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1419Real rebellion

"Such an emperor is not worthy of our allegiance to him!" In the trench, a young Qin officer said angrily.

His troops were starving and fighting against the powerful Tang people for so long, suffering heavy casualties and unable to receive timely reinforcements.

Along the way to Shahun, they retreated from a decent mechanized force to a pitiful light infantry.

Their weapons changed from tanks and armored vehicles, to armored vehicles and cars, to cars and motorcycles, and finally to all kinds of messy things.

When they were in Wangdu, all their tanks were lost. The replacement soldiers had never even driven a tank, and their equipment consisted of some bicycles and civilian cars.

Those cars that had no off-road capabilities had to be abandoned as long as they got stuck in the mud, and the civilian cars they abandoned were also loaded with various ammunition and supplies.

Later, they even had few cars, and everyone could only walk on foot. As the commander of the armored regiment, he could only command a group of light infantry to continue fighting.

The sad thing is that he studied abroad. He studied armored tactics for two years in the Tang Dynasty. He is a high-tech officer who understands modern warfare and understands it well.

But because he had been to the Tang Dynasty, after the declaration of war against the Tang Dynasty, he was obviously pushed to the edge of the army. It was not until the defeat was too fast and there was a lack of officers that he was promoted again.

"Isn't it! If you owe food and military pay, forget about it, and you won't be given weapons. What kind of supplementary soldiers are there? A 60-year-old man, and a 16-year-old child... What else are you fighting for?" Another young man said

The officers also echoed depressedly.

He is also an officer who studied in the Tang Empire, but he studied communication equipment. Now Qin's communication equipment is basically in a state of interference, so naturally he, a communications officer, has no job.

The other officer in the headquarters is not too old, only about 40 years old. He is their chief officer, the division commander of this division.

He also went to the Tang Empire to study as an exchange student, which was another reason why they got together.

If it weren't for the heavy losses of the frontline troops and the obvious shortage of officers, the Qin State would not tolerate so many officers connected with the Tang Empire gathering together.

But there was no way, because the previous neglect of them left these officers who had gone to the Tang Empire for further training to stay in the less important second-line troops, and were not affected by the defeat on the front line.

As a result, due to the lack of officers, these young officers had to be used, and these officers suddenly took control of many grassroots command powers in the army.

If there is no problem, there is actually no problem with these officers. But now there is a problem within the Qin Army. This suddenly makes the young officers who have been to the Tang Dynasty and have seen the world have some thoughts of their own: After all, they still have some problems.

Do you want to fight for such a decadent and corrupt country?

Loyalty is a valuable quality, but if the person in power is the first to give up loyalty, isn't it too unworthy for the abandoned person to remain loyal?

"Look what kind of tank I was given!" The leader of the tank regiment who was the first to speak looked disgusted when he mentioned his own tank. It was really hard to call the newly added tank a tank.

The armor on the sides and back has been removed, replaced by ordinary steel plates. These steel plates can only protect against shell fragments and long-distance rifle fire, which is only slightly better than streaking.

As for the top cover... it was simply removed. It was said to be convenient for members to get on and off the car, but in fact it was simply put in place, and even the process of the top cover and hatch was omitted.

The thickness of the armor on the front is not even 30 mm, and it has suddenly fallen back to the level of tank protection ten years ago. In order to be able to install a large-caliber artillery and prevent rollover, this tank also canceled the turret design.

That's right... this thing is basically a Panzer IV tank destroyer with the armor discarded and no roof - the problem is, even the tank gun of this thing is much inferior to the Panzer IV tank destroyer.

Because the manufacturing time was too late and the manufacturing process was simplified, the tank's tank gun used a 75mm caliber gun with a low bore pressure and low ballistic curve, and its armor-piercing capability was simply appalling.

Letting the soldiers drive this thing to the front line to die is almost the same as not giving them guns. In actual combat, this "new type" tank was unable to penetrate the armor of Tang Army tanks even at a distance of 300 meters...

Sneak attacks and ambushes are useless, so its only function is to consume the Tang Army's ammunition, allowing the Tang Army's aircraft to fire rockets or destroy it with cannon fire...

Now the weapons of the Qin army are extremely diverse, including imitation but less successful rocket launchers, rifles, submachine guns, and even some weird experimental gadgets.

Some weapons are not even mass-produced, such as anti-aircraft guns modified from the Qin Army's own tank chassis. Basically, those weapons have no accessories. If they are damaged, they can only be discarded without a chance to repair them.

Not all the ammunition hoarded at Daxiguan was withdrawn to Shahun due to transportation capacity. The Qin army set off fire and blew it up in order not to benefit the enemy. So now a large number of troops lack ammunition, making combat a problem.

Now that the 93rd Army has been inspired by the rebellion, many troops are starting to get ready to take action, because in addition to soldiers, there are also many middle- and high-ranking officers of the Qin State who are thinking of ways for their future.

They are smarter and more decisive than the soldiers below: they think more and are obviously more thorough than the rebel soldiers.

"Commander! Why don't we just switch sides? Lead the troops to penetrate Shahun's defense line from behind, and then surrender to the Tang army!" The officer in charge of communications looked at his commander and asked a rather taboo question.


"We don't know what's going on over there in the Tang Dynasty. The unlucky ones are all the big landowners and nobles. The life we ​​live is actually no different from now." The leader of the tank regiment thought of his rags.

He gritted his teeth and added another irritation to his teacher.

"As soon as we leave... those classmates who studied abroad together... are all doomed." The division commander was a little hesitant, because their status is rather special. If something goes wrong, then... officers with the same status as them will...

been implicated.

"Commander! I can't control that much anymore! If we don't take action, the soldiers below will go crazy with hunger and we will die!" Two of his subordinates stood up and persuaded them. If the division commander doesn't agree to the two of them, the two of them will die.

Have a go-it-alone attitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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