has become like this."


He Lanlan probably guessed why the two people who were punished were punished. He took a bite of the food and said while chewing: "If you really said something you shouldn't have said, the punishment is very light." He looked at it again.

The two soldiers who were grieving and eating the food from the basin said: "In the past, when we were at the Beizhong General Mansion concentration camp, if we had encountered such talkative people, Zhe Shu would not have spared us lightly."


Jiang Yingnian said dullly: "I feel uncomfortable just thinking about the past. I was a good person, why did I become like this?".

Chapter 144 Lessons

This chapter has been completed!
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