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1210The four mirage islands that are waiting to be revitalized

When Mirage Dabo was escorted to a cruiser belonging to the Tang Army, and he stood on the bow of the ship and watched the warship under his feet leave the port, he saw an aircraft carrier of the Tang Empire passing by.

This aircraft carrier is here to maintain order on the North Island, and it is also here to show off its power and show the people of Mirage what inviolability means.

The fist is placed here, it is so big. If you are not convinced, just see if your face is harder or the fist of the Tang Empire is harder.

Mirage Dabo saw the giant ship that was over 250 meters long, and saw the Stuka dive bombers parked on it.

At this moment, he finally realized that some technologies cannot be shaken by courage. No matter how powerful he imagined, the power of the Tang Empire was not accurately estimated.

The huge battleships met at sea, followed by a destroyer that separated Mirage Dabo's sight. The cruiser he was on was going to return to Linshui, and the aircraft carrier fleet here was going to perform a three-week deterrent mission on the North Island.

With the existence of this aircraft carrier, there will be no trouble on the North Island: although there were more than 210 aircraft of various types when the Mirage surrendered, these aircraft no longer had pilots.

It is not just talk that the Mirage Kingdom has run out of oil, and the Mirage Emperor's choice to surrender was not to preserve any strength - the little bit of strength the Mirage Kingdom had had been wiped out in the early stages of the war.

But for the Mirage, they can indeed breathe a sigh of relief: the Tang Empire promised to provide the Mirage with some patrol ships, and if necessary, can also export some artillery destroyers so that the Mirage can maintain order at sea.

Of course, the Orcs can buy as many destroyers as they sell to the Mirage. Maintaining the balance of power in the region is the responsibility of the Tang Empire itself.

The airport on the North Island is being renovated, and some civilian versions of C-47 transport aircraft can be put into use first. Their mission is also very simple, which is to transport the goblins on the island to the North Island.

Air transportation can at least make you suffer less, so generally only goblins with higher status can enjoy it.

Because there is an airport on the island that has been repaired, the orcs would not have any objection to it being temporarily converted to civilian use. However, they insisted that all the goblins leave their luggage, saying that they suspected that the goblins would take away some confidential documents.

But in fact, everyone knows that this is a way for the orcs to make money: the orcs, who are scared of poverty, naturally have their own set of plundering methods, and it is natural to use them on goblins.

All goblins must leave gold and silver jewelry and other valuable items. If they do not pay a certain fee, they will not be allowed to board the plane.

After some outrageous and outrageous maneuvers, the orcs succeeded in extracting a large amount of money from the goblin nobles, allowing them to pay the deposit for three artillery destroyers of the Tang Empire.

That's right, the orcs also have their own navy! This is simply a miracle! Shanru became the hero of the orcs, and he indeed brought a "paradise" to the orcs.

Materials from the Tang Empire are still continuously supporting the island, and the orc troops are starting to build up very quickly.

Although the Mirage Port was severely damaged, it was not a problem at all in the eyes of the orcs. They rebuilt Beiyuan Port, Linshui Port, Nanshan Port in the Tang Empire... and also built the Great Nanwan Port on the South Island.

A new island port is under construction on the new island.

With so much experience in port construction, it is easy for the orcs to repair the port of Mirage City. This place is no longer called Mirage City. It is called "God-given" by the orcs, and the port is also named "Tianci Port".

This name is inevitably flattering, because everyone knows that this island was given to the orcs by the Emperor of the Tang Empire. If it is named Tianci, doesn't it mean that His Majesty, the Emperor of the Tang Empire, is Tian?

However, this kind of thing still belongs to the category that no one cares about: no one cares about the Mirage Emperor, and no one cares about the Mirage City. So who dares to care about this mess in Tianci City?

Tianci Port has been reduced to ruins by the orcs' artillery fire. The buildings here need to be rebuilt, and the port is naturally the hardest hit area.

The goblins bombed it themselves, and the orcs bombarded it with artillery fire, turning the entire port area into a white field. However, this was very convenient for construction. Once the orcs and the heavy machinery from the Tang Dynasty arrived, the place quickly turned into a construction site.

After taking a small boat, then switching to a destroyer, and finally catching up with the cruiser, Mirage saw Mirage Dabo in the lounge of the cruiser.

After the two goblins smiled bitterly, they began to enjoy the fine wine and food prepared by the Tang Empire for them.

Frankly speaking, the Tang Empire was much more polite than the two goblins thought. They were not mistreated along the way, but enjoyed good food and drink. They could even visit on the cruiser, go up to the deck to enjoy the sea view, and blow the wind.

