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1164 The windfall of the west

It is very difficult for the orcs to attack the central line of defense of the goblins. Although the opponent has limited supplies, it has a large area of ​​land and a military advantage, so it can barely support it in a short period of time.

40,000 well-equipped orc troops are constantly attacking 100,000 goblin troops, which can almost reflect the real battle situation from the side.

The orcs who wanted to use human lives to fill the hole actually ended up using firepower to suppress the goblins, while the goblins, on the other hand, were using real human lives to fill the big hole in the central defense line.

There has been a bloody battle in the direction of Dingcheng, and the corpses of soldiers from both sides can be seen on every position. Some trees have been blown away by artillery shells and aerial bombs, leaving only a lonely tree trunk standing on the battlefield.


In fact, there are four large-scale goblin defenses on the island, namely the western defense line, the central defense line, the mirage defense line and the northern defense line.

The most diligent defense line is naturally the central defense line, followed by the western defense line and the mirage defense line, and the worst is the northern defense line with almost no risk of being landed.

The northern defense line is mainly based on hidden airports and some warehouse facilities, and some secrets have been transferred to factories here. It is precisely because of these small workshops that Mirage can still maintain the production of some important weapons and equipment.


In order to maintain the operation of these factories, the Mirage Kingdom built a power plant in the north, but now this power plant has been exposed and has been bombed several times by bombers. It is almost inoperable: there is no way, after all, the chimney of the power plant cannot be disguised.

Come on, it's so obvious.

After losing this power plant, Mirage's factories and other facilities hidden in caves in the northern region can only rely on their own generators to generate electricity. However, generators consume fuel, and most of Mirage's fuel is used by these generators.

The power generation equipment was swallowed.

The good news is that the officers of the navy have been sent to the army to participate in the war, and the navy does not have any battleships that consume more fuel. The bad news is that the army also needs to use the remaining fuel, and there is not much left.

It's not like the Mirage Kingdom didn't think of ways. They once secretly sent sporadic transport ships without flying the national flag, or secretly flying the flag of the Yangmu Empire, and smuggled some fuel back from the ports of the Ice Empire.

This is indeed a good method, and it can not only transport fuel, but also raw materials such as steel and brass that are abundant in the Ice Empire.

Because they were dissatisfied with the Tang Empire's secret support for the Yangmu Empire, the dwarves also turned a blind eye and provided some supplies to the goblins.

But recently this kind of smuggling has stopped working: the submarine base built by the Tang Empire on the South Island has been put into operation. Because the port expansion has basically been completed, more destroyers have been deployed on the South Island.

The Tang Empire originally captured the South Island to use it as a military base in the northern seas, so it was a matter of course to deploy its fleet here.

Destroyers equipped with radar and submarine forces whose activity range and time had been greatly increased due to their proximity to the war zone completely cut off the goblins' shipping.

This time it was completely cut off: including food, fuel, minerals and other materials, the goblins were almost unable to obtain them from the Eastern Continent.

What's even worse is that due to the blockade of the Tang Empire's navy, the route from the North Island to the main island has also been cut off. If you want to travel back and forth between the two islands, you have to risk taking a plane.

The naval suicide speedboats faced increasing losses from Otto's automatic naval guns, and the remaining speedboats were rarely dispatched due to lack of fuel.

Some warships of the Tang Navy began to bombard the docks and ports of the Mirage Kingdom. The equipment was destroyed and raw materials were in short supply. The speed at which the Mirage Kingdom replenished suicide speedboats was reduced to a state infinitely close to zero.

Frankly speaking, since the first day of the naval battle on the main island, when almost all the suicide speedboats were lost, Mirage Haiping no longer had any hope for his own navy.

Because the army's front line is tight and there is a lack of commanders, a large number of the navy's remaining officers have been transferred to the front line to support the army's operations.

After all, these officers still have their military ranks, are literate, and are considered half-literate, so they are more reliable than the conscripted farmers and fishermen.

Letting these people act as commanders can restrain at least dozens of people... Now these mirage officers wearing navy uniforms have appeared in large numbers on the front line of the central defense line.

Although Mirage still maintains its naval headquarters and has many ships under nominal command, Mirage Haiping and his commanders actually don't have much work to do.

Those so-called ships are almost all transport ships, as well as some tankers, cruise ships, and some small boats.

As for the remaining old warships that were too late to participate in the war, they have been dismantled and used to produce other weapons and equipment.

Half a month ago, before the orcs landed on the island, the navy could still worry about the so-called sneak operations. Now, as the blockade of the Tang Empire becomes more and more severe, no ships can return to the port safely.


