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Chapter 176 Come on, keep talking

The Herculean people's clothing is always in bright colors. Everyone on the street, men, women, old and young, wears braids of all sizes. Almost all of their bodies are decorated with silver ornaments, which jingle as they walk.

It's like a silver bell, which sounds really nice. Jiang Yingnian and Guan Jiyu changed into local clothes and walked on the street, and they surprisingly blended in. As long as they didn't say anything, almost all the Herculean people on the street also

I can't tell which country they are from.

The most common stalls on both sides of the street in the market were stalls selling silver jewelry and local snacks. Guan Jiyu had been hungry for a long time. When he saw food being sold on the roadside, his greedy self was quickly drawn out, and he couldn't move any further.


What is sold on the roadside is something very similar to sweet cakes. They are kneaded into small pancakes, deep-fried, and simply placed on palm-sized leaves. The aroma can be smelled from a distance.

Guan Jiyu said strangely: "It's already winter weather, and the leaves have long since withered and fallen. How come there are still such green leaves here?"

Jiang Yingnian said: "I don't know, but if you want to eat, we can buy some to try. After traveling for so long, I'm really hungry."

After saying that, he ran straight to the stall, asked the stall owner a few words, and bought a large bag of fried sweet cakes. Although the sun was already out, the weather was still very cold, so Jiang Yingnian took the bag right out of the oven.

He held the food tightly in his arms and walked to Guan Jiyu before taking it out and saying: "Ayu, eat it while it's hot!"

Jiang Yingnian carefully opened the oil paper wrapped on the outside, picked up a piece of fried sweet cake and handed it to Guan Jiyu's mouth, saying: "Try it and see if it tastes good?"

Guan Jiyu took a bite, and the rice fragrance lingered between her lips and teeth for a long time. She said "hmm" and said: "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

"Really? How delicious is it?" Jiang Yingnian pushed all the remaining sweet cakes that Guan Jiyu had bitten into her mouth, chewed them and said, "Hmm~ It's really delicious!"

He tasted the aftertaste carefully and said: "It's crispy on the outside and soft and waxy on the inside. I wonder if there's some jam inside... It feels like jam when I eat it. It tastes like jam."

It's sour and sweet, and it just relieves the greasy taste of this sweet. It really has a unique flavor."

Guan Jiyu took out another piece from the oil paper bag in Jiang Yingnian's arms, took a big bite and said, "It tastes like hawthorn sauce, sour and sweet. I won't get tired of it even if I eat ten of it!"

"Ten..." Jiang Yingnian smiled and joked: "I know how much you eat, let alone ten. If you eat twenty of these gadgets, it won't be a problem."


The two of them were eating and walking, and Jiang Yingnian gradually stopped. He looked at Guan Jiyu's hair, and then at the various silver jewelry on the stall next to him, compared them and said: "

Sure enough, the ones sold outside are better looking, but the ones I gave you are more old-fashioned." After saying that, he took Guan Jiyu to the silver jewelry stall and carefully selected them.

Guan Jiyu said: "Let's not waste that money, right? When we leave here, we will never need such Hechiliu-style ornaments. We will just keep them when we take them back. There is really no need to spend money on them.

These things."

"Why is it not necessary? You've come here, so you should always buy some local things." Jiang Yingnian never looked away from the stall and said, "These silver jewelry are beautiful, but they always feel like they are all white.

Some bright colors."

He turned to look at Guan Jiyu and said seriously: "Ayu, you seem to have always used simple and elegant colors like white and cyan. It has not changed much after so many years. I was thinking of buying a red jewelry as a gift.

Here it is for you."

"Red?" Guan Jiyu asked in surprise: "Why? Do you think red suits me very well?"

She picked up a hair accessory and looked at it carefully, and said casually: "Don't think about it, I have been following the eldest son in the Qingzi camp. There are rules in the Qingzi camp. We are all given the same clothes, that is

Uniform, the color must also be consistent. It is probably because the eldest son likes sky blue or moon white very much, so the clothes customized for us are almost all in these two colors. I can't do anything special or wear something out of place.


Jiang Yingnian nodded and said: "You are right, the eldest brother himself likes this kind of elegant color, he is

It's low-key. You said being low-key has nothing to do with dressing up, right? I remember that his clothes were all this light color when he was young. What's the point? It looks light and light."

Guan Jiyu put down the silver jewelry in his hand and said: "In this world of chaos, the rise and fall of the country is the top priority. There are still a lot of important things. Who has the mind to care about what to wear and what to use? Yingnian, you have to look forward. Anyone can do anything.

