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Chapter 56

No matter what Xiang Ju'an said, Jiang Yingnian remained unmoved. He would never give up on something he was determined to do no matter what.

Jiang Yingnian was carrying Xiang Ju'an on his back and supporting his body with both hands. The tips of his fingers had turned white. His arms had begun to tremble slightly after exerting force for a long time.

He didn't know when the people from the Zhenyu *** team would come, and maybe they would come to intercept his way the next moment, but as long as Xiang Ju'an was still by his side, he would definitely protect Xiang Ju'an with his life.


"Brother, don't say such things right now. Don't say that we are being hunted now. They have caught us now and asked us to crawl under their crotches. As long as we can survive, we have to do it!" Jiang Yingnian!

He tilted his head, rubbed the sweat on his face with his shoulder, and continued to move forward.

Xiang Ju'an said: "That is not something that I, Xiang Junying, can do. A man is upright and upright. If he suffers such humiliation, what is the difference between that and death..."

Jiang Yingnian said: "You keep your mouth shut, man. If you die, you will die. Have you ever thought about how uncomfortable it is for the living?" He smiled bitterly and said, "Have you ever thought about what would happen if you died?

What should I do with Lincheng? He is only a relative like you and a big brother like you. Can you just die if you want to die?!"

When Xiang Lincheng was mentioned, Xiang Ju'an fell silent for a moment.

He didn't speak for a long time. He lay on Jiang Yingnian's back and never said a word again.


Jiang Yingnian couldn't see his expression from the front. Seeing that he hadn't said anything for a long time, he was still a little worried, so he asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Does the wound hurt badly?"

Xiang Ju'an said: "No."

Jiang Yingnian was very tired from walking. He deliberately took the farthest route in the forest to go out. Even if he didn't hear the sound of anyone chasing behind him at this time, he didn't dare to let Xiang Ju'an rest and could only hold on tight.

Keep moving forward.

"Then you don't say anything? You scared me." Jiang Yingnian said angrily.

The tone was clearly that of a little brother who is angry with his elder brother.

When Xiang Ju'an heard this complaint, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and said: "Although Lincheng is my biological brother, he has never been so casual in front of me."

Jiang Yingnian took his words and said: "Is there a possibility that you are too fierce on weekdays? Your overwhelming aura and people with a bad mentality have already scared you to death. How can you still be in your presence?"

Are you able to be casual in front of others?"

Xiang Juan asked back: "Then you mean your mentality is pretty good?"

"Isn't that right?" Jiang Yingnian said leisurely: "You scold me less? Or hit me less? If it weren't for my good attitude, would I still be here now? Can I still carry you on my back like this?"

His mouth was so chattering that Xiang Ju'an couldn't even finish a word.

Two people escaping in such a dangerous place can actually have so many gossips...

Xiang Ju'an murmured after a while: "I'm not a competent big brother. I always thought that Lincheng was always reserved when he was with me because of his introverted personality... Now it seems that it's me who hates Lincheng."

Not enough care and love." He said softly: "It would be great if I could do as well as Jiang Qing."

Jiang Yingnian suddenly stopped, looked serious, and whispered: "It seems like someone is chasing me."

At this time, they were still about a mile away from Linzikou. Jiang Yingnian was exhausted. Even if he still had the strength to run, carrying Xiang Ju'an on his back was too big a target for the two of them.

Jiang Yingnian's mind raced, and he put Xiang Ju'an down and asked him first: "How are your legs? Can you still move them?"

Xiang Ju'an's injured leg was still bleeding. Although the blood was gradually decreasing, if the enemy followed the blood trail to find them, they could quickly locate the two of them.

Xiang Ju'an tried to move the injured leg and said truthfully: "The wound is not too deep, but if I want to run, I'm afraid I won't be able to run fast."

"Okay." Jiang Yingnian nodded after confirmation and said, "Now I need to divert those people away. Just keep walking along the edge. Don't look back and leave me alone."

As he spoke, Jiang Yingnian took out the dagger from his waist. He first cut a piece of cloth from his clothes and tied the wound on Xiang Juan's leg to prevent further bleeding. Then he quickly scratched his arm.

After a stabbing, blood quickly poured out and fell to the ground in drops.

"Yingnian! What are you doing?!" Xiang Ju'an said in shock, looking at him in confusion.

.(The next page is more exciting!)

Jiang Yingnian sprinkled the blood on his arm on the ground in the other direction and said: "You have to do it well, otherwise how could they be fooled?" He shook his injured arm at Xiang Ju'an and said: "

Let's go quickly, don't wait any longer, I won't have enough blood if you don't go."

Xiang Ju'an didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, holding his hands on the roots of his legs, he walked faster towards the exit.

"I'll wait for you outside!" Xiang Ju'an's eyes were red. He didn't even know that such a rough old man like him would be moved to tears one day by a sentence.

"You kid, if you don't come back well, let's see how I deal with you!"

Jiang Yingnian smiled knowingly and said: "I'm so smart, how could they catch me~"

The two parted ways.

Outside the woods, Guan Jiyu and He Lanlan heard that there was a change in the military situation at the front, so they led their troops to guard outside the woods early. When they saw someone walking away vaguely in the woods, they hurriedly greeted him.

