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Chapter 91 The Girl Under the Moonlight

He Lanlan was stared at by those clear and hot eyes, and he couldn't help but be surprised in his heart: When did this child's eyes become so penetrating?

But he didn't intend to avoid the question. He met those bright eyes and said, "Oh? Are there many kinds of unhappiness? Tell me, why are they different?"

Xiao Qingyuan sat by the pool, gently holding her chin with her hands, and thought for a while: "I don't know what to say, anyway, it's just...um...this..."

He Lanlan said: "Speak carefully and don't hum or haha!"

Xiao Qingyuan stuck out her tongue playfully, with a rare seriousness on her face, and said: "When Feng Yan was here, I knew that she slept with you, Brother Lanlan. I have observed it, and it seems that you, Brother Lanlan, also

You don’t love Feng Yan very much, because there’s no love in the way you look at her, you just want to sleep with her, right?”

He Lanlan tilted his head, stretched out a hand and knocked her on the head, and said: "You little brat, you talk about these things, who taught you? If you continue like this, what will happen?

You’ve learned so badly!”

Xiao Qingyuan rubbed her painful forehead and continued: "Although I don't like Feng Yan here, and I'm not happy because she's here to snatch you from me, but I just want her to leave."

Speaking of this, Xiao Qingyuan's face flashed with a loneliness that was not for her age. She sighed and said: "I can't help it. Who told me to be so much younger than you? If only I had been born a few years earlier.

Now." She gestured in front of her chest and said: "Whether it's Feng Yan or Jing Yi, each of them is either big here or has a big butt. Wow, they are all too competitive. Now I don't have the ability to compete at all.

!There is nothing I can do but watch and get angry."

"Pfft!" He Lanlan laughed out loud at her words. His laughter was deep and a little lazy. Xiao Qingyuan avoided his hand that wanted to hit her again, and moved the position under her buttocks.

Xiao Qingyuan thought about it again and then said: "Brother Lanlan, do you know? In fact, I regret one thing very much. I feel regretful when I think about it."

"Huh?" He Lanlan asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Qingyuan lowered her head and even lowered her voice, saying: "At that time, I shouldn't have gone to the south with you."

He Lanlan remembered that time she left without saying goodbye. He had been worried about her for a long time. He asked: "Why?"

Xiao Qingyuan said: "Have you always treated me as a child? Do you think a child's world only consists of eating and playing?"

He Lanlan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Otherwise? Isn't that the time when you were young to think about these things? If you don't think about eating, drinking and having fun, do you still have to use your little head to think about how to lead troops to fight?


Xiao Qingyuan shook her head and said: "I'm not saying that, I mean, I also have feelings.\./hand\./machine\./edition\./first\./issue\./update


He Lanlan smiled softly and said: "I know, haven't you always admired your brother Lanlan? It's normal. Your brother Lanlan is so handsome, and it happens all the time to be admired by others."

Xiao Qingyuan's clear eyes stared directly into his eyes again, and she asked: "Those women who love you, are they willing to die for you?"

This question made He Lanlan stunned, and at the same time he was also shocked.

Are those women who keep saying they love him really willing to die for him?

This question is very childish. In the world of adults, who would easily say that they are willing to die for someone?

He remembered that when he was young and impulsive, he was willing to sacrifice everything for one person, including his life.

It's a pity that person doesn't want it.

"But I am willing to do it for you, even at the risk of my life."

At this moment, there was no one else in this place except the two of them. But Xiao Qingyuan still whispered these words to him. In a voice that only the two of them could hear, she whispered in his ear: "If one day,

If you want my life, I will give it to you without hesitation."

The hot spring pool sparkled under the moonlight, and the light reflected on Xiao Qingyuan's fair skin, and the thin, almost transparent hair on her face was clearly reflected.

"Brother Lanlan, you must also love someone who doesn't love you." She naturally and generously said the fact that had been awkward in his heart for a long time: "It was when we were playing in the Qiang Wu Kingdom in the south, and you

The one talking in the street. (More exciting on the next page!)

Girl, right?"

He Lanlan felt a dryness in his throat. He cleared his throat, but the dryness still didn't go away.

He calmly said: "Well, I liked it before when I was ignorant."

Xiao Qingyuan looked like she had seen through him and said: "You don't just like it when you are ignorant, right? That day, we were eating in a restaurant, and you looked outside and suddenly chased her out. She was that girl.

Send\./Update\./New`..Mobile.Version          Brother Lanlan, the girl you really love in your heart is that person."

She always spoke so straightforwardly, and sometimes it was really difficult for him to answer.

He Lanlan felt that the water in the pool was getting hotter and hotter. He said absently: "Maybe, but it's useless. She is already married."

"Oh, that's it." Xiao Qingyuan said thoughtfully: "Then do you still care about her now?"

She had a lot of questions, and He Lanlan really regretted that she had taken the initiative to start the conversation. Now the little bastard was no longer silent. She had opened up the conversation. This conversation could not end easily.

He Lanlan showed pain on his face and said: "Oh, why is this water getting hotter and hotter? It's not working anymore. I can't soak in it anymore. I want to come out!"

Xiao Qingyuan didn't ask why, obviously she didn't want to let it go. She squatted by the pool, stretched out her hand to hold He Lanlan's shoulder, and said: "No, you haven't answered my question yet. If you don't tell me, I won't."

Let you come out."

