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1251 A night of chaos

The wingman followed Rudel and also dropped a guided bomb. This bomb was a cheap ground attack product produced by installing a guidance module on an ordinary aerial bomb.

Its attack accuracy is not as good as that of missiles, but because Tang Army aircraft can drop bombs at low altitudes at night, this shortcoming is not a problem at all.

After just two bombs fell, a large area of ​​​​space was vacated on the congested road. However, two huge craters lay across the road, and traffic had been completely cut off.

Instead, the horse on the carriage next to the roadbed neighed because of its injuries. One of the wheels of the towed cannon had gone somewhere. The artillerymen were hiding on the side of the cannon, shivering in fear from the sudden attack.

The Qin army, which had just shifted from a fixed position to a mobile state, did not even have anyone to organize a counterattack. They did not launch illumination bombs, nor did they unload the searchlights that had been mounted on carriages or trucks.

There was chaos like this, and the chaos continued under the bombing of the Tang Empire. The commander could not find his soldiers in the dark night, and the soldiers were not in the mood to care about where their commander was.

Some people rushed into the wooden houses of the farm that they had cleared out before, and some people hid in the depths of the woods... In short, it is true that the eight immortals are now showing their magical powers across the sea, and they can only run for their own lives.

In fact, restraining the troops is no longer something that a few Qin officers can do. What they can do now is to run with the defeated troops and control the few followers around them as much as possible.

Fortunately, the higher-ranking officers are at least followed by guards no matter how they run, and civilian staff such as staff officers or secretaries are also willing to run with such officers. The lower-level officers are already alone and running alone, and they don't even have time.

He called out his unit number and was rushed into the ranks of the unit next door by the crowd.

After Rudel flew the plane in a circle in the sky, he returned to the battlefield again. He pointed the nose of the plane at the road, and then pulled the trigger on the joystick.

"Da da da da!" The tracer bullets fired by the 30 mm caliber machine gun were like lasers, connecting from the nose of the aircraft to the ground. In an instant, the people in the Qin Army convoy blocked along the road turned on their backs, leaving only a field of fire after the strafing.


The wealth that the Qin army had accumulated ten years ago was ruthlessly beaten into piles of scrap metal. Those 75 mm caliber mountain cannons, 100 mm caliber artillery, and 105 and 130 mm caliber "heavy artillery"

, everything has become a part state.

The tanks that were crowded next to each other were also destroyed. These No. 4 tanks that the Qin State spent a lot of money to purchase from the Tang Empire, just like this, more than a dozen tanks ignited and exploded together, turning into balls of brilliant flames.


Rudel's wingman also started strafing, and the other row of tanks was also penetrated through the fragile top armor, and then the ammunition exploded into burning scrap metal.

The ignited ammunition truck exploded, and the huge flames illuminated everything around it. A large number of Qin troops were scurrying around in the fields, materials discarded on the road were scattered everywhere, and there were even ignited living people rolling around.

, the frightened war horses dragged the burning carriage and ran wildly among the crowd.

The commander of the Qin Infantry Regiment hiding in the corner looked at the friendly troops in the distance that were repeatedly ravaged by Tang Army attack planes, and remained silent not knowing what to say.

Before it completely darkened, the experienced commander of the Qin Army felt that it was not a good thing to be jammed on the road with those fools. So he ordered his troops to get out of the way and began to advance through the fields next to the walking base.

This order saved his infantry regiment: Those idiots who didn't know how to adapt were now being attacked by the Tang Empire's planes... and they were beaten really badly.

The commander of the Qin Army's infantry regiment, who was lucky enough to escape, didn't know why the Tang Empire's planes could fly at night, and he didn't know why the planes that flew at night could drop bombs so accurately.

But he saw everything happening with his own eyes, and he couldn't help but not believe the fact before him: the night was no longer safe, and their Qin troops could no longer rely on night to avoid air attacks from the Tang Empire.

The good old days when enemy planes would stop flying at three or four o'clock in the evening are over, and the night is now even more terrifying...

Several panicked Qin soldiers ran towards the direction of their regiment. Against the background of the fire in the distance, these fleeing soldiers looked so weak and panicked.

Gradually, the entire battlefield became as bright as day, and the fire illuminated everything around it. The chaotic Qin army fled in all directions, scurrying past the burning vehicles like rats crossing the street.

The infantry commanders of the Qin Army standing not far from the side knew that the 3rd Armored Corps was completely finished this time! They finally waited for the fuel to retreat, but the retreat was endless.

Of course, for the Qin Army, the real bad news was not the disaster they faced this night, but that they seemed to have to face the same disaster every night in the future.

The Tang Army's bombing continues, not only Thunder and Lightning, but also A6 attack aircraft, which can also be dispatched at night and attack the ground.

In order to make up the numbers, the Tang Empire actually dispatched many J-7 aircraft. These aircraft were only responsible for washing the ground with rockets, but they also caused a lot of trouble for the Qin army on the ground.

Early the next morning, Wang Luo, the commander of the Qin army who had been tortured by all kinds of bad news all night, learned that the assault troops of the Tang Empire had appeared outside Xiajuan, and the Tang army to the north had even cut off his troops from Xiajuan.

railway between.

It was not until this time that Wang Luo, the commander-in-chief of the Qin Army, finally received a definite piece of news: his army of hundreds of thousands was not only surrounded, but also paralyzed in the wilderness.

Now, he not only has to find a way to break out of the encirclement, but also has to find a way to solve all kinds of troubles. One of the biggest troubles is that his troops were attacked by a large-scale air raid last night and are now in complete chaos.

The previous chaos was caused by the destruction of the high-level headquarters, but this time the chaos was because his troops had collapsed, and there was no contact between the commander and the defeated troops.

It takes a lot of time to recover, but what Wang Luo lacks most now is time. After all, he has to organize his troops to break out as soon as possible. This is the only way for them to survive.

Once the troops of the Tang Empire gained a firm foothold, it would be almost impossible to return to the lower reins under the current situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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