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Chapter 158 Go to Master Zeng Qi

Jin Chan's expression returned to normal, with a smile on his lips, and a hint of joking in his watery eyes, he said: "Master Xia's memory is not very good. When I saw you just now, I asked if the palace needed more medicinal materials.

You still say it’s not the case.”

She was still on the carriage, but Xia Mingzhong was extremely tall. Even though she was sitting on the carriage, she could only look at Xia Mingzhong's level. Jin Chan said again: "You seem to have something on your mind. You just said a few words."

Kung Fu, you asked for medicinal materials again. Mr. Xia, do you have anything else to say?"

Xia Mingzhong just glanced at Jin Chan lightly and said: "I didn't say that I was ordering medicine from the palace. Miss Jin Chan, I have a friend who is in poor health and has been bedridden all year round. Can't I get him some medicine?"

Medicinal materials?”

Jin Chan raised his eyebrows and said relaxedly: "Of course, I would like to thank you for your support."

Xia Mingzhong said: "When I finish writing the list, I will send it to your place. Please arrange it as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Jin Chan turned around and took out a pen and paper from the carriage, quickly wrote the address and handed it to Xia Mingzhong.

Xia Mingzhong then stepped away from the carriage and said, "I won't disturb you."

Jin Chan's carriage slowly drove away. Xia Mingzhong looked at the departing carriage thoughtfully and left silently for a long time.

Guan Jiyu has been lying on the bed for a few days. She still vaguely remembers Master Zeng Qi once saying that Chapters 8 and 9 of "The Art of Cutting the Wind" must be practiced one after another.

At that time, Guan Jiyu was still confused and asked: "Why? Is this required in the book? What impact will it have if the practice has to be interrupted in the middle?"

Master Zeng Qi just said: "There is no such clear requirement in the book, but from what I can see, since the cultivator has completed the purpose of this practice at the eighth level of practice, and at the eighth level, the cultivator also has to

If your body reaches its worst state, then the practitioner should put himself first."

Zeng Qi looked at Guan Jiyu, with a bit of heartache in his eyes, and said: "My child, no matter how good your health is, you can't withstand this sudden pain, so after you interact with the prince, you must remember to

Complete the ninth level of self-healing as quickly as possible."

At this time, Guan Jiyu was curled up in the quilt, and the cold disease in her body had returned. Now that autumn had just begun, Guan Jiyu already felt as cold as the depth of winter.

Yuexin covered Guan Jiyu's body with three layers of quilts, but Guan Jiyu still couldn't stop shivering. She clutched the corners of the quilt tightly, listening to her teeth fighting and herself mumbling involuntarily.

"It's so cold, it hurts..."

Yue Xin lay beside Guan Jiyu's bed and looked at Guan Jiyu worriedly.

Guan Jiyu didn't know when she started to have a high fever. It would have been fine if it was an ordinary fever, but the pain only affects the weak. Guan Jiyu clearly felt that her lower limbs felt like ten thousand steel needles were piercing her bones, picking at them.

Her flesh. Guan Jiyu considers himself a very strong person, but he cannot bear such endless pain.

Guan Jiyu closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Yue Xin, please help me, why not kill me and give me a good time!"

Yue Xin's tears fell down. She wiped away her tears and said, "Miss Guan, what are you talking nonsense about? I know you are feeling uncomfortable and it must be very painful now, but this is a life after all. How can you say you don't want it and just don't want it?"


"Ah..." Guan Jiyu sighed painfully, and the beads of sweat on her forehead were buried in the pillow. She held her breath and waited for the pain to pass, then opened her mouth and said softly: "

If I have to live like this all my life, I might as well die now... It's too easy to die, but it's so hard to live, so hard..."

A burst of pain penetrated from the soles of her feet to her calves and then to her waist. Guan Jiyu was so painful that she burst into tears. She clenched her fists and wanted to hit her waist to relieve the pain, but she didn't have any strength to reach her waist.

Yue Xin held Guan Jiyu's hand and said comfortingly: "Master Xia has already gone out to search. I heard that the prince asked him to put down everything he was doing, so he will concentrate on finding the missing pages for you. Just wait a little longer, girl."

Guan Jiyu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Yue Xin and asked, "Has anyone come to see me recently? I have been in the palace for so long, has anyone come to see me?"

Yue Xin shook her head and said: "I haven't heard of anyone looking for you recently. If there is, the gatekeeper Shuan Zi will definitely tell them."

Guan Jiyu closed his eyes lonely and said softly: "Please help me pay more attention. If someone comes to see me, you must tell me immediately..."

"Okay." After Yue Xin agreed, she wiped away the tears and sweat on Guan Jiyu's forehead. After wiping, she discovered that Guan Jiyu had fallen asleep.

Xia Mingzhong returned to King Ying's study and truthfully reported the situation to King Ying.

King Ying held a dried silkworm shell in his hand, which was the yin-yang silkworm that Guan Jiyu had to use in his previous practice. Due to the interaction of the eighth level of practice, the yin-yang silkworm had fully played its maximum role. After the practice, it

It also lost its life and turned into a dry shell.

He looked at the dried shell in his hand in fascination. After looking at it for a while, he looked at Xia Mingzhong and asked, "What do you think? Mingzhong, if the golden cicada really didn't take it, we can only do nothing."

Xia Mingzhong's eyes turned cold and he said, "Wait a moment, I want to observe her again."