It was Xiang Ju'an. When he took a step out of the woods, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. When he saw his subordinates, he finally fell down with relief.

Of course, before he collapsed, he did not forget to warn: "Yingnian, hurry up and save Yingnian..."

Guan Jiyu arranged for Xiang Ju'an to be sent back, and immediately rushed into the forest with He Lanlan and others.

When everyone rushed to the center of the forest and saw Jiang Yingnian, there were countless corpses of True Fool soldiers lying next to him. He had exhausted his arrows and was surrounded by more than 20 True Fool soldiers. He only had a dagger.

He wanted to break out of the human wall that trapped him.

Without thinking, Guan Jiyu threw the Hongying spear in her hand and accurately pierced the body of a Zhen Yu soldier from behind. She immediately flew over, pulled out the Hongying spear and joined the battle.

He Lanlan followed closely behind him. While running forward, he stepped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet. He lifted up lightly and rushed through the woods. Sometimes the scimitar was in his hand, sometimes it disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, in front of him,

A row of really stupid soldiers have already fallen.q?

The two of them protected Jiang Yingnian behind them. Zhenyu's army did not send many people, so it took Guan Jiyu and He Lanlan almost no time to deal with these Zhenyu soldiers who were chasing Jiang Yingnian.

When the last true fool soldier fell under Guan Jiyu's red tassel gun, Jiang Yingnian breathed a sigh of relief. He silently grabbed Guan Jiyu's arm and complained in a low voice: "Why did you come here? Do you know?

If you come a little later, you might never see me again..."

There was a nasal sound in the voice, which sounded like a rather aggrieved cry.

People who didn't know thought it was Guan Jiyu who left him in the woods!

Guan Jiyu looked puzzled and said, "Did I come very late?"

He Lanlan also explained: "Brother Jiang, Ji Yu and I came immediately after receiving the order, and there was absolutely no delay."

Jiang Yingnian sniffed and said, "Where is the general? Have you received him?"

"I got it." He Lanlan said: "Speaking of which, I just rushed to rescue you, and I don't know how injured the general is! No, I have to go back and take a look. Brother Jiang, I see you are also injured, so let me

Jiyu walks slowly with you, I will go back first."

He Lanlan led his people back first, leaving only Guan Jiyu and Jiang Yingnian.

Guan Jiyu said: "Okay, you can go. There should be no danger for the time being."

Jiang Yingnian groaned and turned around to show her the injured back: "Look, how is the wound on my back doing?"

The bloody scar on his back was the "masterpiece" that the puppet had just painted for him with a red pen. Guan Jiyu had never seen such a wound before, so he asked: "Why is it such a wound? What kind of weapon caused it?"

It was okay not to ask, but when he asked, Jiang Yingnian groaned even louder. He couldn't help but tell Guan Jiyu about the book puppets and painting puppets he met in the woods in detail, and told them about them.

How vicious they were, he talked about how terrifying they were, and then even exaggerated how powerful their fighting power was, and how much effort he put into defeating the book puppets and the painted puppets.

This wasn't the end yet. Jiang Yingnian began to ramble on again about how much he risked his life to protect the general when facing the injured Xiang Ju'an, and how difficult it was to carry Xiang Ju'an on his back...

Until Guan Jiyu asked him: "Since you have such a hard time carrying him, why do you still have so much energy to talk here now. (The next page is more exciting!)

so much?"

Jiang Yingnian curled his lips, stopped his long statement, and said: "Then why I work so hard to win the honor of "defending glory and defending cavalry"?! You are invincible yourself, can you think about it?

Those of us who just start working hard halfway? It’s not easy for me, okay!”

After speaking, he thought for a while and said: "You said this time, if I risk my life to protect the general, will he mark me down in his heart? I have provoked him a lot before, and I just want the function to be enough. This time

It can leave a good impression on him."

Seeing that he was so persistent in "defending glory and riding", Guan Jiyu also replied to him seriously: "Anyway, if you pay, you will be rewarded. You go back and heal your injuries first. The future is long, and one day he will recognize you."

Jiang Yingnian loved hearing these words. He suddenly no longer felt any pain in his body. Instead, he felt full of energy. He said: "Ayu, one day I will catch up. I will also be invincible in kung fu and stand with you."

Above the pinnacle of glory."

In the eastern camp, upon hearing the news that Xiang Ju'an was injured, Han Zhen immediately ran to express concern and greetings, and sent an urgent letter to the DPRK to report.

Xiang Ju'an will not be able to walk for a short time. Although Jiang Yingnian's injury is slightly lighter, the ink brush used to draw the puppets is poisonous after all. After a short discussion, everyone decided that Guan Jiyu would quickly escort Xiang Ju'an and Jiang Yingnian back.

He Lanlan continued to stay in the eastern camp and take charge of military affairs.

Jiang Yingnian didn't care at all about his injuries, nor did he care whether they were poisonous or not.

His focus was only on being able to go back and rest.

"Maybe we can go back to Nanqin's house, right Ayu?".

This chapter has been completed!
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