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Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 13 Craftsmen

"I have never seen such a part. It looks very complicated, and the requirements are too high." Matthews looked at the drawings Tang Mo gave him, frowned, and said angrily: "If you want to

It would take several days to make parts like this by hand."

When he saw the drawings drawn by Tang Mo again, he even had deep doubts about his own skills: Could it be that he had been away from mainstream industrial production for too long and had fallen behind to the point where he didn't understand anything?

Looking at the confused dwarf Matthews, Tang Mo rubbed his sore eyes and said tiredly: "I need you to make this as soon as possible, because we will need this thing soon."

Last night, he spent the whole night drawing pictures under the damn gas lamp, and his eyes were sore. The lighting in this era was really terrible, and Tang Mo's chair was not as comfortable as the engineering chair.

However, his efforts were not without results. On the contrary, it can be said that the results were fruitful - dozens of drawings were drawn and distributed to the workers below today.

The most difficult one was prepared for Matthews. He needed Matthews to use his superb skills to make this thing.

It's a pity that Matthews is obviously not one of those workers who has been accustomed to Tang Mo's methods. He is more like a scholar who likes to figure out problems he doesn't understand face to face.

Moreover, he is a very capable skilled worker with manufacturing experience that Tang Mo cannot have. His experience has even reached the point where it can make up for his own lack of knowledge, making Tang Mo feel a little scary.

Yesterday, Matthews understood at a glance the working principle of a small machine tool improved by Tang Mo, and guessed the working accuracy of this human-powered machine tool.

Then, he helped Tang Mo make two small parts, which improved the machining accuracy of the machine tool. In Tang Mo's eyes, these are all skills, and these are the abilities that the talents he urgently needs should have!

Sure enough, after looking at the drawing in his hand, Matthews gave his opinion: "I have no problem, but if you want to install a torsion bar here, the difficult part should be added some thickness.


"Are you afraid that it will break?" Tang Mo was stunned and stared at Matthews with some curiosity - this drawing was copied from the one in his mind, and there should be no flaws in the design.

But at this moment, Matthews nodded. He pointed to the parts above and said to Tang Mo: "The existing materials are not up to standard, sir. Your design is very creative, but our iron raw materials are probably not up to standard."

to design standards.”

"Can you see the specific purpose of this thing I designed?" This time it was Tang Mo's turn to be surprised, because he hadn't told Matthews what this part was for.

"It's just a linkage device, sir. I'm not a fool! It's just that I'm confused as to what you use to drive such a...heavy part." Matthews didn't take it seriously and asked casually.

"I like you! Matthews! I like you! Hahaha!" Hearing Matthews' question, Tang Mo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, patting Matthews on the shoulder as if slapping him.

I am as happy as wearing an Asmail lithography machine.

Matthews looked at Tang Mo's hand that was patting his shoulder in depression, and reminded him with some dissatisfaction: "You still didn't take me to see your needle gun, sir."

One of the reasons why he left Beiling and came here was to see the new rifle that the Earl mentioned.

But until now, he had never really seen that kind of rifle - Tang Mo only made ten K1 fast rifles in total, and three of them were brought to Beiling and left there.

The remaining seven K1 guns were handed over to the leaving convoy for the departing Earl's troops to take back to Beiling.

Therefore, there are only ten K1 fast rifles in the world, and they are all in Beiling. Therefore, Tang Mo really does not have any extra rifles to satisfy the curiosity of the dwarf craftsman in front of him.

Tang Mo smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand, and finally said to Matthews: "Come on! Since I can't show you the actual new rifle, I have to let you see the drawings, right?"

"Okay, but I'd rather see the real thing... I've seen too many drawings in my life..." Matthews rolled the drawings in his hand into a cylinder, held it in his hand, and followed

Behind Tang Mo, we arrived at the place where Tang Mo worked.

The drawing tools from last night were still messily thrown on the table, and some drawn drawings were scattered and stacked under these tools. Tang Mo had been working last night and had just gone out to distribute the drawings, and he didn't have time to tidy up his desktop.

The dwarf Matthews glanced at the drawings on the table and didn't express any opinions - to be honest, he had never seen a complicated steam engine structure, so he couldn't figure out what Tang Mo was going to do for a while.

s things.

