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105 Dont worry

"Coordinate correction! Don't make a mistake!" Next to the C64 artillery, an officer looked at his gunner and reminded him nervously.

"You only have one chance, don't miss it! Confirm the parameters again! Hurry!" The boy scouts on the side gathered together in small groups to check the notes just sent back from the front line.

"If the measurement result is correct, then the data is correct." After repeatedly checking the calculation, a child clamped a pencil to his ear.

He was also wearing a coat, but the difference was that these coats turned out to be very expensive woolen coats. The fabric of this coat was very expensive, but it looked very soft and warm.

Only the best scouts in the school will distribute such coats as team uniforms. Like the officers, they must wear armed belts, wear daggers engraved with the artistic words "loyalty and bravery", and even the shoes on their feet are made of long leather.


Such equipment makes these children look heroic, and the teenagers who were originally playful and sloppy immediately began to pay attention to personal hygiene after wearing such clothes.

"The two measurement results are approximate, so they should be very objective." Another child closed the notebook in his hand and nodded in agreement: "I think we can use the two sets of parameters as a reference at the same time to launch a salvo.


"Second!" Another child raised his head, rubbed his nose, and said.

The artillery shooter on the other side leaned on the scale of the artillery, carefully checked the angle he adjusted, then straightened up and replied to his commander with certainty: "Sir! The data check is completed! The numbers are correct!"


"Fire!" The three artillery officers, the other three gunners, and the seven or eight boy scouts who were checking the calculations nodded together, and finally completed the careful verification work.

"Fire the three guns first! After correcting the impact point, fire the three guns together!" In the end, Redman still erred on the side of caution and left a backup plan.

He waved his arm and slashed forward, and the three C64 cannons let out a huge roar. A burst of fire spurted out of the muzzles, and the shells flew unstoppably into the distance.

These conical artillery shells equipped with impact fuses were very close to the structure of modern artillery shells. They tore through the air, and with a harsh whistling sound, they crossed the road and flew over the heads of the fleeing Sussian soldiers.

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to be quiet. Tuqi, who was observing the battlefield situation on the slope, vaguely seemed to hear something coming towards him.

Yes, it seemed like a sick sentence, but that's what he felt: a sharp voice, getting closer and closer to him.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky, and the war horse under his crotch was pacing uncontrollably and irritably.

In an instant, a cannonball fell beside him and hit the ground. The fuse in front of the cannonball detonated a simple detonator, which then ignited the explosive in the cannonball.

The cannonball expanded rapidly at the side of the horse, and the extremely hard shell was stretched open and torn by the furious burning flames of the gunpowder inside, turning into deadly shrapnel.

Densely packed shrapnel, accompanied by a shock wave as sharp as a knife, swept from Tucci's feet, swallowing him and his horse in an instant.

Tucci could feel his body falling to one side uncontrollably, and his ears were filled with the sound of explosions.

He could feel something cutting open his right hand, and he also felt that his right foot in the stirrup seemed to be broken by a strong force.

It seemed like a century had passed, and it seemed like an instant, his shoulders finally hit the ground, and his face passionately kissed the hard and cold earth.

He was even a little surprised that he didn't feel the bone-piercing pain, as if the feeling had been extracted from his body.

So he tried to get up from the ground, but found that none of his arms seemed to be driven by his brain.

In the smoke that filled the sky, he could see gravel falling and hitting the ground in front of his nose, beating full of life force.

He tried hard to pull out his left arm that was pinned underneath him, but found that his efforts were in vain. He could no longer feel his right hand, and he couldn't feel his legs at all.

In a blur, his brain, which had just recovered a little function, finally recovered some functions. He saw a pair of boots rushing out of the thick smoke, and a knee knelt in front of him.

The other party seemed to want to help him up, but he held his shoulders and tried hard for a long time, but failed.

In fact, at this time, the slope had already turned into a mess. Tuqi's horse was pressed against Tuqi's left leg, and Tuqi's right leg still had a stirrup. At this time, he didn't know how to fly.

Where have you gone?

The wound on his right leg was gushing blood, and Tucci's right hand was also penetrated by shrapnel, with only one third of it still attached to the body.

