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1380 is not easy either

"You can see! Our army was warmly welcomed by the local residents after entering Hejiucheng..." On the TV screen, the Tang army reporter gave up his position and pointed at the Tang army behind him.

Tanks and armored vehicles were lined up neatly, driving forward one after another. On both sides of the vehicles were Tang Army soldiers walking in unison. They turned a blind eye to the cheers on both sides of the road and just moved forward step by step.

On the streets on both sides, the local civilians of Shu Kingdom were waving their arms enthusiastically to welcome the liberators who had come from afar.

They really welcomed the arrival of the Tang army, because as the war continued, the tyranny of the Qin people gradually became apparent, making the civilians of Shu very dissatisfied.

The other side would forcibly recruit soldiers, even violating their original promise. Qin had promised Shu officials that they would not recruit more than 500,000 soldiers in Shu.

But now the situation is obviously different, and Qin's guarantee seems to be outdated: Qin has recruited 1.1 million troops in Shu, and this number has a tendency to increase further.

In fact, the Qin State planned to recruit 3 million soldiers in Shu, but this goal was obviously impossible to achieve. However, it was a goal to strive for, similar to an action plan.

As for whether the soldiers recruited from Shu can fight in the war, or how useful they are, in fact, the Qin State has no idea.

The Qin State had suffered losses in this regard when they were in Dahua territory before. They were unable to make proper use of Dahua's servant army, and were afraid that the servant army would guard against the servant army, and would eventually let these servant armies serve as cannon fodder.

For Liu Zhian, those Dahua servants with ulterior motives failed more than they succeeded, but for the Qin State, they needed some strong men to make up for their losses on the battlefield.

If soldiers are only recruited from within the Qin State, not only will it affect the operation of Qin's own industry, but it will also waste precious manpower, which will have a huge impact on subsequent battles.

In addition to attracting young men, the Qin State was also crazily amassing money in Shu: Tang State had a good industrial foundation and huge domestic and foreign markets. As long as Tang Mo was willing, he could easily sell some technologies in exchange for money.

But the Qin State did not have so many options: they could only maintain a certain scale of trade with the Orc Empire. The sea route to Dorne, which they had previously had high hopes for, had now become a complete joke.

The economic backwardness made Qin passive, and Ying Duo had to plunder and steal wealth wherever he could find it to make up for Qin's expenses in the war.

In fact, one of the reasons why Qin was unwilling to retreat from Chu was that they were frantically exploiting Chu's minerals and plundering Chu's wealth.

Wherever the Qin army passed, it was like being washed by water. Stealing food and money was completely normal. Killing people and setting fires were also commonplace.

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of the Qin Army in Chu quickly collapsed. The local civilians supported the actions of the Tang Army, led the way for the Tang Army, and were even willing to directly participate in the war to fight against the Qin Army.

Under such tremendous pressure, Zhang Xuan would be so passive, shrink his troops and finally flee in panic, leaving only a group of Xishan fortresses still struggling to hold on.

The Tang Army was completely different. The Tang Army's style of conduct was supported by a strong logistical support system and an almost endless amount of wealth, so it didn't even bother to exploit the locals.

The ambitions of the Tang state also prompted them to make a more correct choice: they were unwilling to provoke conflicts with the locals. They preferred to promote the concept of "Tang people" and treat those in the occupied areas as subjects.

In fact, the Tang Kingdom also had oppression and contradictions, but the rulers cleverly transferred these contradictions to the "orcs and goblins", limiting the empire's exploitation to the "orcs and goblins".

As for human beings, they were treated equally in the Tang Empire. Everyone was human, and they were Tang people. They were both high and low, and there was no distinction between them.

Of course, this method of ethnic integration is not without its drawbacks. The interests of the first people to become Tang people will actually be diluted by the subsequent population.

People are selfish, and everyone will feel that their own benefits are divided up by garbage who have not made any contribution. Although the Tang Empire tried its best to satisfy vested interest groups with expanding cakes and dividends, the truth that greed is hard to fill will happen at any time.


This is a long process that requires constant adjustments and comfort. Compared with the oppression and expulsion, massacre and intimidation that are eager for quick success, it is obvious that the assimilation plan adopted by the Tang Empire requires more patience and has slower results.

Under normal circumstances, such an influence would take hundreds of years to show its effect, but time brings success: the Tang Empire's own excellence and the support of its opponents made the whole process extremely fast.

On the one hand, the Tang Empire was too rich. Just like the Lighthouse State of Blue Star, there was naturally a group of weaklings willing to join the most powerful country. This was an objective phenomenon.

In addition, the Tang Empire had money, food, enough jobs, and enough patience to manage the population in the occupied areas. Therefore, with the support of the people's determination, the Datang Empire's rule over the occupied areas was obviously limited.

Easier and more effective.

On the other hand, the opponents of the Datang Empire were really incompetent. They oppressed the people in the occupied areas, did not treat the people in the occupied areas as human beings, plundered wantonly, often harassed, and even carried out massacres... Under such circumstances, the Tang Dynasty

The advantages of the empire were highlighted.

Therefore, in Shu, Chu, and Dahua, the troops of the Tang Empire felt as if they had returned to their own home. They were warmly welcomed by the local people and took advantage of the so-called home field advantage.

"It looks like the war is indeed coming to an end." Looking at the cheering scene of the Shu people on the TV, an engineer who had breakfast and watched the news said while chewing his own fried dough sticks.

His wife, who was feeding her two children, nodded and said, "Yes, the price of meat dropped a little bit yesterday. Before, everyone was so nervous that they stocked up some, but now it seems there is really no need."

"It's good to have some reserves." The man didn't care. His income was relatively high in Tongcheng. After all, he was a skilled worker.

However, there has been great pressure to upgrade industrial technology recently, and he has to continue to study to ensure that he can keep up with the latest technological production requirements.

The Tang Empire keeps moving forward, taking huge steps, and those who can't keep up will be eliminated. This can also be said to be another kind of cruelty... Living in the Datang Empire, it is actually difficult to live a good life.

It's not as easy as it seems.

There is no other way, he has a big family to support.

This chapter has been completed!
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