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1527 ejection seat

"I'm locked by the radar! I'm locked by the radar!" Before he could report that he had been locked by the radar, his companion's urgent shout came from his earphones.

No one knows what it means to be locked by radar, because the Dwarf Empire does not have radar-guided air-to-air missiles.

The radar on their aircraft only has a single function of finding targets. The so-called air-to-air missiles they are equipped with are the first-generation infrared guided combat missiles... that kind of magical thing where half of it is launched and then turns around to hit itself, and the other half flies towards the sun.


"We have been discovered!" The dwarf frontline commander had to admit that the situation he least expected to see had become a reality. The Tang army already knew that they were coming, and seemed to have begun to attack them.

"Climb! Climb! Follow the drill and get rid of the opponent's tracking!" Although he knew it was impossible to do it, he still issued the maneuver order.

All the fighter jets began to climb upward, their altimeters were rising little by little, the aircraft's engines roared, and the fleet soon reached an altitude of 7,300 meters.

"I saw the enemy's missile! I saw the enemy's missile!" Because the clouds were far below their feet, the vision of these dwarf fighter pilots was quite good. Their sight went beyond the steel bars supporting the cockpit glass and saw the distance.

The incoming missile trailed a long line of white smoke.

"Spread out!" With a hysterical cry, the dwarf fighter jets fled one after another, but the sharp air-to-air missile in front turned directly, caught up with a climbing J-6, and exploded near the aircraft.

The dwarf pilot, who had added cockpit armor and was prepared in advance, pulled the mechanism on the ejection seat and ignited the rocket booster device under his buttocks the moment he felt his plane was hit.

The hatch cover was lifted off by a small amount of explosives, and cold air suddenly poured into the cockpit. Before the dwarf pilot could feel the chill, he was pushed out of the plane at a terrifying speed.

For a moment, he couldn't see anything in front of him. The huge overload prevented his blood from circulating normally. At that moment, he thought he was dead, but a few seconds later, he felt the cold wind beating on his leather jacket.

, he knew that he seemed to have saved his life.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the sky through the goggles, he saw that only half of his plane was left, falling like fallen leaves.

He also saw another parachute and his own fighter jets taking cover in the distance. Everything around him was shining, which was the reflection of the sun hitting the clouds.

It was a bit like standing in a vast expanse of white snow. He didn't know if he was injured, because he felt pain all over his body. He was fixed on the ejection seat by the safety belt, and was shaking slightly with the parachute opening above his head.


This type of ejection seat is a "humanitarian" equipment exported by the Tang Army to countries in the Eastern Continent. According to the instructions, it can ensure the safety of pilots at critical moments.

Now it seems that it is indeed as advertised and can indeed provide safety guarantee for pilots. However... the process is not comfortable.

This product that ejects with a person and a seat was improved by Tang Guo. Its performance is indeed advanced, but it is not as comfortable as the model used by Tang Jun.

After adapting for more than ten seconds, the downed dwarf pilot finally got into the mood to watch the battle: He looked up at the sky. In the sky that was not blocked by the parachute above his head, another J-6 fighter was hit by a missile and turned into a fighter jet.

A burning flame.

Although he had not counted them, he was sure that there were more parachutes in the sky than before, and there were some unlucky Ice Empire pilots who did not have time to parachute. For some unknown reason, these pilots waited until the plane turned into a fireball and fell.

Neither could be ejected from the cabin.

At this time, the sky really looked like the end of the world. At the end of the white track was a burst of fireworks. Planes fell one after another, but no trace of the enemy could be seen.

"How to fight this battle?" Such words flashed through his mind in despair. He closed his eyes, and the only sound left in his ears was the whistling wind.

"How can we fight this battle? As soon as our fighter units approached the battlefield, most of them were shot down by missiles launched by the Tang Army's planes!" In the ground control tower, a dwarf officer held the intercom in his hand and spoke to those waiting for news.

the liaison officer complained.

They confidently took off 100 fighter jets and 150 ground combat aircraft. However, these aircraft basically failed to complete their combat missions.

About 50 fighter jets were shot down on the way close to the battlefield, and the remaining half were not much better. They were quickly wiped out, and most of them did not even reach the sky above the steel barrier.

After losing the protection of fighter jets, most of the 150 bombers and attack aircraft had no choice but to return home quickly. They were not sure they could break through the defense line composed of Tang fighter jets without escort.

"How much was lost?" The officer in charge of liaison had a thick beard. In the Air Force, any dwarf with a beard is not a pilot who flies a plane.

"At least 70 fighter jets, 16 Saab bombers, and more than a dozen ground attack aircraft." the air force commander replied frustratedly.

More than one-third of the aircraft involved in the operation never returned. This was a serious failure for any air force.

"The first air counterattack failed... If General Moss asks about the second counterattack, how should I answer?" the liaison officer continued to ask.

"We will organize a second counterattack as soon as possible, but the number of aircraft will have to be reduced. As you can see, there are too many aircraft losses. I can only gather 170 more aircraft to participate in the war." The commander of the ground tower thought for a moment and said.


He had tried his best and even gave a figure of one hundred and seventy. If he was more perfunctory, it seemed that a round number of one hundred and fifty would not be impossible.

For the dwarf air force executives, there is good news. They will soon learn that the warning devices and ejection seats sold by Tang State are very good, saving the lives of more than 50 dwarf pilots at critical moments.


This indeed reduces the loss of pilots, allowing the dwarf empire to fight locally to save some time in training new pilots to replace the losses.

"Okay, I'll report it to General Moss..." The officer in charge of liaison nodded and turned to make a phone call.

This chapter has been completed!
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