The legendary general of Sussus could not even sit up and say a word now.

At this time, his adjutant was lying on the ground and died. A piece of shrapnel penetrated his chest directly. His horse was injured and painful, and he was thrown off the horse. The unlucky wounded man fell off the horse with his head first.


"Here comes someone! The general is wounded!" The soldier who picked up Tucci cried loudly, hoping that someone could come over and help him.

It's a pity that the chaos on the slope has spread, and no one is in the mood to care about a wounded general. Everyone is running away, and no one can care about the damn Twitch.

One leg was trapped under the body of the war horse. The soldier pulled Tucci's shoulder, and his efforts to pull him out quickly failed.

So he could only hold Tucci and shout at the soldiers passing by. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him, not even one who was willing to slow down.

Finally, an officer rushed back to the slope. His face was covered with dust and his military cap was nowhere to be found. He rolled up the slope and when he saw General Tucci clearly on the ground, he knelt on his side.


He immediately stepped forward and hugged General Tucci's upper body, shouting at the top of his lungs: "General! General! Doctor! Where is the doctor?"

Finally, Tuqi finally regained his clarity. He felt the pain in his legs and felt that his soul was quickly leaving his body.

It was also at this moment that his thoughts suddenly became clear. In this moment, he seemed to have figured out many, many things.

What stood in front of him was not the damn main force of Beiling, nor the damn Earl Fisherot! It might not even be the regular army of Beiling!

Those who stood in front of him had more advanced weapons, which showed that the whole thing was a conspiracy! A complete conspiracy!

No wonder the Kingdom of Wright was defeated so simply, no wonder Cyric was so anxious to urge him to march south.

This matter should be a conspiracy against the Kingdom of Susas! It's the old bastards from the Cyric Consortium and the sinister king of the Kingdom of Wright who are plotting against the Kingdom of Susas!

Cyric is preparing to use a war to turn the tide to sell their new weapons. The Kingdom of Wright will obtain a large area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Susas! Only Susus! Only the Kingdom of Susas thinks that it is a hunter, but in fact it is just a prey.

is a victim!

Therefore, Tucci, who had just regained some strength, didn't know where he got the strength, stretched out his left hand, endured the heartbreaking pain, and grabbed the arm of the officer holding him.

He was so angry that he opened his mouth. In his mouth were broken teeth that had hit the ground, as well as warm blood.

"Poof!" He spat out the blood and broken teeth, struggled to hold on to the officer's arm, and used his last flash of light to reflect on Susas's way out.

"Let's go... quickly... let's go! We have been fooled... Cyric... we have been fooled..." He tried hard to tell the officer some key words, hoping that the other party could learn from these words.

Here, I can roughly guess.

"Go back... go back... go back... Sussus..." He tried hard to say what he wanted to say, what was in his heart, but in the end, the words turned into intermittent struggles when he reached his mouth.

The officer holding him was already crying. He nodded hard with tears in his eyes, trying to engrave these sentences or words in his mind.

Blood seeped out from under Tucci's ribs, and shrapnel shattered his ribs, damaged his internal organs, and left countless holes in his side.

Some of these holes were punctured by flying shrapnel, and some were punctured by rubble thrown up by the explosion. They were densely packed and dotted on the blue military uniforms.

"I know! General! I will definitely take your words back! Tell your Majesty, tell His Majesty the King!" The officer cried bitterly and held Tucci's hand harder.

Tu Qi felt that his eyes were already filled with darkness. He gave up struggling and dropped the officer's left hand feebly.

He has worked hard for this country all his life, and now...it seems he can take a good rest.

His eyelids drooped feebly and finally closed, and his gradually failing breathing stopped with the last ups and downs.

"General! General!" The officer holding him shook the lifeless Tucci and shouted loudly, as if hoping that his shout would call his commander back.

However, this effort is destined to be in vain.

"Don't worry, general! I will definitely take your last words back to the royal city..." The general let go of Tucci's body, gritted his teeth and promised angrily: "We will definitely avenge this!"

As soon as he stood up, another shell landed at his feet. Before he could even lower his head to see what fell, his whole body was completely engulfed by the explosion.

This chapter has been completed!
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