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Chapter 149

Fengguanxiapei, bright red makeup.

All the decorations on Jin Chan's body were what she had been thinking about for a long time, but the scene in the dream was really strange. She was obviously a bride, but she still hadn't seen the groom.

She waited for a long time but couldn't wait for Xiang Lincheng to come. She anxiously took off her red hijab and saw someone sitting next to her.

Where the groom should have been sitting, Guan Jiyu was sitting peacefully.

Jin Chan saw that the clothes Guan Jiyu was wearing, the phoenix crown on her head, and the tassels hanging on her hijab were all exactly the same as hers.

"Who are you waiting for?"

In the dream, Guan Jiyu asked her doubtfully, and Jin Chan replied uneasily: "I am waiting for my husband, who are you waiting for? Why are you sitting on my wedding bed?"

Guan Jiyu smiled secretly and covered the Xiangpa again. At this time, there was a sound outside the door, as if someone was calling. The sound made Jin Chan's heart skip a beat. She recognized that it was Xiang Lincheng's.


He didn't show his face, but Jin Chan could hear his voice accurately.

She heard him calling: "Jiyu, come with me."

"Jiyu, you will always be my wife."

"Jiyu, Jiyu, I finally waited for this day..."

Guan Jiyu, who was sitting on the wedding bed, heard these calls and really stood up and ran towards the door. Jin Chan was anxious and scared, and shouted to stop Guan Jiyu with a sharp voice, but Guan Jiyu seemed to turn a deaf ear and was minding his own business.

The ground leaves.

"Stop! Today is my wedding day, why are you here!"

"Stop! Stop, Guan Jiyu..."

With the venting of heartache and anger in her throat, Jin Chan suddenly woke up. The military book originally held in her hand had fallen to the side. Jin Chan was startled and broke into a cold sweat. After realizing that this was just a nightmare,

Then she let out a long breath.

The huge room was silent and empty. Jin Chan covered the book of war on his chest and murmured: "How can you get something that I haven't gotten after working hard for so long..."

Jin Chan went out to buy some ingredients with her thoughts in mind. She washed vegetables and chopped meat by herself. After working for a long time, she came up with a few exquisite side dishes. She carefully put the prepared dishes into the food box and was about to go out.


She planned to go find Xiang Lincheng again, but she couldn't accept that Xiang Lincheng would have the heart to leave her alone in this empty room.

Xiang Lincheng has always been a soft-hearted person, and Jin Chan is sure that he will be soft-hearted to her again and again like before.

At the same time, Jin Chan no longer plans to live in the palace. Now that Xiang Lincheng has returned to the capital, she naturally wants to take him as her main priority. What's more, she has just replenished the missing medicinal materials in the palace. During this period,

There should be nothing wrong with her.

Jin Chan carried the food box and went to the palace specifically to say hello. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door of the palace, he saw Yue Xin running out in a hurry. Seeing her coming, Yue Xin's eyes lit up and she said excitedly:

"You're finally here, Miss Jin Chan!"

Jin Chan asked: "What's the matter?"

Yue Xin said anxiously: "The medicinal materials used by Miss Guan are not enough. Master Xia said that I have to ask you to prepare some more. I have searched for you for several times and I haven't seen you. I can't delay this matter, but I am so worried!"

Jin Chan asked in confusion: "How come there isn't enough? I've just replenished the goods, and the newly replenished medicinal materials were all ordered by me personally. How could they be gone in half a day?"

"Miss Jin Chan, absolutely nothing I say is false, and you have to believe me." Yue Xin explained: "I don't know what happened to Miss Guan's body in the past two days. It turned out that she was taking medicine normally.

But since the day before yesterday, she has been unable to take any medicine. She drank one mouthful and spit it out, and I boiled a large cup of medicine, but she almost threw up all the medicine. This goes on every day, how can this be okay!"

Yue Xin's face was full of sorrow, and she said worriedly: "Our prince is also busy today, but he also said that even if Miss Guan drinks ten sips and vomits nine times, the palace can still afford it! No matter what, the supply of medicinal materials must not be cut off," he said.

It’s about supplying medicine, so Miss Jin Chan, please give me more snacks.”

Jin Chan responded politely: "Your Majesty is serious. It's my honor to work for you. If you need any medicine, just tell me. My family's medicine field is rich in variety and has everything you need. I'll go back there."

, very simple.”

"That's good, that's good!" Yue (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 149: Please

Only then did he feel relieved and said: "Then Miss Lao Jinchan will send some more medicinal materials. I have already written the list. Just send it as I wrote."

Yue Xin took out a written list from her arms. Jin Chan looked at it once and wrote it down, saying, "It's the same old ones, I know them all."

She returned the list to Yue Xin and said, "I haven't seen Miss Guan much in the past two days. How is she?"

When Guan Jiyu was mentioned, Yue Xin's calm expression suddenly became serious again. "Ms. Guan's health has been obviously not good these past two days. She can't eat or sleep well. She has lost a lot of weight!

The most important thing is that I can't take the medicine, which makes our prince very anxious."

Jin Chan nodded thoughtfully and said tentatively: "I don't think Miss Guan is ill. Is she practicing some evil Kung Fu?"

