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Chapter 64 Threesome

Ever since Xia Mingzhong met Jiang Xian, he no longer saw the ruthless bounty swordsman in the world, but a pair of carefree young bosom friends.

There is a clear spring in the back mountain of the academy. In summer, Jiang Xian always likes to stay here and read. Relying on the cool spring water, it is most suitable to relieve the summer heat and relieve fatigue. Xia Ming loves to whistle, and the two of them stay in the back mountain. He is bored.

Leaning against the big stone next to the clear spring, he could play folk nursery rhymes in Xuli by opening his mouth, and occasionally he would play a few random tunes he made up.

He was just playing it casually for fun, but Jiang Xian thought it was a great skill.

Jiang Xian remembered that there was a bamboo flute at home. Since no one at home knew how to play it, and he couldn't play it well, he had no choice but to leave it at home.

So Jiang Xian asked Xia Mingzhong: "Hey, I have a gift for you, do you want it?"

The spring water was gurgling. Xia Mingzhong squatted by the spring water, picked up a handful of spring water and wiped it on his face. He turned around and said, "If you want it, bring it."

Jiang Xian smiled mysteriously and said, "This gift is a little far away. If you are not afraid of trouble, can I accompany you?"

Xia Mingzhong said: "Since it's a gift, who would think it's troublesome if it's given for free? Just pick it up."

The two of them immediately reached an agreement and left immediately.

Jiang Xian skipped class for a long time and sneaked back to Nanqin with Xia Mingzhong. He was frightened along the way. When he got to the door of his house, he was afraid that his elder brother Jiang Qing would find him, so he could only sneak into the house quietly.

Compared to Jiang Xian's panic and irritability, Xia Mingzhong was calm and honest. He easily dodged the servants he met along the way until he entered Jiang Xian's study.

The books in Jiang Xian's bookcase were neatly arranged. Jiang Xian took out a slender brocade box from the bottom of the cabinet and said, "I found it. Let's go quickly."

After another hurried journey, I successfully slipped out of the door.

"Here, here you go." Jiang Xian put the brocade box in his hand into Xia Mingzhong's arms and said, "This gift is really hard to get."

Xia Mingzhong opened the brocade box and found an exquisite bamboo flute inside.

He took out his bamboo flute and was about to put it to his mouth to play when Jiang Xian stopped him and said, "Go back and play again, otherwise it will be too late at night and the academy door is locked, so you won't be able to get in."

Fearing whatever comes, even though the two of them rushed on their way, when they arrived at Mo Yun Academy, the door was already locked. Jiang Xian didn't dare to knock on the door and shout. If he alerted the teacher, he would inevitably have to teach him a lesson.

Fortunately, it wasn't too cold outside, so the two of them managed to spend the night on the back mountain, waiting until the next morning to enter the academy.

Xia Mingzhong was so stubborn that he slept in the sun the next day and didn't wake up. Jiang Xian called him and shook him, and it took him a long time to get Xia Mingzhong up.

The two people hurried to the classroom again.

Jiang Xian cursed all the way. When he arrived in the classroom, his classmates were almost seated. The teacher was already waiting with a long ruler.

Jiang Xian walked in embarrassedly and said respectfully: "Sir, the student is late."

Then he consciously stretched out his hand, ready to receive punishment.

Mr. Mo Yun has always been strict, and now he was merciless when fighting Jiang Xian, not thinking that he was his favorite disciple.

Not only did he show no mercy, he also slapped Jiang Xian ten more times before saying, "Sit back and listen to the lecture."

Deep love, deep responsibility.

After twenty strokes of the ruler, Jiang Xian's palms instantly became red and swollen. Jiang Xian gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said respectfully, "Thank you, sir, for your teaching. Students will never dare to do it again."

The students in the classroom looked at Jiang Xian one after another. How could an outstanding student get slapped?

Some people secretly watched the excitement while others expressed concern.

Xia Mingzhong was not a student in Mo Yun Academy, and Mr. Mo Yun had no control over him. Seeing Mo Yun punishing Jiang Xian, Xia Mingzhong let out a "hum" in his nose, expressing his dissatisfaction, and turned around and left the classroom.

Jiang Xian discovered that there was an extra person in the classroom today. To be precise, it was a girl.

This girl looks very familiar to him, but he is certain that she is not

He was a classmate of Mo Yun Academy. Jiang Xian was absent-minded throughout the class, always thinking about who this person was.

It wasn't until class was over that the familiar girl actually came over. qo

"I have long heard that Mr. Mo Yun is strict in teaching and has even stricter requirements for students in the academy. When I saw him today, it was true." Her voice was gentle and soft when she spoke, which made people feel inexplicably comfortable.

Jiang Xian smiled sheepishly and said, "Well... this is my first time getting hit with a board, and you just happened to see me."

The girl smiled brightly and said, "I know, Mr. Mo Yun's most protégé, Jiang Xian, is the most knowledgeable student in Mo Yun Academy. How come he is often criticized? It's just an unlucky time for me to come."

Jiang Xian was stunned for a moment and said, "You know me?"

The girl said: "Don't you remember me? We have met before."

Jiang Xian was stunned again. He really couldn't remember where he had seen her. Until Xia Mingzhong beside him suddenly appeared and reminded him: "Oh, it's you."

Jiang Xian looked at Xia Mingzhong strangely and said with his eyes: Yo? Do you know him?

Xia Mingzhong said: "Do you have such a bad memory? That was the day when you were knocked down by a carriage on the street. She was the official lady who was knocked down. Don't you remember?"