Tang Mo twisted his neck twice, then walked behind the desk, opened the drawer, and took out several drawn drawings.

He spread out these drawings on the table and motioned to Matthews to come over and take a look at them. Matthews was not polite and walked to the table and looked at Tang Mo's drawings.

"Exquisite design... not complicated. I even think this thing is very mature." Matthews was quickly attracted by the drawings. He stared at the lines on the drawings and imagined how beautiful the K1 gun was in real life.


"Actually, the design of these things is not the difficulty, the difficulty lies here." Matthews quickly saw the clue, pointed to the real core technology of this needle gun, and said to Tang Mo.

The place he pointed at was where the gun needle pierced the flash cap: "This little thing can ignite gunpowder. This is the basis of the design of the new rifle! You actually made such a small ignition device! Incredible!"

As the saying goes, a layman only sees the excitement and an expert sees the door. Matthews could see at a glance that Tang Mo's entire gun design revolved around the new ignition device of mercury fluoride.

In fact, this is exactly the case. It is precisely because of this reliable ignition and ignition device that the subsequent series of individual firearms and weapons can get rid of the shackles of the flintlock gun and develop into a truly modern look!

Of course, the current flash cap, or the main body of the flash cap, mercury, is not the ultimate solution. There will be more alternatives in the future. These alternatives are safer, more reliable, more efficient and more powerful.

"I visited your workshop. In fact, except for this new design, you have almost nothing." Matthews looked at the drawings and said to Tang Mo without raising his head: "I even suspected that you had deceived the Earl.


"Unfortunately, I did not deceive the Earl." Tang Mo knew that Matthews was right. If he hadn't really been able to make the K1 gun, this would have been a complete scam.

Of course, the main reason why the earl was fooled was because he really took out a weapon like the K1 fast gun - no one is a fool, how could he be fooled so easily.

Matthews nodded and agreed with Tang Mo's statement, but what he continued to say made Tang Mo blush: "I know, I saw your people are producing this new type of bullet, but the production speed is actually

It’s not that great.”

"Compared to Cyric's musket workshop, you have no advantage here... Tell me, do you really think you have even one ten thousandth chance of winning?" Matthews raised his head and stared at Tang Mo,

He asked word for word.

"If you can help me make these parts, I think I have a chance of winning, and it's very good." Tang Mo pressed the drawing with both hands and said to Marcus: "Believe me, it's not one in ten thousand, but one hundred percent!


Matthews stared into Tang Mo's eyes without giving in: "If you want to convince me, you have to show some real skills."

In the end, Tang Mo decided to show Matthews his secret weapon. After all, this thing had already been seen by Weiss.

He had decided to get himself a better pistol as soon as possible for self-defense, but designing a new revolver also required the help of Matthews in front of him.

So, he sighed and took out the holstered revolver from the drawer: "Okay! Come with me! I hope you can stay, Matthews. I need people like you.

,Very necessary."

"If you really show me something that can surprise me, I will stay up late tonight to help you make the parts!" Matthews followed Tang Mo to the small shooting range.

Tang Mo stood at the position where he often tested fire, pulled out the revolver from the holster, and then poured out small flash caps from a small pocket outside the holster.

He clicked the flash caps in the corresponding positions one by one, making the revolver ready to fire.

Matthews knew that this was the special ignition device that Tang Mo had made. If this thing was true, then everything Tang Mo said might be true.

So he watched quietly, watching Tang Mo put the flash caps in his hand on the end of the bullet nest one by one, and then waited for Tang Mo to pick up the pistol and aim at the target in the distance.

"Bang!" Tang Mo pulled the trigger, a stream of white smoke erupted from the muzzle, and the bullet hit the target about 15 steps away.

Tang Mo did not put down the pistol, but maintained the shooting posture, and pulled the trigger again. The cylinder rotated according to his action of pulling the trigger, and at the same time, the hammer swung backwards, and then the device was at the farthest point from the flash cap.

He suddenly lost his restraint in his position and suddenly fell forward.

"Bang!" Another gunshot echoed in the sky above the shooting range. Matthews' eyes widened and he unknowingly used his strong hands to pinch the blueprint rolled into a cylinder.


"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" Tang Mo did not put down his pistol, but continued to fire. The sound of gunshots continued, as if he was beating on the door of history.

(End of chapter)

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