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1218 Found a thing called happiness

On the spacious street, a Renmin brand car passed by slowly. This kind of car does not have much horsepower, so it does not feel like driving fast.

It is a cheap car developed by Datang Group for civilians. In addition to being iron-clad and able to protect against wind and rain, it is also a four-wheeled motorcycle.

The small horsepower gasoline engine, the small wheels and the small cabin are all designed to highlight the advantages. The person driving this kind of car cannot be particularly tall, otherwise it is very likely that the door will be pulled off accidentally.

The car slowly drove into the entrance of a garage next to a community. There was an old security guard at the entrance of the underground parking lot. He didn't panic after seeing the car. He also slowly opened a small book and checked the license plate number.

Then he pressed the button and raised the roadblock.

"Thank you, old man." The middle-aged man said hello with a smile, and while passing the railing, he shook his window handle vigorously.

There's no other way. It's cheap. Of course, the window lifting is manual. It doesn't take much trouble anyway. Just crank it a few times by hand to raise the glass.

The old man waved his hand, put down the railing after the car went down to the basement, lowered his head and continued to play with his radio.

Don't underestimate the radio in his hand. Radios that can use batteries these days, except those in the Tang Dynasty, are really not cheap.

With the dim light above his head, the middle-aged man who was driving carefully parked his car in the berth that belonged to him. This was a parking lot renovated by an underground civil defense project in the Tongcheng City of the Tang Empire, and the words "

A series of precautions for escape.

Not far from where the middle-aged man parked his car, there was a huge iron gate. This gate could be closed at any time. It was filled with thick cement and could withstand direct attacks from large aerial bombs.

After parking his car, the man who got out of the car walked to the back seat and took out a cake box. He carefully placed it on the bonnet of an old People's car next to him. He turned around and used the key to carefully check the box.

Locked his car.

For him, or for his whole family, this car is an expensive luxury. If it weren't for his work and the country's huge discount, he wouldn't have thought of buying such a car.


However, with the development of society and the passage of time, it seems that many families in the entire Copper City have their own cars.

Even the dullest people realize that their lives are rapidly changing for the better, and everything around them is starting to look different.

In the past, they thought that being able to eat a bag of instant noodles was already a gift from His Majesty the Emperor. Now, what everyone talks about the most is the price of pork, chicken and eggs becoming cheaper, and the education of their children.

Workers who have worked hard in Tongcheng for ten years do not need to worry about houses. Those are things that only foreigners and immigrants care about.

They have their own factories, and the country has laws that stipulate that they should be supported by these factories, and the factories are also obliged to provide them with corresponding benefits.

The house is part of the welfare: after ten years, the house they live in now is so good that it is unimaginable!

This is definitely not an exaggeration, but a serious description. These workers never thought that one day they would be able to live in a two-bedroom building and enjoy a spacious and bright life.

Before they became citizens of the Tang Empire, they were exploited by landlords and bullied by foremen. How could they dare to expect such a thing? But now... they have everything.

And, they have more than they ever dreamed of.

After pulling the door handle and repeatedly confirming that his car was locked, the middle-aged man turned back and picked up the cake placed on the hood of someone else's car, and walked towards the stairs carrying a crumpled briefcase.

Another car drove into the parking lot in the distance, and the sound of the engine and the somewhat sour brake sound gradually faded away.

This underground parking lot cannot directly lead to the building where the middle-aged people live. After all, the civil air defense project is a civil air defense project, and the community built later is the community built later.

Returning to the ground, passing through a small garden, the middle-aged man walked all the way to his home. A group of old ladies were sitting around the flower bed in the garden. The head of the Zhang family and the Li family were gossiping about other people's homes.

After school, the children climbed up and down the iron railings around the garden, chasing each other and playing, shouting about moves such as the Soul-Severing Knife and Mountain Opening Palm.

The storytelling played on the radio is the best pastime for common people. Every evening, the storytelling that children and adults listen to has everything from honest officials to solving cases, heroes to saving the world, detective heroes... As time goes by, children naturally have their own stories.

Number of ways to play routines.

In their eyes, those iron railings are city walls, those flower beds are trenches, they are knights who fly over the walls and earn the title of alliance leader or commander.

Those who can live in this community are probably employees of Tongcheng Second Steel Plant, and everyone is familiar with it. It is normal to greet each other, nod and go about their business.