"Hello, I'm Shen Hui." Shen Hui smiled softly, and Jiang Xian finally remembered.

Jiang Xian said: "Why did Miss Shen come to Mo Yun Academy? Do you plan to study here?"

Shen Hui shook her head and said, "It's because my cousin was studying in the academy. My aunt was worried about her son but couldn't drive to the capital for a while, so she had to ask me to come over and have a look." She still remembered Xia Mingzhong and saw Xia Mingzhong.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes and he asked, "Is this knight also studying at Mo Yun Academy?"

Xia Mingzhong shook his head and said: "Look at me like this, how can I have the slightest bit of bookishness about studying? I think guarding the gate of the academy is pretty good."

Shen Hui was so amused that she covered her mouth and laughed. She didn't have the airs of a young lady, she was dressed very plainly, and had a gentle temperament. The classmates in the academy also loved to chat with her.

Although Shen Hui's cousin studied in the academy with Jiang Xian, Jiang Xian was not familiar with him, and their usual relationship was just a casual acquaintance.

But that's not important. My cousin is not familiar with me, but I can be familiar with my cousin.

The back mountain duo began to have one more person, and Jiang Xian also brought Shen Hui to their secret base.

Shen Hui's father, Mr. Shen, was also a well-known figure in the court, so the daughter he raised would naturally be good.

Jiang Xian gave Xia Mingzhong a bamboo flute, and Xia Mingzhong carried it with him all the time. He would take it out and play it when he had nothing to do. Shen Hui saw that the sound of the bamboo flute was beautiful and that she was also good at music, so she and

Jiang Xian discussed composing a piece of music together so that they could play together.

Shen Hui has been playing the pipa since she was a child, and now she has already acquired a unique skill on the pipa. Jiang Xian can only appreciate it, but if he wants to get started, he does not have the talent.

"It still lacks the sound of the guqin." Shen Hui said: "The sound of the pipa is relaxed and relaxed, and the bamboo flute is euphemistic and long. If we can add the ethereal and refreshing sound of the guqin, it will definitely be better."

Shen Hui quickly sent a pipa to Cong's house, and also brought a guqin to Jiang Xian.

When Jiang Xian was not in class, the three of them would hide in the back hill and compose music and practice together. Shen Hui taught well, and after half a month of absence, Jiang Xian had already mastered the guqin to some extent.

The music is almost composed.

At this time, Shen Hui had something to do at home, so she had to suspend practice and go home first.

Only Jiang Xian and Xia Mingzhong were left in the back mountain.

Jiang Xian picked at the strings boredly and said, "Oh, why does it feel so deserted all of a sudden?"

Xia Mingzhong glanced at him sideways and said, "Desolate? I've never seen you say deserted before."

Jiang Xian blushed and said nothing. After a while, Xia Mingzhong suddenly asked: "Hey, when you are not doing anything, have you ever thought about women?"

This question was simple and straightforward. Jiang Xian's face turned red as if he was about to drip blood, and he quickly denied it: "No! Jue

Right, what are you talking about?!"

Xia Mingzhong said: "If you don't, then you don't have to. Why are you so red?"

Jiang Xian puffed up his cheeks and said angrily: "What about you? Haven't you thought about it?"

Xia Mingzhong said matter-of-factly: "I think about it too, I often think about it, but the female classmates in your academy are all too ugly, and there are not many that I can like."

Jiang Xian was silent and said, "What do you think of Miss Shen Huishen?"

Xia Mingzhong really thought about it carefully and said, "Shen Hui... is quite good and a good person."

Good guy?!!

Jiang Xian hit him and said, "I am obviously a wealthy young lady with a good family background, but to you, am I just a "good person"?"

Xia Mingzhong twirled the bamboo flute on his fingertips and said, "This is the only comment I can think of." He was a little embarrassed: "The main thing is that this is not the type I like."

Jiang Xian gave him another heavy blow and said, "You're so angry with me. With Shen Hui's status, people are willing to be friends with us because they think highly of us. If it's really a matter of superiority or inferiority, you There is no difference between me and others."

Xia Mingzhong rested his arms on his head and lay lazily on the big stone, saying: "So what if I like you or not? I, Xia Mingzhong, don't like to make friends, let alone pursue and beg for friends. Make friends. Isn't this kind of thing a matter of whether we can have fun? If we can have fun, we can be friends. If we can't, just don't talk about it. Who cares about family background? If you have to worry about so much to make friends, that would be too much. It’s too tiring.”

What he said made sense. Jiang Xian nodded thoughtfully.

After a long time, Jiang Xian asked him again: "So, what kind of woman do you like? Is it the kind of woman who likes to fight and kill every day like you?"

Xia Mingzhong rolled his eyes at him and said speechlessly: "What do you care about me?!"

Jiang Xian curled his lips, stretched out his hand to brush the strings, and practiced what Shen Hui taught him again carefully.

Xia Mingzhong said: "What about you? You study every day besides studying. Will you marry a nerd like you in the future and recite poems and write articles at home every day? Hahahahaha."

Jiang Xian picked up the scroll next to him and threw it at him, saying, "You want you to take care of me?!"

Xia Mingzhong glanced at Jiang Xian's face and said, "What? You like Shen Hui?"

As soon as this question was asked, Jiang Xian calmed down and said nothing.

Xia Mingzhong closed his eyes, except for the gurgling sound of water in his ears, there was the song they had practiced countless times again.

If this piano is filled with emotions, then all the strings and strings are emotions.

Jiang Xian played for a long time, and when Xia Mingzhong was about to fall asleep, he suddenly asked: "When do you think she will come back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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