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1048 Go south to Xiqing

The most typical one is the Wangdu, Imperial Capital, Dongqing, and Xiajuan lines. The valuable industries of the Great China Empire are all distributed on this line.

"Zhao Ji and Zhao Jie cover each other and serve as each other's horns, which stabilizes the defense to a certain extent... It will take us a lot of effort to capture them both." Luo Xiao expressed his worries.


He was afraid that he would be in a hurry, so he really made Zhao Ji and Zhao Jie unite: if the two people really unite regardless of their past grudges, it seems that they will be a tough nut to crack.

Luo Xiao's staff officer gave his own suggestion: "It doesn't matter, let the troops move south first, and wait until they reach the front of Pingfeng and Xiqing. We can't let them have time to build fortifications, right?"

As the saying goes, soldiers are valuable and they are quick. As long as Zhao Jie and Zhao Ji are not given the opportunity to build fortifications, these two people may not be able to hold the line of defense.

"That's definitely not the case. I have already ordered the troops to advance south. Do you want the troops in the direction of Guiguang to follow suit?" Another officer nodded, looked at Luo Xiao and asked.

After asking, he did not forget to ridicule the poor quality of Fengjiang's troops, and his tone was full of emotion: "Unfortunately, these Dahua troops are really not easy to use. Their mobility is too poor and their field maneuvers are slow."

This is indeed the case: if the attack speed of the Tang Empire were to be followed, they would probably have caught up with the fleeing Zhao Ji and Zhao Jie and annihilated them halfway through their escape.

If the follow-up troops hadn't arrived too slowly, Zhao Ji and Li Mingshun wouldn't have had time to run away! They would have been surrounded in the imperial capital, and even now they have been captured.

"No need. The troops at Guiguang will belong to our Tang Empire from now on. They should not be wasted on the battlefield without undergoing rigorous training." Luo Xiao's staff officer shook his head and rejected this suggestion.

"You are right." Luo Xiao on the side also supported this judgment: "Those people are all common people of our Tang Empire, and they cannot act randomly. Just let the Fengjiang Army from the imperial capital go south.

There is no need to add extraneous ramifications.”

Thinking of another thing, he looked at the liaison officer of the intelligence department on the side: "How is Shen Chuan's investigation going?"

The liaison officer immediately replied: "Shen Chuan's death has been confirmed. His family said that Shen Chuan was missing on the day Zhao Kai died. They don't know where Shen Chuan went. The one who was found in the well

All the characteristics of the corpse belong to Shen Chuan himself."

Luo Xiao nodded slightly again, and it seemed that this matter could come to an end: "Then let's give him a grand burial... He was the first to die in the entire empire... It's really pitiful to think about it, such a huge empire,

There are not even a few serious people willing to die for it."

"General, you can't actually say that. After all, the Great China Empire is not dead yet." The staff officer smiled and told a hellish joke, and many people laughed along with him.

After laughing enough, someone answered and said: "It is indeed not destroyed. Zhao Yu plans to arrive here in one day. Just like before, he will take the train and then transfer to the car."

After hearing about Zhao Yu's itinerary, the staff officer joked disdainfully: "Ha! It seems that he can't wait too much."

For Zhao Yu, it is self-evident what the Imperial Capital means. He wants to return here so much, because returning here means that he is in control of everything.

The Imperial Capital is the capital of the Dahua Empire, which represents legal rule: whoever holds the Imperial Capital is qualified to issue commanders. Zhao Yu, who was forced to flee here a year ago, is even more obsessed with this place.


The weather is already very cold, but it has not snowed yet in the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Capital has lost more than half of its power and many buildings. No one cares how the people inside will survive this winter, and how many people there are.

Even those who died in previous battles were ignored.

"Absolutely. Anyone who has paid so much will want to get back what is rightfully his." An officer looked at the problem from Zhao Yu's perspective and felt that everything was reasonable.

Sure enough, his words won the approval of many people: "The price? It is indeed not small."

Those present were all senior officers of the Tang Empire. Of course they had heard about the remuneration paid by Zhao Yu to the Tang Empire.

It was the once splendid land of the Great China Empire, including an important grain-producing area, two transportation hubs and a population of tens of millions...

Under normal circumstances, as long as he is not stupid, no emperor would cede so much land and population. But Zhao Yu agreed, and he didn't even have much psychological burden.

"Haha! I hope he can appease the people who know the truth." The officer on the side imagined the verbal abuse Zhao Yu would face in the future, and grinned again.

Those who know that Zhao Yu has lost power and humiliated the country will scold Zhao Yu to death. They will record what Zhao Yu did after he ascended the throne, and then pass on these stories so that Zhao Yu will be remembered in history.

Of course, this kind of remembrance is not a good thing: Zhao Yu will be nailed to the pillar of shame and will not be able to turn around for the rest of his life.

