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1530 The turret is finished

The huge bomber formation opened its belly magazine in the unstable airflow, and the huge bomb hanging inside was obviously not a mediocre thing.

This is a thermobaric bomb prepared by the Tang Empire to deal with the dwarf bunker. The shock wave of this bomb can penetrate into every corner of the underground bunker along the tunnel, and can effectively kill and injure the soldiers hiding in the tunnel.

Along with the cold airflow, these bombs detached from their pylons and began to fall one after another. The H-6 bombers that dropped the bombs began to climb, and huge flame flowers began to bloom on the ground below them.

The earth was trembling, the dwarf defense line was shaking, and the black smoke raised by the huge explosion covered the sky. For a time, countless dwarf soldiers were taken away by thermobaric bombs.

The huge thermobaric bomb shook the earth when it exploded. This new weapon, which was not new, also created a lot of psychological pressure on the dwarf defenders.

Under the heavy pressure of the Tang army, the dwarf troops gradually began to waver. Position 4, which was adjacent to position 5, had already lost a large number of positions due to lack of troops.

This also has a lot to do with the fire suppression of the Tang Army: the dwarves counterattacked and interfered with the Tang Army's artillery fleet to the south that night, while the Tang Army's artillery fleet to the north was not affected.

Therefore, this fleet has been bombarding the dwarves' positions. The 350mm-caliber heavy artillery is still very powerful when dealing with the dwarves' solid defenses.

As the important bunker fulcrums were destroyed one by one, the dwarves' defense line gradually became unable to hold up. The Tang army fought for trenches one after another and was about to drive out the dwarves holding position 4.

"I can't hold it anymore! Yes, Commander! I need support! A lot of support!" Holding the phone, the dwarf commander in the bunker reported the latest battle situation in a mournful voice.

Many of his troops have lost contact, and the Tang army is now only a few hundred meters away from the tunnel where he is.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the corridor. In fact, many of the exits of the passages extending from here have been captured by the Tang army.

"Hold it! Hold it! Don't take a step back!" Over the phone, the hysterical roar of the army commander came: "I have no reinforcements for you! I am already on the front line here! For His Majesty the Emperor! For

Empire! Guard it!"

"Yes! I will fight to the last soldier! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" The dwarf commander, who was holding the phone, gritted his teeth and promised.

"Still unable to contact Turret 44?" The dwarf officer who was in urgent need of artillery support hung up the phone, looked at the adjutant beside him, and asked.

The adjutant shook his head in embarrassment. As the shells fell, dust fell from the top of his head: "We can't contact you. Someone saw smoke coming from the No. 44 turret. It's probably dead."

The firepower of the Tang army was more intense than expected during previous exercises. Those sturdy turrets that were originally planned to last for more than ten days, or even dozens of days, were now destroyed one after another.

That kind of terrible ground-penetrating projectile can destroy a twin-mounted 300mm caliber artillery turret as long as it hits it, even if the top armor thickness of the turret exceeds 150mm, it will not help.

This standard is higher than the standard of the battleship's main gun turret. Unfortunately, it still cannot withstand the Tang army's bomb attack. The important large-caliber rotatable turret that was originally expected to cover the entire beach has no effect.


Without the support of these artillery pieces, the dwarf troops could only rely on the small-caliber artillery and machine gun bunkers on their positions to resist tenaciously.

Although these fortifications also caused a lot of trouble for the Tang army, because they lost the cover of heavy artillery, the system had collapsed, so it was inevitable that they would be defeated one by one.

The small and medium-caliber artillery were killed by the Tang Army's efficient communication and the 155mm caliber howitzers that landed ashore. The response speed of the Tang Army's large-caliber artillery was much higher than that of these outdated dwarf small-caliber artillery.

The machine gun firepower point was also unable to support itself because it lost the cover of artillery. The Tang army's rifle grenades were able to quickly clear out the exposed flank machine gun positions near the bunkers.

After suppressing the cross fire that covered each other, the Tang army could dispatch armored vehicles, tanks, or even armed helicopters to clear these bunkers.

Although the advance speed was indeed not very fast, the Tang army moved steadily and chipped away at the dwarves' steel barriers piece by piece. Although the dwarves caused some trouble for the Tang army, the speed at which they lost their position far exceeded their previous expectations.

"Get me the 407 main bunker!" The dwarf officer grabbed the phone again and ordered loudly: "No matter what method you use, guard the main peak for me! You can't lose the 407 bunker! You can't lose it even if you die!"

The dwarves' steel barriers divide the positions, and there are certain rules when setting the numbers. The main positions are numbered with separate numbers. There are a total of 9 large positions from 1 to 9. Position 5, which was captured by the Tang Army, is one of them.

In such a main position, there are important artillery turrets. These are expensive. The turret numbers of the battleship's main guns are the naming method of the main position plus the independent number of the artillery position: for example, the fourth heavy turret in position 4 is called

Named Turret No. 44.

The large machine gun bunkers on the entire position use three-digit numbers: for example, the first position in position 4 is named 401, the second position is named 402, and so on.

The bunker position numbered 407 is already very central, which shows that the Tang Army has controlled many bunker groups in position 4 and has reached the outside of the core defense circle.

Within these defense lines reinforced with reinforced concrete, dwarf soldiers were running in a hurry, carrying ammunition and weapons to support the area that was about to be breached by the Tang army.

At the gap in the trench that was destroyed by the bomb, soldiers of the Tang Army were clearing away the dwarves who were constantly fighting back on both sides, trying to regain their position.

These dwarf soldiers fought back crazily as if they were not afraid of death. Blood flowed everywhere in the cement trenches, staining the tunnel walls covered with slogans red.

"What? You saw the flag of the Tang Dynasty planted in position 406? Bastard! Everyone in the 1407th regiment should be hanged! Hanged!" After the dwarf officer holding the phone heard that an important position had been lost, he cursed and became angry.

: "Do you still have a reserve team? Take back position 406! Take it back! You must take it back! Otherwise, your position will be in danger! Do you understand? Hello? Hey, hey?"

This chapter has been completed!
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