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Chapter 78 Queen Ques' Blessing

The group of people who came in uniformly dressed all had exactly the same expression on their faces: a polite smile, and even the upward curve of the corners of their mouths did not deviate at all.

They said in unison: "Our master said, you will know after you come here."

Although Ah Shui ran away, she was able to call someone to pick up the three of them, which shows that her conscience has not been completely wiped out!

Guan Jiyu was still willing to go with him. No matter what, there was at least hope for him to go and take a look.

Having hope is better than anything else!

What came to pick them up was an extremely spacious and beautifully decorated luxury carriage. The cushions in the carriage were all made of goose velvet and silk satin, making them very soft and comfortable to sit on. The carriage was so big that there was even a small table placed inside. , the table was covered with a silk tablecloth, and some snacks prepared for them were placed on it.

Compared with the carriage they took when they came to the south, it was hundreds of times better!

"It's this familiar scene again." Jiang Yingnian ate the refreshments on the table with satisfaction and said, "I think the Sixth Prince was also sold on this."

Guan Jiyu said: "Do you think Miss Ah Shui is an important person in the Kingdom of Kuis? The daughter of a certain minister? Or a daughter from the royal family of Kuis?"

Han Xu didn't say a word, and kept thinking about what he said to blame Ah Shui: If you don't have that fate, you still have to be poor!

He might have said it wrong, maybe Ah Shui had that fate and could give orders with peace of mind.

Even though it is already dark, the street outside the carriage is still brightly lit and full of people. Various drums and trumpets are playing, tinkling, dong-dong, and people are laughing and laughing. The carriage is stopped and stopped in the crowd. Stopping, Jiang Yingnian couldn't help but poked his head out of the car window, looked at it for a while, and said: "It's so lively outside, they seem to be celebrating some kind of festival, right?".

There is always a hot summer in the Quesi Country regardless of the four seasons. The people in the Quesi Country are good at raising silkworms, drawing silk, and making silk clothing. Their dressing tends to be "revealing": both men and women like to play. Barefoot, men wear half-sleeved clothes or sleeveless jackets, and pants that reach the knees; women wear layers of gauze, their hair is combed into several thin braids, and gauze hangs from the back of their heads. If they are women of high status, they wear more The tradition of veil.

In short, the whole country of Quesi has its own characteristics in dressing up. The goldware of Quesi is also very famous. People who use gold threads to make jewelry can be seen everywhere on the street, even young children. Almost everyone has a gold necklace of their own.

Apart from these, the appearance of the people of Kuisi country is also worth mentioning. They are born with brown hair, deep eyebrows, eyes as bright as amber, and high nose bridges. Their appearance is very similar to the people of Guyi country in the north, but far better than Guyi. People in this country are much more refined!

Han Xu said: "I have heard from my elder brother before that people in the southern Kingdom of Kuis are also divided into races. You can tell from their appearance. The more noble the blood, the lighter the hair color. For example, the royal family of Kuis For people whose hair is lighter than tan, their hair color is already golden."

Guan Jiyu asked hurriedly: "Do you still remember what color A Shui's hair is? Is her hair color dark or light?"

Han Xu said: "Her hair... I remember it seems to be an ordinary color. It's definitely not golden anyway! If it were golden, we would definitely be impressed."

Guan Jiyu said: "Then I'm very curious. Her racial level is not high, so why would she send such a luxurious carriage to pick us up? How can ordinary people afford this?"

Jiang Yingnian watched the world outside the window with great interest. The carriage was always blocked by the crowd on the street, but he did not feel upset. He felt that this exotic customs was very beautiful!

"I'm so sorry." The leader of the group of people who just came to pick them up came over and said: "Our master has something to do tonight and can't get away, so we can only take you to the inn here to rest tomorrow.

You will see her in the morning."

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Yingnian responded politely.

Guan Jiyu was a little worried and said: "What can happen to Ah Shui? Why don't you see us tonight but postpone it to tomorrow?"

Jiang Yingnian said: "Since we decided to come to this southern region to look for medicine, we have been passive. Think about it, we are in other countries and we can't help ourselves. This is no different from whether we met Ah Shui or not.

Relationship,.(more exciting on the next page!)

Even if we didn't meet her, we would still be in the dark when we arrived in this unfamiliar place!"

Guan Jiyu had no choice but to say: "Then just believe them once and wait until tomorrow to see!"

Perhaps influenced by the lively scene in front of him, Han Xu no longer looked so listless. Seeing Jiang Yingnian's curious look, he even took the initiative to propose: "Master, do you want to go for a walk together? Come to the capital."

Now that I’m here, it makes no sense not to visit here.”

Jiang Yingnian naturally agreed happily. Rather than being bored in the inn and staring at small eyes, it would be better to take a walk on the street to relax, at least he would be in a better mood.

Only after they asked people on the street did they know that today is one of the famous festivals in the Kingdom of Kuis - the Prayer Festival. Every year on this day, people from the Kingdom of Kuis will go out to celebrate in the evening, and a member of the royal family of Kuis will also come out.

Representatives routinely scatter some special candies and dried fruits among the crowd, with the intention of spreading good luck to the people and praying that everyone in the Kingdom of Ques will avoid all bad luck.

Jiang Yingnian suggested: "Why don't we go along and grab some candies to eat?"

