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1532 I’m not dead yet

"Tank! Tank!" A dwarf soldier loudly reminded his comrades. Another dwarf soldier beside him had already carried a type of individual anti-tank rocket launcher imitated by the Ice Empire.

This thing is very similar to a bazooka rocket launcher. It is a long tube. Because it is too heavy, an infantry platoon cannot equip a few of this thing.

Unfortunately, the dwarf engineers only made a rough imitation. They obtained Tang Jun's rocket launcher from various channels, and then based on the design principles, they came up with such a thing.

Although they copied the launch principle, they were unable to innovate in the design of the warhead. The internal configuration of their rocket was not a trumpet-shaped "energy-penetrating armor-piercing warhead", but a large bomb.

On the Tang Army's side, this thing is at best an anti-infantry grenade, but on the Dwarves' side, it becomes an anti-tank rocket launcher.

The dwarf soldier bravely carried this huge guy and pulled the trigger at the Tang Army tank that was crossing the obstacle in the distance. A stream of white smoke spurted out from both sides of the rocket launcher, and a rocket rushed towards the advancing Tang Army.


"Boom!" A huge explosion enveloped the tank, and at the same time, the dwarf soldiers who had exposed their position were also overwhelmed by the shells swept out by the 20mm caliber cannon on the Tang Army's armored vehicles.

The tracer bullets easily penetrated the sandbags and ran rampant in the dwarves' position. Gravel suddenly flew everywhere, and the shells hit the broken anti-aircraft guns and splashed countless sparks. The flesh and blood were chopped into pieces, and the screams were masked by the sound of artillery fire...

On the other side, amid the billowing smoke and dust, the Tang Army's 96 tank rushed out unscathed. The rolling tracks did not stop at all, and the thick barrel was already pointed in the direction of the rocket attack.

The armored vehicle that discovered the dwarf position and was the first to fire and suppress it had already rushed over. Its huge wheels rolled over the potholes on the battlefield and quickly approached the dwarf position, which was already covered in flesh and blood.

A dwarf soldier who had been beaten dizzy got up from the ground. He saw the body of his companion and the booted feet of someone who didn't know who it was.

There was blood everywhere in front of him, and he even saw his commander's military cap, but the face underneath turned into a bloody hole.

As a conditioned reflex, he wanted to pick up his rifle from his side, but failed after trying. Only then did he realize that his arm seemed to have disappeared.

Just when he wanted to move his eyes to find his arm, a black shadow enveloped the place where he was. It was the wide body of the Tang Army's armored vehicle parked next to the anti-aircraft gun position.

The dwarf soldier wanted to continue struggling, but he soon realized that his injuries seemed to no longer allow him to do so: if he could lower his head, he would see the horrific wound on his torso.

The Tang Army soldiers who were passing by to cover tanks and armored vehicles jumped into the anti-aircraft gun position which was full of minced meat. After a brief inspection, they shouted to their comrades above: "Safe! They are all dead!"

"I'm not dead yet..." The dwarf soldier's last consciousness drove him to say this, but in the end he just moved his lips but failed to make any sound.

Across the airport runway, the dwarves' machine gun positions roared. They were unwilling to give up the front airport to the Tang army, so they organized a tenacious resistance.

Several dwarf soldiers carried weapons and tried to cross the airport runway and re-establish a forward position close to the Tang army.

But they failed. While running, gunshots were heard from nowhere, and the soldiers fell one after another in the middle of the airport runway.

After all, Cao Fei still couldn't find the dwarf sniper who had killed several Tang army soldiers before. Later, he heard that a damaged rifle and the body of a dwarf soldier dressed like a sniper were found on the dwarf position.


The opponent was killed by a rocket. A rocket fired by a helicopter hit the place where he was hiding and turned him directly into a corpse. On a complex battlefield, snipers are not always able to encounter the enemy's snipers.

hand, and then start a wonderful sniper duel.

Sometimes you have to wait for a whole day before you find out to your embarrassment that the prey you were waiting for has actually been killed by another hunter... and the body stinks.

After losing his opponent, Cao Fei took his assistants forward to continue the search, and then he was ordered to arrive here to support the Tang army in their battle to seize the airport.

In fact, from Cao Fei's point of view, his coming here is simply unnecessary, because the Tang army has already dispatched armored troops to compete for the airport. In this case, the opponent has no way to compete.

"This is a waste of time! These people died without even knowing there were snipers nearby." Cao Fei looked at the last dwarf soldier who fell in the scope and said to the observer with some boredom.

These dwarf soldiers are very brave, but their tactics are indeed too backward. These soldiers did not even prepare smoke bombs and tried to cross the entire battlefield.

As a result, these brave or stupid dwarf soldiers fell one after another on the way forward, and even to death they did not understand why they died so easily.

Soon the tanks of the Tang Army drove to the middle of the airport runway, and then started bombarding the dwarves' position with 125 mm caliber artillery.

Because the Tang Army's reaction speed was too fast, and various radio contacts could attract heavy weapon support, the dwarves' machine gun positions could not survive for more than three minutes. However, the experience gained by the dwarves in fighting the elves meant that the machine gun positions could last for almost ten minutes.

No need to change places.

This experience cost the dwarves a heavy price: their machine gun positions were lost too quickly, which directly left them without enough machine gun support when defending or attacking.

But when Moss was formulating his tactics, he had high hopes that these machine guns could wipe out a large number of the Tang army's effective forces, so that they could push back the Tang army fighting across the sea...

It turned out that the dwarves' machine gun tactics were ineffective. They were killed by a variety of Tang weapons, and then the entire dwarf defense line collapsed.

Soon the Tang Army began to raise smoke near the airport. Under the cover of smoke bombs, the Tang Army crossed the airport runway and captured the collapsed and damaged tower and the ruins of some buildings.

The two regiments of dwarf soldiers stationed at the airport had to continue to retreat. They abandoned the airport and moved further away from the beach.

This chapter has been completed!
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