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Chapter 180 Marriage

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Guan Jiyu packed up early and prepared to go out.

After changing clothes and going out, he found Jiang Yingnian standing outside the room door. Seeing that she was wrapped tightly, Jiang Yingnian couldn't help being amused and said: "You were not afraid of the cold in the past, why are you now living on the third floor?"

The third floor outside? Although it’s the coldest in the north, there has been sunshine these past few days, so I don’t feel how cold it is.”

Guan Jiyu smiled and said, "Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I'm not as in shape as I was a few years ago."

"You have always been a little girl, why are you so old?" Jiang Yingnian yawned and said lazily: "We waited outside all night, drank all the wine, and didn't see the snow falling.

Speaking of which, I still feel empty in my heart, and I still want to wait with you."

"What's so difficult about this?" Guan Jiyu smiled and said, "You should pay more attention to the sky. It's not difficult to see snow in this northern land. Let's just keep watch."

Jiang Yingnian nodded, patted Guan Jiyu's shoulder gently with his hand, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he said warmly: "Yes, there are still many days to come. Ayu, you come back soon,"

Beizhong Xiang Mansion is not far from the Yanjiang Corridor, but Jiang Yingnian's tone of voice seemed to be thousands of miles away. Guan Jiyu said helplessly: "It's not like you haven't been to the Beizhong General Mansion Concentration Camp.

The mansion is right there, and it won't take long to come back. I just want to see the general and let him know that I'm back. I'll go back as soon as I can."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Jiang Yingnian took out a stack of banknotes from his arms and handed it to Guan Jiyu, saying, "There is nothing special to eat in the Yanjiang Corridor. Since you went to Beizhong, there must be something there."

There are various shops, you should also go shopping and buy yourself some things you need."

"Why are you giving me this money? It's not like I don't have any money..." Guan Jiyu was surprised at first, and then teased: "Didn't you just ask me to come back early? Why did you ask me to go out for a walk now?

Wandering around? Do you want me to come back early or late?"

Jiang Yingnian took Guan Jiyu's hand, put the banknote in her hand, and gently tugged on her ear, saying: "The flowers bloom on the road, but you can return home slowly. Hmm? That's what the saying goes.

Right? That’s pretty much what it means anyway, I know you will always come back. I don’t care, since we come from the same door, you must always be by my side!”

Guan Jiyu was not polite. He took the banknote from Jiang Yingnian and said, "Since the Third Young Master is so generous, I would rather obey him out of respect. If you want to eat anything, just tell me and I will come back to bring it to you."

Jiang Yingnian thought for a while and said, "If you see someone selling sugar cookies on the street, bring some back."

Guan Jiyu counted the stack of banknotes in her hand and said, "Sugar pancakes... Beizhong's sugar pancakes are very famous. I would like to try them." After counting, she put away the banknotes.

He said, "I'll definitely bring it back to you. I'll take a look and see if there's anything else delicious. I'll call Hanxu tonight and the three of us will eat together!"

Jiang Yingnian sent Guan Jiyu outside the main city and watched her carriage go away until it was out of sight, then returned to the main city.

The road was dry and the carriage went easily. It didn't take long before we entered Beizhong.

It was still some distance away from the General's Mansion, and people in the Beizhong area could be heard discussing the Xiang family's marriage. Guan Jiyu could hear the voices of people talking outside while sitting in the carriage.

"Why don't you go over? This is a big event we haven't seen in Beizhong for a long time! It's a big happy event for the General's Mansion, who can't go and enjoy the happiness of the Xiang family?"

"The two brothers of this family are the glory of our Beizhong! Even though I am in Nanqin, even if I am in the far south outside the border, I still have to rush back to Beizhong to have a look. Seeing the wedding scene is the second most important thing.

Look at our General Xiang! Hehehehe."

"The Xiang family has been a general for generations, but I heard that the person married by the second young master is not a well-known lady. Although the girl lives in the capital, she seems to be just a medicine seller."

All kinds of random discussions poured into Guan Jiyu's ears clearly. She was sitting peacefully in the carriage, as if listening to some ordinary chat. She just wanted to wait for the wedding to be over and go to Jin Chan to get it.

Got something.

The people outside seemed to be talking more energetically and their voices were louder. There were many people on the street and the carriage was moving slowly. Guan Jiyu could only

I continue to be forced to listen to these idle discussions.

"It doesn't matter whether she is a medicine seller or something else." The speaker suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I have a distant relative who lives in the capital. I heard that the second Young Master Xiang is looking for this person.

Ah, it was supposed to be a one-time marriage, but it seems that since the children were already there, they were left to the in-laws to ignore, and all they wanted to do was climb high and become the son of our family."

"Ah? Is there such a thing? You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"It's absolutely true. I just don't know if General Xiang knows about this? He has a bad temper. How can he get angry if he finds out?"

"Forget it, forget it, we can't talk about other people's family affairs. Let's go to Xiang's house quickly. We'll be late and we won't be able to get the wedding candies."