In fact... there are only a few ports in the Mirage Kingdom that can unload cargo: bombers taking off from the New Island and the South Island have not missed any port, and now the Mirage Kingdom's port throughput has been almost reduced to close to

The state is zero.

If the Tang Empire's strategic bombers hadn't been busy blowing up power stations, ports, and airports... the air defense pressure on the Mirage's central defense line wouldn't have been so small.

On the first day of October, the heavily armed 9th Orc Division was sent to the island, along with supplementary troops belonging to the 1st and 2nd Divisions and the 1st Armored Division.

At this time, the total strength of the Orc troops on the island was close to 250,000. To the west were the 4th and 5th Divisions, to the north were the 1st and 6th Divisions, and to the east were the 3rd and 8th Divisions and the 1st Armored Division.

As the Orc troops gradually came ashore, the follow-up Orc troops of the 7th Infantry Division, 9th Infantry Division, 10th and 11th Divisions, and 2nd Infantry Division were already in place. Shanru's troops increased significantly.


Compared to the goblins, these troops did not come bare-handed! They brought weapons and equipment, ammunition and logistical supplies.

Even the supplementary troops of the 1st Armored Division arrived together with tanks and armored vehicles! When they were unloading cargo on the floating dock, an armored vehicle even fell into the sea because the dock was not strong.

Because they were unable to capture any decent ports, the Orc troops had always relied on floating docks for supplies. Such temporary docks were easily damaged, so the Tang State's engineers had to build some new floating docks nearby.

The entire project progressed very smoothly, because the engineering team of the orcs on the shore was also very experienced.

Now, the Orcs have 11 infantry divisions and 1 armored division, as well as a large number of engineers and logistics support troops, which can be said to be a strong force.

Shanru divided these troops into three parts and expanded the results in three directions at the same time: the 4th and 5th Divisions were reinforced by the 7th Infantry Division and launched an attack on the Goblin's western defense line; the 1st and 6th Divisions merged

The 2nd Division, which had more recruits, attacked north; the 3rd, 8th, 9th and 10th Infantry Divisions and the 1st Armored Division launched a fierce attack on the central defense line of Goblin.

The 11th Division and subsequent units are used as reserves, ready to engage in combat in any direction.

In terms of progress, although about half of the troops attacking north were new recruits, their progress was the fastest.

Because the Mirage troops did not have much terrain to rely on in this direction, and their own strength was very weak. Therefore, they advanced nearly a hundred kilometers in more than twenty days and almost cut off the slender main island.

The orcs attacking eastward have the largest number of troops, totaling 5 divisions, including the most capable armored divisions...but their progress is the slowest. The goblins have a large number of defenses and troops in the direction of their attack.

Also the most.

What no one could have imagined was that the west side, which had always been ignored, would become a breakthrough for the orcs. The Goblin 4th Armored Division, which had suffered heavy losses due to the counterattack, finally could not withstand the pressure and collapsed.

Several Goblin infantry divisions, supported by the 4th Armored Division, also began to retreat. They ran out of ammunition and food, gave up their relatively strong western defense line, and began to retreat to the northwest.

The commanders of the mirage army were worried that their flanks would be attacked by the orcs, so they wanted to go around to the north. While the orc troops in the north did not completely cut off the island, they could find a gap to sneak to the east to join the main force of the mirage army.

However, they underestimated the advancing speed of the Orcs' northern troops and ran into the Orcs' 1st Infantry Division on the way back, and were caught off guard.

Attacking westward and seizing the western defense line abandoned by the goblins, the 4th Orc Infantry Division successfully took over the abandoned western airport, finally completing part of the campaign objectives.

Good news came one after another. Due to the defeat in the west, a small port in the west of the island was also occupied by the Orc 5th Infantry Division. Although the port has been completely destroyed, the orc workers are mainly engaged in repair...

Before the engineering troops could catch up, the 5th Infantry Division sent out two battalions of soldiers to start repairing the docks. The efficiency was extremely high and they were much more professional than them in fighting.

Three days later, the last organized goblin force operating in the west of the island was surrounded and annihilated by the 1st Division. At this point, the orc troops completely occupied the west of the island.

The situation has been reversed, and the orcs no longer have any worries, and four or five divisions of troops have been liberated, which can be transferred to the east to participate in the war.

After learning that the troops to the west had been completely wiped out, the Mirage Emperor ordered Shan Haiping, a naval admiral, to rush to the central defense line to command the operation... and not to take a step back! Mirage also dispatched troops and sent out the 100,000 newly recruited soldiers.

They were all sent to the central defense line.

This chapter has been completed!
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