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1508 Where is the target?

Naturally, it was impossible for such a huge fleet to completely cover up people's eyes. The Tang army was already moving fast enough, but the news spread even faster.

At the same time that the fleet carrying a large amount of supplies in Qingluan Port in Shu Land left the port, Dorne already knew the news.

The departure of such a large fleet from the port completely frightened the Dornish military. They were eager to know where the Tang army's fleet had gone.

In order to find out about this, they did not hesitate to dispatch the little fleet they had, and sent out a large number of Jushan bombers, equipped with Shenguang missiles, for frequent patrols.

But a day passed, and they found nothing. The Tang army fleet did not appear on the route to Dorne. This time Dorne was very sure.

If the planes sent out did not return, if the submarines had no communication reports, if there was no news from the destroyers that had the courage to go out to die... then the Dornish military knew that it was most likely dead.

But what made them relieved was that their plane came back, the submarine also sent back the news, and even the destroyer they went to sea did not have any "accidents".

Obviously, the Tang navy did not gather at Dorne's doorstep. The goal of the Tang fleet was not the coast of Dorne, nor the port of Neverwinter.

Unfortunately, it will take time to confirm this fact, and Dorne does not dare to be careless, because after all, their opponent is the Tang Empire.

So in addition to sending the news that "the Tang Army's huge fleet deployed at Qingluan Port has left the port" to all empires, they have been repeatedly confirming where the Tang Empire's naval fleet is these days.

Until three days later, they still did not wait for the Tang Kingdom's fleet at their doorstep. At this time, they breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed the news: the Tang Empire's fleet was most likely heading north.

As for where they went north... they couldn't confirm.

Immediately afterwards, intelligence showed that the large-scale fleet assembled by the Tang Army in Nanshan Port also took action. They left the port and disappeared on the sea with an unknown number of things.

The merchant ships of the Lions Empire that followed the fleet secretly were driven away by the escorting Tang destroyers. After that, the Lions Empire no longer knew the whereabouts of this fleet.

No longer caring about confidentiality, countless telegrams were sent to various countries. Even at the risk of being caught by the Tang intelligence agency, the lurking spies in these countries could no longer remain silent at this time.

If the Tang Empire used all its strength to strike a blow on the head of its own country, and if its own country was not prepared, it would probably be killed in one fell swoop - so the country must at least make some preparations.

Even if you don't have the ability to resist, you should at least buy yourself a coffin and lie down in it comfortably. Since you are going to die, why not choose a feng shui treasured place and lie down in a comfortable position?

Therefore, everyone stopped pretending and started sending group messages directly, as if to warn the Tang Empire in this way: We all know what you want to do, you'd better not come here!

Immediately afterwards, news came from the Mirage Kingdom that a Tang Kingdom fleet assembled in the Great South Bay had left the port. This fleet was also large in number, with at least two hundred various support ships.

The news this time is more accurate, because someone saw the flagship of the Tang Army's Northern Fleet at the anchorage of Great South Bay also sailing out to sea. The destination is unknown, but it is certain that most of the warships of the Tang Army's Northern Fleet are not in the port.

As soon as this news came out, everyone became even more nervous. From Da Nanwan in the north to Qingluan Port in the south - all the ships of the Tang Army seemed to have moved. But the question is: where is the target?

Dorn was not sure whether they were the target, and the dwarves had not yet found the exact location of the Tang fleet. Therefore, the entire Eastern Continent was in chaos, and all the military and intelligence departments felt like they were watching a ghost movie.

They are really afraid that as soon as the music plays and the door opens, a bloody mouth will be opened in front of them.

"Find it for me! You must find it for me! No matter what! Find the Tang Army fleet! Hurry!" In the Naval Headquarters of the Lions Empire located in Bunas, the new Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Lions Empire has become ignorant these days.


This commander who inherited the "legacy" of the Imperial Navy took his misfortune to the extreme: when he took over as commander of the Navy, Emperor Liones I "died."

The old emperor passed away and the new emperor ascended the throne. Before he could even cry out, he was about to face the embarrassing situation of almost annihilating the Lions Imperial Navy and leaving the remaining stinky fish and rotten shrimps with almost zero combat power.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that he would be endlessly tortured by the theory that the navy was useless. Under the huge pressure of the Tang Army's fleet, the argument that building warships was not as good as building coastal defense fortresses never stopped.

His predecessors did not experience the embarrassment of having to compete for budgetary appropriations for shipbuilding and trench repair civil engineering projects.

Finally, we got some funds from the Prime Minister and started building several new ships. However, not long after the construction of the ships started, the Prime Minister was assassinated, and the empire's top officials were in turmoil...

Although he did not lose his title as commander of the Imperial Navy Fleet because of this matter, everyone could clearly see the previous flirting with the old prime minister in order to obtain funds.

Naturally, he was embarrassed by the new emperor. If it weren't for the fact that no one wanted the navy's mess, he might have left long ago.

Well, now, the whereabouts of the Tang Navy are unknown, and the main fleet of the Tang Empire deployed on Longdao has probably already been anchored - at this time, no one will compete with him for the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

In more than a year, the Lines Empire Navy's new destroyers, which were barely built using old blueprints and underwent some modifications, finally accumulated a few ships. Now they are sent out to buy warning time for the coastal defense forces at the risk of death.


If the Tang army really attacks Bunas, it will be the end of his position as naval commander. It does not mean that he may be dismissed or die in the headquarters, but that the so-called navy in his hands will be destroyed in almost a day.

It may be reset to zero.

Of course, if the Tang army really attacks Bunas, there will be another unlucky guy to pay for it: the main force of the Dornish naval fleet that was "leased" to the Lions Empire will probably not be able to escape either.

These Dornish battleships and cruisers are all old models and have been rented from the ports and docks of the Lions Empire for modification and maintenance.

In short, these warships did not obey the orders of him, the person who nominally rented this fleet, but instead occupied the valuable berths and shipbuilding capabilities of the Lines Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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