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1542The battle of two eras

In any case, the forward troops of the Tang Army had already rushed into the suburbs of Benn City. A Type 96 main battle tank suddenly entered the battlefield on the outskirts of the city, and then the paratroopers of the Tang Army began to enter the city.

Xiang Ziyu carried his brand new rifle and ran hunched over a gravel-filled road. He could feel that someone was aiming at him, so he lowered his body as much as possible.

The weapons equipped by the Tang Army's paratroopers were very different from those of the army. Their equipment was more sophisticated and they also carried significantly more weight.

Carrying so many weapons, ammunition, and food and other items requires more reasonable weight distribution, so the paratroopers' carrying equipment is more sophisticated and expensive.

Their water bottles are made of a special material and are made into vests and worn inside the equipment, allowing them to carry more than two liters of drinking water at critical moments.

The rifles of the Tang Army paratroopers use a short-barreled design and a folding stock. If there is an emergency, they can shoot without shouldering at the expense of stability - this makes their weapons shorter and can be used in complex parachute landings.

play a more reliable role in the environment.

"Machine gun crew! Flanks! Flanks!" A dwarf officer who had just taken up his position in the ruins shouted hysterically when he spotted the advancing Tang Army paratroopers.

On the opposite side of the street, Xiang Ziyu quickly turned over and jumped behind a low wall, where he saw his comrades loading grenades.

"Beside! The dwarves are on the other side of the street! They have machine guns!" Xiang Ziyu touched the monocular night vision device above his head. The price of this device was not cheap, and he was really afraid that he would lose it.

"I saw it!" The soldier who had just loaded the grenade saw an "official" and responded while raising his gun.

"Cover!" Xiang Ziyu picked up his assault rifle and ordered the others. Then seven or eight people stuck their heads out from behind the low wall and fired wildly at the other end of the street.

"Thud, thud, thud!" The dense bullets frightened the dwarves who were setting up the machine guns. It was their first time to see such fierce firepower, and they couldn't get used to it for a while.

The battle between them and the elves, although cruel, was not so fierce: both elves and dwarves used bolt-action rifles as the main weapon of the infantry, because this weapon can save ammunition and can quickly increase the number of troops.

As a less sophisticated infantry weapon, bolt-action rifles also have the advantages of being easier to maintain and train, so many countries are not too anxious to eliminate such weapons.

However, the weaknesses of this weapon were too obvious when facing the Tang army: insufficient firepower density and excessive reliance on machine gun fire support, which made these soldiers who only had bolt-action rifles very uncomfortable.

The opponents they encountered before did not have so many means to quickly eliminate their fire support points, that is, those machine guns and light machine guns, so the two sides could fight back and forth without seeing any problems for a while.

As long as you wait for the opponent's mortar unit to react before moving the machine gun position, you can organize a good defense or attack.

After encountering the Tang Army, the Tang Army's heavy weapons were too many and too advanced, and the ratio of tanks and armored vehicles was too high, which could easily eliminate these machine gun fire points and cover the advance of the troops.

At the same time, Tang Army soldiers had rifle grenades, rocket launchers and lighter mortars and other weapons in their hands, which could easily eliminate these machine gun fire points, making machine guns less reliable.

Without the support of automatic weapons, the firepower density of troops with only single-shot light weapons is obviously not enough: This is one of the important reasons why the German army took the lead in developing assault rifles during World War II: the US and Soviet armies were able to crush them with increasing ease.

MG machine gun positions, these machine guns have a short survival time and are no longer able to provide sufficient firepower support for the infantry.

Without the firepower support of machine guns, and unable to increase the ratio of heavy firepower, one can only hope to increase the firepower of infantry to make up for the shortcomings.

The bullets hitting the ruins where the dwarves were hiding caused a cloud of white smoke, and mud and debris flew away, making the dwarf soldiers in the ruins unable to even raise their heads.

After getting effective cover, the Tang Army paratroopers loaded with grenades stood up and fired at the dwarf position across the street. The grenade hit the ruins and caused a violent explosion.

As if a cannonball hit the target, the dwarves were blown to pieces by the ferocious firepower. There was the sound of explosions in their ears, wounded soldiers in front of them, and the vital machine gun was also damaged.

, lying crooked aside and no one cared about it.

"Charge!" After retracting the low wall to avoid the explosion, Xiang Ziyu climbed out of the low wall and gave the order to attack.

The paratroopers around them followed their officers and climbed out of the bunker. With heavy steps, they rushed towards the dwarf soldiers who had not realized that the danger was approaching.

The special paratrooper boots made a clicking sound when stepping on the rubble of the ruins. Before the dust raised by the explosion of individual grenades had completely subsided, Xiang Ziyu took the lead and rushed towards the dwarves with his assault rifle.

The ruins of the garrison on the small high ground.

A dwarf soldier whose face was covered with blood saw the rushing humans and subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch his rifle, but the bullet that hit him directly hit his skull, and blood immediately spattered everywhere.

One of Xiang Ziyu's eyes was falsely aimed at the mechanical sight, his cheek pressed against the cold folding gun butt, and he fired briefly at all the figures he could see.

He was very rhythmic. He only pulled the trigger once and fired two bullets. The surrounding vision gradually became clearer, and the vague moans and shouts just now did not know when they would completely subside.

"Safe!" Beside him, a soldier raised his fist and shouted to his comrades behind him: "Pay attention to the distance! Be careful of snipers!"

Xiang Ziyu pulled out the empty magazine and inserted it into the magazine bag on the outside of his ribs. He took out a new magazine from the magazine bag next to it and inserted it into the rifle.

He did not rush to pull the gun, but carefully observed the surrounding environment. About three to five meters away from him, there lay a dwarf soldier who he finally killed.

The blood on the opponent's beard had not dried yet and was still flowing down the beard. The helmet rolled to one side and the unit number on it was already very old.

At this time, a Type 96 main battle tank quickly passed through the street behind the paratroopers, followed closely by armored vehicles one after another.

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