Nothing should be a fetter for you." She smiled and said, "Now you are Xuli's cavalry general. You are still so young, so you will not stop here. Fortunately, the general appreciates you.

He is very good to you, so you must go far and long on this road."

"I don't want anything from him, no matter what merit he has in the government. Ayu, the biggest reward I want is for you to take off your military uniform and put on red makeup, so that I can watch it alone."

As Jiang Yingnian spoke, he picked out a silver plate. The silver plate was typed in the shape of an ingot, with four words engraved on it: "Longevity". New

Guan Jiyu could only see the profile of his face. His features were pretty, and Guan Jiyu knew that without looking. He must be serious at the moment, and she knew that without looking.

He found another thin red string, asked the price and paid decisively. He strung a silver medal with the red string and put it on Guan Jiyu's neck with his own hands.

Guan Jiyu touched the silver plate hanging around his neck and muttered: "What do you think? There are so many beautiful pendants here, but you just picked this one. I'm so old, I'm afraid I won't be able to wear this properly."

Right? I remember that only three-year-olds would wear tags with the words "Long Life" or "Wealth and Peace" engraved on them, right?"

Jiang Yingnian's eyes were full of joy, she raised her eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? Even if you are eighty years old, I can still wish you a long life."

Although Guan Jiyu said that, she was excited in her heart. Every word of Jiang Yingnian's words made her heart beat wildly.

This feeling is very strange. She obviously understands what he means. She has already understood what he means, right?

Whether it was the time we ate roast chicken in the middle of the night in Nanqin, or when she was stationed at the Yanjiang Corridor, Jiang Yingnian rode his horse across half of Xuli from the eastern camp overnight just to share a portion with her.

That time with rice pudding.

There is still a lot of love. Guan Jiyu can no longer remember the details, but she still remembers Jiang Yingnian's expression when she faced Xiang Lincheng.

This feeling that she had rejected thousands of miles away, it was only at this moment that she suddenly realized that she actually didn't hate it.

The person in front of her, whom she had always thought was the most unlikely, actually made her heart flutter.

Guan Jiyu unconsciously covered her heart. The silver plate was cold, but a surge of blood surged in the tip of her heart.

Jiang Yingnian pursed her lips, looked into her eyes with a smile, and said, "Why, do you feel that your heart is beating hard?"

Guan Jiyu suddenly raised his head, quickly put his hands down, and looked away uncomfortably: "What?! What nonsense are you talking about? It's not the first day you met me. We have been growing up. When have you ever seen me? Because

Why is your heart beating so hard?"

Jiang Yingnian narrowed his eyes and seemed to be in a happier mood. He tilted his head and said, "Come on, keep talking harshly."

"Let's go, let's go." Guan Jiyu didn't dare to look at him anymore. She walked in front and muttered: "Why am I being so stubborn? I'm just telling the truth."

Jiang Yingnian silently followed her for about ten steps before Guan Jiyu heard him whispering from behind: "Ayu, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it now. I can't guarantee it for others, but I am patient with you."

Yes. I will keep waiting. I will wait for the day when you can face your heart."

Guan Jiyu covered his ears and walked faster.

As expected, Jiang Yingnian's low laughter came from behind him again, and he said again: "See for yourself, your eyes can't deceive others. Ayu, actually you don't hate me, right?"

Guan Jiyu stopped, turned around and said, "I didn't say I hate you, that's what you said yourself. Even if I really hated you, it was a long time ago."

After hearing this, Jiang Yingnian strode after him, walking in front of the gate.

Ji Yu walked side by side with her and said: "Hey, you are always like this. You don't let go of your words. No one who is stupid will understand what you mean. Fortunately.

I am patient and willing to guess what you want to say." He tilted his head and looked at Guan Jiyu and said, "You said you don't hate me, then can I understand that you mean you like me very much?


"I didn't say that." Guan Jiyu curled his lips, a blush already appearing on his face, and said, "I just said I don't hate you. If I don't hate you, does that mean I like you? Who taught you this?"

"I don't care who taught me that." Jiang Yingnian stretched out his hand and held her hand again. He scratched Guan Jiyu's palm with his thumb in a mischievous manner, then leaned into her ear and said:

"Huh? Why does someone's palms seem to be sweating?"

He pretended to look up and said, "What's going on? Is it so hot here? It's so cold in the winter months, why are there still people whose palms are so hot that their palms are sweating?"

Guan Jiyu tried hard to throw away his hand, but Jiang Yingnian seemed to have expected it and refused to let go. He raised the corner of his mouth and said with a wicked smile: "I won't let go, I won't let go! I let go.

You must hit me, but I can't stand your beating."

This chapter has been completed!
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