Even though Jin Chan's voice was deliberately lowered, Yue Xin was still shocked when she heard it. Yue Xin waved her hands in panic and said: "Miss Jin Chan, you can't talk nonsense. If you are caught by the prince,

It's not good if you hear it!" She clarified: "How could Miss Guan practice some evil kung fu? Her kung fu is already so good, there is absolutely no need for her to come to our prince's palace to practice! It's not just to help our prince heal.

Illness... In short, this is a good thing, everyone in our palace knows it more or less, so everyone respects Miss Guan very much when they meet her."

"I see, I made a mistake." Jin Chan gave a friendly smile and said: "Yue Xin, don't accidentally say what I just said, especially Miss Guan, don't let her listen.

What if she is unhappy..."

"Don't worry!" Yue Xin said confidently: "Miss Jin Chan provides medicine to our palace and is also a very important person. How can I make the relationship between you difficult? I know what to say and what not to say.

That’s what you said!”

Jin Chan nodded, pointed to the food box slung on his arm, and said: "I made some food to give to a friend. When I come back from the delivery, I will arrange for the medicinal materials from the palace to be delivered before dark.


Jin Chan was worried that the food in the food box would get cold if she was delayed for too long, so she hurriedly ended the conversation and rushed to Xiang Lincheng's mansion.

Xiang Lincheng was at home. He was eating when Jin Chan came in. There were seven or eight dishes on the table in front of him. Jin Chan put down the food box in his hand and said, "It's better to come early than to come by chance. You are eating just in time."

Woolen cloth."

She opened the lid of the food box, and the aroma of the food inside rushed to her face.

Xiang Lincheng just glanced at the dishes she took out and said, "Why do you have to work so hard and come all the way here."

Jin Chan sat down next to him and said with a smile: "You are still telling me that the place you found for me is too big! I was frightened as soon as I entered. You said that I live in such a big house alone.

How do you get used to living there? You know I never like that kind of extravagance..."

She gently pushed all the dishes she brought in front of Xiang Lincheng and added: "Lincheng, why don't you vacate that house? I know what you mean, but you can live in such a big place alone.

, I don’t feel at ease after all, I might as well go back to my old house.”

Xiang Lincheng put down the bowl and chopsticks and said: "Since I said I bought it for you, you can move in with peace of mind. The house in the old house has been in disrepair for a long time, and I'm afraid it can't be inhabited now."

Jin Chan said: "I just went back and took a look. Except for the old tables and chairs inside, everything was fine. My father and I lived there for many years, and for me, there is no place comparable to it.


When Jin Chan saw that Xiang Lincheng no longer moved his chopsticks, she took the initiative to put some vegetables into his bowl and said, "Try it, I haven't cooked for a long time."

Xiang Lincheng looked at the food in the bowl and said, "I had almost eaten it before you came. I really can't eat anymore now. You can eat it."

Jin Chan held her chin in her hands and said in a softer voice: "Ah, food is the most important thing for the people. It's rare that I have put so much thought into cooking these dishes. Are you really not going to support me?" She urged: "

Eat quickly, I will go to deliver medicine to the palace later, and Miss Guan needs me to replenish some medicinal materials."

Xiang Lincheng's expressionless face soon became radiant, and his voice became excited as he asked, "Do you know the news about her? How is she doing now?"

Jin Chan was very pleased with Xiang Lincheng's impatient inquiry, and the postures of the two people changed in an instant. At least for now (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 149: Please

The person asking the question turned into Xiang Lincheng.

Jin Chan picked up the chopsticks, put a piece of vegetables into the bowl, took a small bite and then said: "Of course I know this best. All the medicinal materials used in the palace come from me."

"What happened to Ji Yu? Why is she staying in the palace when she is fine?" Xiang Lincheng leaned forward, eager to get her answer.

Jin Chan winked playfully and said, "You haven't tasted my cooking yet, and I haven't eaten either. Why don't you eat some with me before asking?"

Xiang Lincheng sighed, stretched out his hand to fill a bowl of soup and placed it in front of Jin Chan. Jin Chan took two sips with a spoon with satisfaction and said: "As far as I know, Miss Guan tried to use a strange method to cook the soup."

The healing technique is used to treat the leg injury of the Sixth Prince."

She pointed to her legs and said, "You must have heard of the prince's legs. They haven't stood up for so many years."

Xiang Lincheng frowned and said, "Ji Yu is a martial arts practitioner. How can she know any healing techniques? How could the Sixth Prince seem to be treating his leg injury?"

Jin Chan spread his hands and said: "Then I don't know. Anyway, I still want to go to the Sixth Prince's Mansion. I'll ask more questions after I go there."

Seeing Xiang Lincheng's worried look, Jin Chan comforted him: "Okay, Lincheng, just be rest assured! Miss Guan is taking my medicinal materials, and her health will only get better and better.

I see she is in great condition!"

Xiang Lincheng was worried and said dullly: "I'm just worried about her health... I really want to see with my own eyes how she is doing!"

Jin Chan stood up and neatly cleared away the food on the table, saying: "I will always pay attention to her. A special woman like Miss Guan, let alone you, even I like her very much."

She sighed and said: "I sometimes think about how great it would be if I were half as good as the girl..."

Chapter 149: Please

This chapter has been completed!
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