I greeted a few acquaintances along the way, walked to the door of a unit, bypassed a bunch of bicycles parked at the door, and walked up the stairs.

In the already narrow staircase, every step was filled with junk, including cabinets with broken legs and large water tanks with stones on them.

Everyone's life has just become affluent, and the habit of keeping things is still there. Everyone does it, so there is no such thing as unfair ethics.

On the jogging platform on the second floor is Aunt Liu's chicken coop, leaving only an aisle for one person to pass through. The dozen or so chickens inside are clucking, which suddenly brings the modern atmosphere of the building back to zero.

The corner of the third floor is piled with cabbage and covered with a rag. This is the food that the old man of the Li family used for the winter. There were more cabbages in November, and most of them have been eaten now.

There is no way. I was scared of hunger when I was fleeing famine, so now I put food in front of my house just to have peace of mind. Not to mention these old men and ladies, there is one household in the whole building, and which kitchen does not have some?

One hundred pounds of rice and white flour?

Nowadays, life is better. If you want to catch a chicken or pick up a piece of cabbage in the corridor, those old neighbors may not ask for your money, but they just can't change these habits and can't forget the earlier years.

Days like that.

They simply cherish the life in front of them, and are worried that such a life will suddenly be shattered. Therefore, they instinctively hoard all the supplies they can, and then eat sesame seeds and rotten millet day after day, looking at the mountains of those things.

Happy giggle of food about to go bad.

Maybe in twenty or thirty years... these people will be gone, and their habits will disappear without anyone to inherit them.

Don't laugh at them, because they have really experienced that time, that time when they couldn't afford to eat. When they meet, they stubbornly ask each other if they have eaten, and then stubbornly think that hearing the other person reply that they have eaten is the most sincere blessing.

Yes, for these people, having eaten is the best thing. Although their descendants will no longer regard being full as a kind of happiness, even though their descendants will increasingly look down on them stacked in the corner of their homes.

There were empty cans and bottles tied together with old newspapers and rotten cardboard boxes.

There is a couplet on the iron door on the fourth floor. This tradition did not exist before. With His Majesty the Emperor's decree on the Spring Festival celebrations, the Tang Empire officially had an additional festival that required a holiday.

On this day, the whole country rejoices, celebrating that they no longer have to suffer from hunger, celebrating that their lives are getting better and better, and celebrating that their future is full of hope.

During this festival, people will show off their harvest for the year as much as possible. Everyone will make a kind of pasta called dumplings with various fillings to pray for a good harvest; everyone will eat fish at the family banquet, which indicates that there will be plenty every year.

Today, families with enough money have to paste auspicious words of prayer on both sides of their homes, with neat and joyful decorations.

This kind of celebration held by the Tang Empire seemed like a luxury to other countries: this kind of paper was exclusive to nobles in the past, but now the common people of the Tang Empire stick the paper on their doorsteps like this!

Every household still needs to eat fish? Are you kidding? They don’t even have enough to eat, so they have to choose a day to eat fish? It’s not difficult for the fishermen on the seaside to eat fish. How much does a fish inland cost?


The man took out his key, unlocked the door of his house, opened the thick iron door, and put on his slippers on the mat at the door.

He put his briefcase on the ground aside and handed the cake he bought to his wife who welcomed him back: "It's for Xiaowen."

"You're buying things again! Why don't you cook pork ribs for her birthday? Just buy something so expensive." The wife scolded her, turned around, and took the cake to the dinner table.

It's not that a family like theirs can't afford to eat cake, but the habit of frugality still sneaks out in every detail, being simple and stubborn.

The daughter who was doing homework saw her own cake, cheered and closed her homework book. Her grades were good, making this small family full of hope for the future.

The Tang Empire never discriminated against women, and the chief officials of many departments were women. In some cities, even the mayors were women, so girls could go to school, be trained, and find a lot of jobs in society.

"Have you finished your homework? Just yell!" the hostess scolded, but it obviously had no effect. She put the cooked pork ribs on a plate in the kitchen, and then poured the washed vegetable leaves into the pot and started stirring them.


The man happily touched his daughter's head and interrupted her daughter who was unpacking the cake box: "Go wash your hands!"

"Thank you, Dad!" The daughter stuck out her tongue obediently. She was very beautiful and generous.

"Happy birthday." Looking at his daughter's back, the man felt that he had found something called happiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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