Guan Jiyu said in surprise: "Do you also believe what they said, that if you grab the candies and dried fruits scattered on the ground, you can avoid all bad luck?"

"I didn't believe this at first." The lights on the street reflected in Jiang Yingnian's eyes, and he smiled and said, "Now I want to give it a try, what if it works?"

Guan Jiyu nodded heavily and said, "Then let's pick up more later and let Han Xu eat more!"

"Go quickly, go quickly!" A person in front suddenly shouted: "It's right in front! It's about to start."

The people on the street were cheered up by the shout, and they crowded forward in the direction ahead. Guan Jiyu, Jiang Yingnian and Han Xu were pushed forward by the force of the crowd. The light in front of them seemed to be lit several times.

With hundreds of thousands of bright lights and colorful confetti flying in the air, the entire main city of Ques is indescribably beautiful.

"Have you heard? The one who comes here tonight to scatter fruit and pray for blessings is our Queen of Ques!"

"Really? Really? Will the Queen come in person to scatter blessing fruits for us?!"

Upon hearing that Queen Quess was coming to spread the blessing fruit in person, the crowd that was originally pushing and squeezing became more restless and restless now!

For a while, someone said that the scattering of blessing fruits would start on the East Street of the main city, and the crowd would crowd to the east. Then someone said that it might start on the West Street, and the crowd would push to the West Street again.

The three of them, Jiang Guanhan, felt that their shoes were about to be squeezed out by this group of Kuisi people. Jiang Yingnian was muttering about whether he should go back, when countless lights suddenly lit up above his head.

The colored paper originally flying in the air disappeared, replaced by golden foil as thin as cicada wings.

These pieces of gold foil fell slowly like a continuous drizzle. The high towers gathered the gazes of everyone in the main city of Quess. The Queen of Quess slowly appeared in front of everyone's attention.

That high platform is a prayer platform specially built for the royal family of Kuis. It hangs above people's heads, overlooking all living beings and showing compassion to them.

All living beings are also attracted by it.

The young Queen of Ques has her blond hair tied up high and covered with various gold beads, with a long gauze hanging on the back of her head. There is also a thin golden tassel hanging on her forehead, and she wears a matching tassel on her slender neck.

Echoing set of tassel necklaces.

The queen wore a veil and a gauze skirt with gold and emerald edges all over her body. She looked noble and mysterious. Her slender white arms were slightly bent to support the hem of the skirt. After standing still, she glanced around the platform.

People, nodded slightly.

She didn't say anything, she just nodded, and the audience burst into cheers!

Jiang Yingnian said: "It seems that Queen Kuis is very popular among the people."

A Quesi man kneeling behind him said: "The Queen is the only daughter of the late king. She has only been on the throne for a few years, but she thinks of us in everything. She is also the only Quesi King who is willing to come forward to pray for blessings in person!"

"It's really amazing!" Jiang Yingnian exclaimed: "I just don't know what kind of face is underneath that gorgeous veil?"

When the people kneeling next to him heard his words, they seemed to have heard something terrible, and they all looked at Jiang Yingnian with condemnation and contempt, as if he had said something damn blasphemous to the queen! They said in unison: "

Is the Queen something you can discuss casually here? (The next page will be more exciting!)


Jiang Yingnian quickly shut up.

Next, Queen Ques spread blessing fruits for everyone, and the scene got out of control for a while. People rushed to pick up the blessing fruits scattered on the ground, fearing that they would be slow to take less, as if the more they picked up, the more blessings and good luck would be.


Guan Jiyu also immersed himself in searching, but the local Kuisi people were too fast, and they were very experienced in grabbing the lucky fruits. People like Guan Jiyu and Jiang Yingnian who were doing it for the first time were no match for them!

There was chaos on the ground for a while, and Jiang Yingnian was not idle. He ran over and stuffed a fruit into Guan Jiyu's mouth, and continued to search for it. At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the Queen who was standing on the high platform

Being blown randomly from all directions by this strong wind, the originally noble and elegant shape was blown to the point of collapse.

The queen, who was smiling and scattering blessing fruits to the people, put down the blessing fruits in her hands and pressed her gauze tightly for fear of being blown away by the strong wind.

Someone on the ground suddenly shouted: "Oh no! The Queen's veil has been blown away!"

The people of Ques who were crawling on the ground and picking up Fu Guo all lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads.

The veil of Queen Quess cannot be taken off! Even if it is taken off, it cannot be seen!

Someone kindly reminded the ignorant Guan Jiyu: "Look down quickly and don't look. If you see it, you are blaspheming the queen and will bring bad luck!"

Guan Jiyu said "oh" twice and quickly lowered his head.

The veil that was blown away by the wind fluttered in the wind and fell into a person's hand.

Han Xu stood in the dark on the street, leaning against the big tree beside him, holding the golden yarn that unexpectedly blew in his hand.

He looked at the originally elegant and dignified queen on the high platform. She was looking down in panic for the lost veil. It wasn't until the maid behind her handed her another new one that she hurriedly put it on. Then she straightened the messy skirt as if nothing had happened and returned to her original shape.

's demeanor.

Han Xu smiled, but no one knew why he smiled.

He smiled helplessly and shook his head. He bent down and picked up a lucky fruit on the ground, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it a few times.

Mmm, very sweet!

This chapter has been completed!
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