Turn off the lights
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That night, bright light shone on the table, and the oil lamp placed on the corner of the table seemed to be struggling for its life, stubbornly unwilling to leave.

Although candles are still a scarce commodity in many places, times have indeed changed, and a new world of electricity is taking shape little by little.

The boy was biting the tip of his pen and looking down at his homework. To be honest, he was already very smart, but he still felt dizzy when faced with all kinds of knowledge that came to him all at once.

He likes math problems very much and is willing to think about them. The school also regularly prepares some practical courses to let students get in touch with things like machinery.

Frankly speaking, no one believed that a school in a town could be built on such a scale at first. The poor people here were very happy to hear that someone was teaching for free. What they didn't expect was that free things could be so good.

The entire school occupies the best location in the town, with playgrounds and various supporting facilities. Some classrooms even use the estates of the richest man in the town.

The Tang Empire attached so much importance to the construction of schools that all smart people realized that times had indeed changed.

In the past, learning was a luxury. Big families and wealthy people solidified their class by monopolizing education, and ultimately achieved their rule.

The model of the Tang Empire was completely different. Tang Mo respected education and used the fairest possible education to break down the inherent classes. Although everything was not perfect, this set of things was already very deadly.

No one can be completely fair, so a relatively fair model is already the best choice.

In ancient times, because learning materials were monopolized, only rich people could afford to use bamboo slips, rice paper, pen and ink, and books... Therefore, the poor could only farm their lives and could not afford to read.

Taking the road of a military attache is even worse. An ordinary citizen cannot even eat enough and has no way to improve his physical fitness. Naturally, he cannot be the opponent of the nobles. Therefore, most of the ancient generals were from famous families - as for these have

Whether rich people have the courage and brains is another matter.

Tang Mo gave everyone an opportunity to improve their quality of life by relying on reading. Although this opportunity is still slim, this opportunity is at least there.

"The teacher doesn't know how to study hard! I only know how to watch the fun!" The woman sat on the bed, worrying about the electricity bill, while nagging, using needle and thread to mend the clothes that already had several patches.

Although the Tang Empire provided a large amount of subsidies, allowing them to replace tiles, use glass windows, and even install electric lights, there are some things that poverty is engraved on the bones and will never be erased in this life.

That's a habit, don't laugh at it.

If you haven't experienced hardship, it's impossible to understand that kind of stubborn persistence. If you hadn't seen a single green leaf all winter, who would dig a cellar and store a bunch of rotten potatoes and cabbage?

This set of patchwork clothes is for work. Who knows when the state subsidies will end these days? If you pretend to be poor, maybe you can get the state to pay for a water pipe or something... Yes


"Your father, I have no ability anymore, and I can't do those additions and subtractions. I'll have to rely on you in the future!" The man on the side was worried and had no choice. Neither of him could help.

After working outside all year round, his hands were calloused and he couldn't sew or mend his clothes. He didn't know anything about his son's studies, and looking at those exercise books was like reading a book from heaven.

The boy lowered his head and started writing on a math problem. To be honest, these problems were only at the level of sixth grade in elementary school, so they were not difficult for him.

Although I only studied for half a year, the teachers at the school taught me very well, and these teenage children all have high IQs, so they learned the knowledge in grades one, two and three very quickly.

The Tang Dynasty has been doing crash courses for more than ten years. Everyone has experience, and it’s just a cram-feeding lesson. Anyway, no parents these days will talk nonsense about burden reduction, happy education and other requirements.

Those idiots who advocate happy education will never tell you that students in prestigious universities in lighthouse countries still study hard all night long, and their exams are even higher.

The parents of children in the Tang Empire were still in a relatively rough and primitive stage. In their eyes, if someone could teach their children to read and was willing to teach their children to learn, then they were benefactors. Do you understand benefactors?

These simple parents will not be annoyed by the teacher's corporal punishment of students. Instead, they will wait for the children to go home and give them a super double. Children these days have nothing to say, they are very naughty, and it is common for them to be beaten.

After the spanking, I covered my butt and ran out to play.

To put it in perspective, education in the Tang Empire was free, and teachers did not charge excessive amounts of money. They were also in a relatively primitive stage. They were not used to charging excessive fees and did not have the guts to accept benefits. They were more dedicated to teaching and educating people.


The world is like this sometimes. It would actually be better if people on both sides were more normal, but they just have to use a lot of tricks to complicate simple things, and then waste most of their energy on complicated rules.

Originally, the boss of the company was more benevolent and would pay for overtime when there was more work, and take more vacations when there was less work. The employees would also have more rest time, and naturally they would be able to work better at work.

No, no! The boss has to force overtime without paying, forcing everyone to pretend to be busy - except for the waste of electricity, there is no benefit to the company.

On the other hand, the same goes for employees. They just work hard according to their conscience and earn wages... No, when they meet a kind boss, they start cheating and cheating. The better the benefits, the more lazy they become, but they insist on the boss holding a whip behind him.

It's just comfortable.

In the end, the employees pretended to work seriously, and the boss pretended to pay wages seriously. The employees were unwilling to work overtime, so they diluted one hour's work into five hours. Then the boss looked proud and felt that his employees had worked for five hours, and he himself

Only paid for one hour...

Who made a profit? No one made a profit. But countless time, resources... were consumed like this. And as time goes by, this consumption will only become more and more, and more and more out of control.

, eventually triggering a collapse and starting over from scratch.

Rely on yourself! The boy lowered his head and kept writing. He already had his own goal: when school was over during the day, he saw the man who managed the orc labor. He thought that man was really majestic.

After so many years of fighting between the Qin and the orcs, this was the first time he saw a human being who could make so many orcs bow their heads and tremble with just one look. He was determined to be such a person and become a master!

This chapter has been completed!
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