"Oh my God." He Lanlan said helplessly, stroking his forehead, "Why do you have so many questions?"

"Say it quickly!"

"Don't tell me. I've finished speaking. What else do you want me to say?"

Xiao Qingyuan's sleeves were rolled up, and she held him down with a pair of bare arms, shaking him while interrogating him. She saw her bare feet stepping on the water splashing from the edge of the pool, and by accident, she went straight towards the pool.

Slide inside.

"Ah!" she exclaimed.

He Lanlan reacted quickly. Seeing that she lost her balance and fell into the water, he quickly reached out to catch her.

The moon is bright and the water is rippling.

The soft purple gauze brushed against the hard arms, and the fragility and flawlessness seemed even more beautiful in the face of wildness and strength.

The crisp and sweet silver bell was still shaking, making bursts of sound, and He Lanlan felt a soft spot in his hand.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to him originally. It was impossible that he was not familiar with those natural lustful desires and those feelings of joy when lingering. But tonight, for some reason, he felt confused.

He Lanlan's heart was beating like a drum and could not calm down for a long time. Xiao Qingyuan lowered his head and looked at the broad palm that was originally trying to catch him. It was now sticking under his collar embroidered with small flowers.

"Ah!" she exclaimed again.

When she shouted like this, He Lanlan panicked completely.

Obviously he didn't do anything bad, but he seemed a bit worse than a beast.

He Lanlan's other hand that grabbed her arm only exerted a little force and pulled Xiao Qingyuan completely into the water.

"What are you shouting for?!" His deep voice sounded in her ears, half as a reminder and half as a threat: "If you shout again, I'll throw you outside."

Xiao Qingyuan was caught off guard and splashed water poured into her mouth. She choked and coughed several times before she calmed down. Her face turned red like a ripe apple.

"Brother Lanlan, you..." She looked up at him shyly, holding his arm tightly with her hands, her body hunched like a shrimp, for fear of touching his naked body.

He Lanlan looked at her weird and funny action and couldn't help laughing: "What kind of posture are you doing?"

Xiao Qingyuan said "hmm" and said, "Brother Lanlan, it's getting late. Come out as soon as you finish washing."

He Lanlan didn't say anything. He always smiled lightly and took a step closer to her on the bottom of the pool. Xiao Qingyuan silently took a step back.

He moved forward again, and she followed his pace and retreated again, until there was no way to retreat.

Xiao Qingyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, not daring to look directly at him, and repeated what she just said: "Go out after washing, it's time to go to bed."

He Lanlan lowered his voice and chuckled: "Are you sleepy? Anyway, I'm not sleepy at the moment."

Xiao Qingyuan whispered: "Then you go out and put on your clothes. It's cold at night, and you've been exposed to the cold after soaking for a long time."

"It's such a hot day and the water is so hot. (The next page will be more exciting!)

It's so warm." He leaned close to her ear, breathed lightly on her ear, and said, "How can you get cold?"

"That, that, that!" Xiao Qingyuan closed her eyes and said hurriedly: "I'm sleepy, look, I can't even open my eyes!" She pitifully asked for his permission: "Brother Lanlan, you want me

Let's just rub my back tomorrow, it's really not convenient today."

"Why is it inconvenient? I see it is very convenient now." He did not let her go and said, "It's not like you haven't rubbed it for me, so what are you afraid of?"

Xiao Qingyuan's clothes were completely soaked. Her clothes were already very thin in summer, and her clothes were almost transparent after being wet.

Xiao Qingyuan covered her chest tightly with both hands and said helplessly: "My clothes are all soaked..."

"Are you afraid that I will see you?" He Lanlan couldn't help but tease her verbally: "You were clamoring to spend a night of spring supper with me before, and I almost believed it. What? Now you have a chance.

, why are you so shy again? Xiao Qingyuan, I thought you were very capable."

He stretched out his hand to tuck her hanging hair behind her ears, and said: "You seem to be fearless, and you still imitate adults who are always in love, and always shout for a night of love. In fact, you are

A coward, right? Now that I know that I am a coward, I will never say those words again, and don’t ask me those questions again."

He Lanlan turned her body around so that her back was facing him and said, "Close your eyes."

Xiao Qingyuan closed her eyes obediently, and there was a sound of water behind her. The small water droplets fell and turned into ripples. He Lanlan had already come out of the water.

"Come up." He Lanlan stretched out a hand to her. Xiao Qingyuan turned her head, still hesitating whether to be pulled up by him. He Lanlan had already taken the lead to pick up her arm from the water and easily pulled her up.

Pulled up.

From the moment her sight came out of the water, he consciously did not go to see her.

He Lanlan walked over to pick up a coat, threw it casually in the direction where Xiao Qingyuan was standing, and covered her with a hood.

"Coward, go back."

Xiao Qingyuan pulled down the clothes covering her head and wrapped it around her body. She stood there, looked at him and said, "I am not a coward."

"Oh? Why not?" He Lanlan wiped the water drops on his hair and said casually: "Who is you if you are not? Am I?"

Wet hair hung in pieces in front of his eyes. He Lanlan wiped the hair in front of his forehead and shook it, and there was already that sexy face in front of him.

The girl under the moonlight mustered up the courage to stand on tiptoes. His nose was filled with the faint fragrance of her hair. She closed her eyes, as if she had made a hundred determination, put her lips on his, and gave him

A moist and simplest kiss...

This chapter has been completed!
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