The crowd outside dispersed slightly, and Guan Jiyu felt that the carriage was moving smoothly.

There was a joyous atmosphere outside the Xiang Mansion. The Xiang family has always been simple, but the arrangements for this wedding were pretty good. Both local dignitaries and ordinary people came to congratulate them. Guan Jiyu got off the carriage and stood outside the gate.

Submerged in a sea of ​​people.

She arrived not too early, and not long after, the sedan chair had stopped outside the gate of Xiang Mansion, and the crowd rushed over like a torrent, surrounding the sedan chair.

The sound of firecrackers continued. Xiang Lincheng was dressed in a bright red groom's official uniform, and the red ribbon in his hair was very eye-catching. His expression seemed very normal. It was neither happy nor unhappy.

Guan Jiyu watched not far away. Xiang Lincheng stood in front of the sedan chair. He didn't know what he whispered, but he opened the wedding curtain on the sedan chair with one hand. The bride slowly walked out of it wearing a red hijab.

The two people stood side by side and walked into the mansion.

The crowd soon followed them into the Xiang Mansion. Guan Jiyu was squeezed in by the crowd and walked to the innermost lobby, where he saw Xiang Ju'an.

This is the second time Guan Jiyu has seen Xiang Juan dressed up outside the border. Except for the time in the capital, this time it may be a family matter, and Xiang Juan is an important role. He is also dressed differently. His clothes are obviously

Newly made, the corners are also decorated with delicate red pendants.

Facing the tea offered by his brother Xiang Lincheng and his sister-in-law Jin Chan, Xiang Ju'an smiled slightly, took the tea cup and took a sip of it calmly. Guan Jiyu suddenly remembered the scene when he first met him.

Xiang Ju'an's domineering and wild nature, his bloody and unruly nature on the battlefield, have all been restrained. At this moment, he shows the kindness of a father and a brother, and his every move and gesture shows the stability and peace that a great man should have.

He seems to be no longer young.

Bow to heaven and earth.

Second bow to the high hall.

Guan Jiyu also recited these words silently in his heart. Since ancient times, almost all marriages have followed such steps, and no one does not know these steps.

But when the words "husband and wife bow" sounded, Xiang Lincheng's expression suddenly became a little strange. He seemed to be confused suddenly. He hesitated and turned around to face Jin Chan. Jin Chan had already bent down, Xiang Lincheng.

But the city has not moved at all.

Everyone in the lobby looked at Xiang Lincheng strangely. Because Xiang Ju'an was sitting at the head of the table, although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to comment.

"Couple greetings!"

This sentence was shouted again, as if to remind the stunned Xiang Lincheng.

Xiang Lincheng was still staring at the golden cicada covered with a red hijab, motionless.

"Lincheng?" Xiang Ju'an reminded in a low voice.

Xiang Lincheng turned to look at his brother, and then at Jin Chan. He suddenly lifted off the hikerchief covering Jin Chan's head with one hand and said, "I'm sorry, Chan'er, I thought about it, but I still feel that I can't be with you."

You get married."

The exquisite makeup on Jin Chan's face showed her beauty, her eyes were flowing, her red lips were bright, and even the hairpins in her hair were valuable. She seemed not to have expected that Xiang Lincheng would give her such a gift at this critical moment.

As soon as he came out, he could only force a smile and whisper: "Lincheng, we have come to this point, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Xiang Lincheng raised his voice a little higher. He had always been calm, but now he couldn't hide his excitement and said, "I can't go against my own heart."

Just worked hard

The people who were restrained could no longer hold back their comments, and the scene became extremely embarrassing for a while.

But Xiang Ju'an has seen the world. Faced with this kind of scene, he asked his brother calmly: "Lincheng, today is your big day, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Xiang Juan's voice has weight.

"Brother, I know." Xiang Lincheng's eyes suddenly became sad. He looked at Xiang Ju'an and said, "You don't know many things, but you know my thoughts... I know that this move not only

It brings shame to me and the Xiang family, but I can't care less."

Xiang Juan's lips moved. Before he could think of what to say, a loud voice came from outside: "Report——"

A soldier ran into the lobby, knelt down behind Xiang Lincheng and Jin Chan, and announced: "General, there are changes in the north, please go back quickly!"

Xiang Ju'an's expression stiffened for almost an instant. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately stood up and walked out. Xiang Lincheng reacted and started to walk out as well. Jin Chan saw that he was about to leave and grabbed Xiang Lincheng's hand tightly.

Sleeves, choked with sobs, said: "No, you can't leave!"

"Let go." Xiang Lincheng's eyes were empty. He looked at Jin Chan, his tone without any warmth, as if this person was not his bride at all, but an irrelevant stranger.

Jin Chan burst out crying and collapsed at his feet, but she still held onto him with her hands: "But today is my big day, why do you want to leave? Why is it today, why..."

Xiang Lincheng said: "Didn't you hear? There is going to be a war in the north."


This chapter has been completed!
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