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1355The old palace in the old capital

After a heart-stopping shock, Liu Zhian flicked the dust off his hat. His command post was already within the artillery strike range of the Tang army, and the Tang army opened fire on the Dahua Old Palace without any psychological pressure at all.

To be honest, if this palace had some artistic and archaeological value before, after several rounds of destruction and renovation, there is almost nothing worth remembering.

If an underground bunker was dug next to the Forbidden City, and the palace collapsed and had not been repaired for a long time, and the contents inside had been removed long ago, it is hard to say how much value it would actually have left.

Finally, Strauss had never even thought about wasting the lives of Tang Empire soldiers for these illusory things.

His current purpose is very simple, which is to capture this so-called old capital of Dahua at the minimum cost, so that the entire Dahua battlefield can be completely controlled by the Tang Empire.

It was obvious that his efforts were almost successful: Liu Zhian's troops were collapsing, and the defense line of the old capital built at a huge cost by the Qin army was now riddled with holes and on the verge of destruction.

"Are all the documents burned?" Liu Zhian looked at his adjutant and asked a question he had asked many times today.

The adjutant nodded and said with certainty: "General! All the documents of the headquarters have been burned. The remaining documents of each military department, my subordinates have also supervised the burning of the most important parts."

There are letters exchanged, backups of orders, unit data, and personnel details. The documents of a unit are quite complex and the number is quite huge.

These documents are very important. Examining the history of a unit, proving the existence of this unit, looking back on the achievements of this unit... many things require these written documents.

Burning these documents at a critical moment will cause immeasurable damage to an army. Its past will be buried in history, and it may never be seen again in the future.

Therefore, burning a unit's flag and destroying a unit's documents are choices that would not be made easily. Only a unit that is completely desperate would make such a choice.

Li Zhian had to order many Qin troops to do this: if he didn't do this, there might be some documents used to prove that the use of landmines was tacitly approved by Qin's top brass, which would implicate more people.


Therefore, he must ensure that all relevant records are burned, or at least a large part of them are burned. In this way, the remaining parts have no value for mutual reference and mutual verification. Qin Emperor Yingduo behind him, and

The other officials of the Qin State were also safe.

As for the various Qin troops who had burned their archives and had no way to verify the process and results of their participation in the war, they could only admit that they were unlucky.

There was a burning smell in the air, and many secretarial officers continued to burn files and documents. For them, the old capital at this moment could no longer hold on.

The local Chinese people had begun to cooperate with the Tang army in fighting. They led the way for the Tang army and reported the hiding areas of Qin troops. Some even took out their hidden weapons and ambush Qin's logistics supply detachment.

Under such circumstances, the Qin army's operations in the old capital have fallen into complete chaos. They have lost one-third of the residential areas, and the peripheral factory areas have also been controlled by the Tang army.

Now, the connection between the Qin army in the city and the Qin field troops outside the city has been intermittent. All roads leading outside the city are dangerous and there are gunshots everywhere.

"It seems that this place doesn't belong to us after all." Looking at everything around him with a wry smile, Liu Zhian stood up and put the hat on his head.

His adjutant handed him a steel helmet. The helmet was the classic M35 helmet that was eliminated by the Tang Army. It looked very beautiful.

Liu Zhian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took off his military cap and replaced it with a steel helmet. He was a frontline general, so of course he knew how to protect himself. He was just not used to it, and he was not used to being on the frontline.

"Let's go!" Liu Zhian, who was already determined to evacuate, did not hesitate and walked out of his office with his adjutant and guards.

In the hall outside, some officers were gathering together to smoke. Next to them, several soldiers were burning outdated maps.

These maps are all areas outside the old capital and are completely useless now. They have become positions of the Tang army, and many places have even become safe zones.

The Qin army's artillery fire can barely reach the ruins of the factories, which have now become refugee camps, crowded with Dahua aborigines who came to seek refuge.

The situation was better than the Tang army imagined. They successfully controlled most of the neighborhoods. In fact, the Qin army in the old capital had no room to continue struggling.

They can only control some buildings and streets, and are generally compressed into a long and narrow area, struggling to survive.

"Stand at attention!" Seeing Liu Zhian coming out, all the officers and soldiers saluted him. At least in the cluster headquarters, this kind of etiquette cannot be abandoned.

Liu Zhian returned a scrawled military salute to them, and then led his adjutant and guards out of the underground bunker and walked to the garden of the Dahua Palace.

There were several Type 113 armored vehicles parked there, covered with camouflage nets. The crater not far away was still steaming, and some Qin soldiers were building machine gun positions.

The Tang army was very close to here, and the nearby Qin army was in fighting condition. Their clothes were full of dust, and some soldiers could even vaguely see blood stains on their bodies.

"How long can we hold on here?" Liu Zhian saw a Qin regiment commander next to the armored vehicle waiting for him.

The regiment leader was worried and thought for a few seconds before replying: "General, I think it depends on how long the Tang Army is prepared to let us hold on here."

"Thank you for your hard work... Your bravery will never be forgotten! The Qin Congress finally won this war." Liu Zhian patted the other party on the shoulder and said a few words of encouragement that no one believed.

Then, he got into the armored vehicle in the middle, and other guards got on board. Then the armored vehicles started, running over the broken rubble, passing through the collapsed courtyard wall, and left the Dahua Empire.

of the old royal palace.

About ten minutes later, fierce gunfire rang out from next door to the palace. Tanks of the Tang Army rampaged and broke through the palace wall amidst the hail of bullets from the MG42 machine guns. The Tang Army soldiers covering the palace began to launch a fierce attack on the place where Liu Zhian left.

This chapter has been completed!
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