Sea breeze blowing.

On the busy northern route, transport ships from the Tang Empire can often be seen. In addition to the ships of the Datang Group, there are also some transport ships from other countries heading towards the Mirage.

Because there are so many materials to be transported, so many transport fleets from other countries want a share of the pie. Although winter is not suitable for construction, the orcs don't care about it.

They would rather rush for time, dig holes in the ice and snow, bury pipes, and build drainage systems than wait any longer.

These orcs' love for this island has driven them completely out of their minds: they pray to the gods to keep this sacred land no matter what the cost.

Now that the war is over, the materials on the transport ship have also changed a little: the ammunition and other materials transported before have begun to decrease, while other materials have begun to increase.

For example, instant noodles cans and tent cement produced by the Tang Empire have become hot commodities. Even some old ships have become urgently needed items in the North Island and the Main Island.

Not only were the warships sunk by the Mirage during the war, but also countless fishing boats and transport ships, all of which needed to be replenished quickly.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Without the threat of war, without the hunting of submarines and destroyers of the Tang Empire, the Mirage State is in great need of ship capacity to purchase various supplies and supplement them.


They need to import steel and oil from the Ice Empire, need to import food from other countries, and even need fishing boats to go out to sea to catch various seafood.

The same goes for the orcs. They need to form their own fleet, and they also need fishing boats, transport ships and even warships to protect their islands.

Therefore, many old ships were brought to the main island or the North Island, and then sold directly to the locals. The crew members were even hired at high prices and stayed to help train seamen...

Immediately after the war, the four islands of the Mirage Kingdom immediately became a huge market, attracting gold prospectors from far away to quickly come closer.

Although it has exhausted its foreign exchange reserves, the Mirage Kingdom actually still has some private money. The Mirage Emperor hid a sum of money in Beidao, and now it has been used.

The Mirage Kingdom does not have many troops on the North Island, but in fact the remaining troops here are even much more generous than the goblin troops on the main island.

After all, there is the 5th Armored Division before Mirage, and some infantry divisions: they have at least some ammunition, and the equipment is relatively complete.

Because sea transportation was cut off at that time, these weapons and ammunition could not be sent to the main island, so they were accidentally retained, and now they have become the capital of Beidao.

As for the mirage goblin troops that surrendered on the island, they basically have no heavy weapons, and at the same time, they also have no ammunition or anything like that.

The remaining food, supplies... including the meager ammunition, and weapons and equipment will not be allowed to be brought back to the North Island. Of course, the orcs will detain all these things.

Naturally, the industrial facilities in the southern part of the island cannot be taken away, but the goblins still try their best to get all their workers back to the north island safely.

This was also the first thing that Mirage Wenxin did after taking office as the deputy prime minister of Beidao. This matter was done to the satisfaction of the owner of Beidao.

The impoverished goblins need to import various equipment from the Tang Empire, the Ice Empire, and even the Lions Empire and the Dorne Empire to restore their production.

In addition, it is not particularly correct to say that Bei Dao has no family fortune at all. At least they have inherited the "legacy" of Mirage.

For example, the various patents, production qualifications, and technical standards purchased from Cyric and the Tang Empire... these things still belong to Beidao, which allows them to regain some of their own production capabilities in a short period of time.

In short, everything behind them was in ruins. Mirage Wen Dabo and Mirage Wuke took the cruiser of the Tang Empire and returned to Linshui for trial.

In this trial, the Tang Empire invited envoys from various countries to the Datang Empire to appear in court. They will all witness with their own eyes what the cost of violating the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Weapons" is.

Although no one took this convention seriously, even though many countries secretly manufactured mines and mines, and even the name of the convention itself changed and became less formal, when the Tang Empire decided to abide by this convention

, everyone must rethink the cost of breach of contract...

Accompanied by the solemn voice of the judge in the court established by the Tang Empire, Mirage Dabo and Mirage Wuke, who had even gained a little weight from eating along the way, were shot in the death chamber of Linshui Prison.

Forensic doctors and representatives from various countries all saw with their own eyes two important goblin ministers being shot to death: The Tang Empire, or Tang Mo, does not seem to like to use hanging. This is a preference of His Majesty the Emperor, so the death penalty in the Tang Empire

Usually they are executed by firing squad.

Everything is so natural, and there is no difference just because the two high-ranking officials of the Mirage Kingdom were shot. I heard that the owner of Bei Island just sighed after learning that his two men were dead, because he

Now that he is a minister of the Tang Empire, he has no right to become furious.

This chapter has been completed!
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