"I think he will do a good job." The staff officer gloated and said.

Luo Xiao was very casual: "As I said, no matter whether he does well or not, it is no longer something we need to care about."

In the calm wind, Zhao Jie, who had led the rebellious nobles of the imperial capital to retreat here, waited for the support of 50,000 new soldiers coming from the direction of Jutian.

He now has about 200,000 troops in his hands: although more than half of them are new recruits with poor combat effectiveness, they are better than nothing!

He mobilized almost all the coolies he could find in Pingfeng to build a defense line, trying to establish a complete defense line before the enemies from the north could move south to Pingfeng.

On the other hand, the situation in Xiqing is a little different: Zhao Ji came to Xiqing first. After arriving in Xiqing, he did not rush to build a defense line. Instead, he appointed ministers here and announced that Cai Licheng would be the "accompanying capital".


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! To put it bluntly, he was still dreaming about the emperor and had not adapted to the current situation at all. It was only after Li Mingshun retreated to Xiqing with the remaining army that he discovered that

Almost no preparation work has been done here!

Although the grain that was supposed to be transported to the imperial capital stayed in Xiqing, the arms and ammunition were very scarce: the industrial zone had been completely destroyed, and there was really no factory in the direction of Xiqing that could manufacture munitions.

Therefore, Li Mingshun and Zhao Ji's troops can probably only fight with the weapons and ammunition they have stockpiled. In theory, it is equivalent to using one bullet and losing one bullet.

Compared with them, Zhao Jie's situation is much better: Shanchong itself is a mining area, with factories that can produce weapons and ammunition. And because Shanchong is an important frontline town, the ammunition hoarded in Shanchong is obviously higher than that in Xiqing.


In addition to the issue of ammunition, Li Mingshun discovered that Zhao Ji had not organized and built any fortifications in Xiqing: he was busy drinking and drinking, dividing ministers, and he was so busy that he couldn't do anything.

After Li Mingshun arrived in Xiqing with the troops retreating from the direction of the imperial capital, the defense work here officially began.

The good news is that they have received some reinforcements: the 50,000 defeated troops who came from the direction of Wangdu received food and wages in Xiqing, which can be regarded as stabilizing their position.

Including the troops originally deployed to reinforce the imperial capital, the garrison of Xiqing is about 250,000, which is already a pretty good number.

Although the combat effectiveness of these troops was indeed average, Li Mingshun still believed that it would not be a problem for him to defend Xiqing: in his opinion, the fall of the imperial capital was only due to Zhao Jie's rebellion and had little to do with his deployment.

Unconsciously, four days passed, and Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Empire, held a wedding that was not of a grand scale. In order to take care of the emotions of the three princesses who did not have a decent wedding, Tang Mo put himself and Ying Yue's

The wedding was also compressed to a rather small scale.

Although some ministers were invited to the banquet, the whole process was not broadcast on television. In order to take care of the emotions of several princesses, the wedding of the Elf Princess Yin Lin was hastily held together.

The difference is that Emperor Tang Mo of the Tang Dynasty stayed in Ying Yue's room that night, and the elf princess Yin Lin, who was too young, just attended a wedding and had no inappropriate relationship with Tang Mo.

It was also during these four days that Zhao Yu, the former prince of the Dahua Empire, returned to the imperial capital of the Dahua Empire, where he announced that he would inherit the throne, proclaim himself emperor, and become the new emperor of the Dahua Empire.

After ascending the throne, he issued a series of edicts, announcing that the Great China Empire would resume trade with the Tang Empire and resume trade with Qin.

These measures obviously gave the people hope. Everyone felt that the new emperor was much better than the previous emperor who only caused chaos, so they accepted the new emperor who was previously called a "rebel".

Luo Xiao moved his headquarters to a place less than 100 kilometers away from Xiqing, and directed the troops going south to focus on attacking Zhao Ji and Li Mingshun's troops.

Fengjiang's troops, which had an advantage in strength and an absolute advantage in firepower, quickly broke through Xiqing's peripheral defense line.

At the same time, the Fengjiang Air Force taking off from the Imperial Capital North Airport bombed Xiqing. Li Mingshun finally witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying power of the air force bombing.

You must know that the pilots of Fengjiang Air Force are composed of two parts. One part is the pilots who have been in good condition in the fierce battle to defend Fengjiang for more than a year, and the other part is their opponent, the pilots of the Dahua Empire.

Now these pilots no longer need to fight each other: they all fight for Zhao Yu! And their opponents actually no longer have decent air power.

Li Mingshun and Zhao Ji don't have many airplanes in total. They also lack the ability to manufacture airplanes and cannot supplement pilots.

Under this premise, air control was firmly in Luo Xiao's hands. It was against this background that the offensive and defensive battle of Xiqing City began.

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