After hearing this, King Ying looked solemn and said: "I'm afraid we don't have that much time. Others can wait, but Ayu can't. I think she can't stand it any longer. If she really can't find it, just go to Hechiliu.

Please ask Master Zeng Qi to come and take a look."

Xia Mingzhong nodded and said: "This matter is due to the negligence of my subordinates. This kind of thing can happen in the palace. Although I didn't get anything out of Jin Chan's mouth today, I judged based on my intuition that this Jin Chan

Miss Cicada, it’s not that simple.”

Prince Ying's mind is not on Jin Chan. For him right now, just Yue Xin's daily reports are enough to worry him.

For unknown reasons, after the eighth level of training interaction was completed, Guan Jiyu not only absorbed the original injuries and illnesses from King Ying, but also had many additional symptoms, which were much more painful than his original pain.

Every time King Ying heard Guan Jiyu's painful cries in the courtyard, he felt bad in his heart.

He waved his hands, feeling disappointed and guilty and said: "Don't look for it for now. Instead of wasting time on things that you have no clue about, it's better to find Master Zeng Qi first and see if he has any way to relieve it. What is Master Zeng Qi better than

We know better. Ayu followed him before and practiced under his guidance. Mingzhong, please set off quickly and invite him here."

Xia Mingzhong was quickly ready to leave. Before going out, he took another look at Guan Jiyu alone.

Guan Jiyu finally fell asleep, and Xia Mingzhong didn't wake her up. He just left her a few words: "Hold up a little harder."

Xia Mingzhong galloped on the street. People on the road saw him from a distance and all moved out of the way. Only one person refused to dodge. Xia Mingzhong was forced to pull the reins and slow down. As he got closer, he realized that the people blocking the road looked familiar.


The man didn't seem to be blocking the way on purpose. He was startled when he heard the neighing of the horse. He glanced at Xia Mingzhong before hurriedly walking towards the roadside.

Xia Mingzhong recognized the man in front of him as the one he met in Jin Chan's old house - Jin Chan's past husband.

He stopped Liu Jian and said, "Where is your wife? I want to buy some medicine from her."

Liu Jian muttered: "One or two people came to ask me, how do I know where she is? I have been unlucky enough in my life. I lost my wife in an unclear way. Who am I looking for with this tone?"

Go ahead..."

Xia Mingzhong frowned, took out a piece of paper from his arms, and said, "Look if it's here. I really have something important to see Jin Chan. Is this the right address?"

Liu Jian looked over and took a look. The expression on his face quickly turned to disdain. He sneered and said, "That's right. Someone is willing to buy her a big house. I can't give her such a blessing, so I deserve to lose my wife!"

He spat on the side of the road and said, "I don't know if that noble gentleman has no vision, or if Jin Chan is too wishful thinking, but in my opinion, they are all monsters, and none of them are normal!"

Xia Mingzhong put away the note and said, "Thank you very much."

Liu Jian said unhappily: "Do the rich families nowadays like to keep an eye on other people's wives? Has Jingli begun to like to play this trick now?"

Xia Mingzhong shook his head and said

"I don't know, I've never heard of such a thing." He was anxious to leave, so he drove his horse to leave.

Liu Jian behind him muttered, and Xia Mingzhong heard him seem unconvinced and said: "You're all bullying me, right? No, I'll go ask Jin Chan again! If you don't make it clear, don't even think about getting peace from me.

Get out of the book!"

Liu Jian's voice gradually disappeared behind Xia Mingzhong, and Xia Mingzhong rushed towards the Hechiliu Kingdom at almost the fastest speed. His mind was very messy, thinking of a series of things in the past, and those old things made him breathless.


Now there is only one opening, and Xia Mingzhong really wants to get out.

Finding Master Zeng Qi seems to be the hole through which he can get out. Xia Mingzhong remembered the time when he was hunted for killing the godson of the wealthy businessman Jia. At that time, he ran for his life desperately and he did not dare to go to crowded places.

, eyes were staring at him everywhere.

He had no choice but to retreat and escape, so he had to run into the mountains. It was also at that time that Xia Mingzhong accidentally met the dying King Ying in the mountains.

It's just that King Ying was not called King Ying at that time. He was Prince Zhaojin of Xuli.

Too many things happened along the way, and many unexpected things were connected in a series and twisted into a path that Xia Mingzhong had to take.

Xia Mingzhong witnessed that Prince Zhaojin was removed from his position as crown prince due to leg disease, and could only succumb to being a prince with restrictions everywhere.

He became King Ying's most trusted confidant, and he knew every aspect of King Ying best these years.

Rather than saying that Xia Mingzhong was King Ying's savior, it would be better to say that they saved each other. After all, with King Ying as the royal backer, no one outside would dare to take Xia Mingzhong's idea no matter what.

As long as Xia Mingzhong is still in the Sixth Prince's Mansion, no one in the Xuli Dynasty dares to take his life. But everything in this world is balanced, and someone must suffer the disaster that Xia Mingzhong escaped.

The person who suffered innocently back then was Jiang Xian.

Why doesn't Xia Mingzhong know Jiang Xian's physical and mental pain?

Now there is another innocent person suffering. Do innocent people always have to be tortured in this world? Xia Mingzhong was very confused, and he forced himself not to think about anything.

He has only one purpose, to quickly find Zeng Qi and save Guan Jiyu!

This chapter has been completed!
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