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1559an old acquaintance

Early the next morning, outside the Benn Airport repaired by the Tang Army, a Type 76 transport plane landed precariously on the runway of the airport.

The transport plane of the Tang Air Force stopped steadily at the end of the runway, and then the Tang Army soldiers watching the landing let out bursts of cheers.

The rear hatch of the plane slowly opened, and the soldiers gathered around began to help unload the neatly stacked cargo.

Their air support has finally arrived. Countless supplies can be supplied by air, and important supplies no longer need to be disembarked through the dock.

The dwarf civilians in the city finally realized that the humans who captured their city didn't seem to have any intention of killing them all. They just occupied the place and didn't care about the locals at all.

Although there are still cautious patrols passing through the city, and although traces of the war can still be seen in many places, Benn's war... seems to be over.

In some dilapidated rooms, the dwarf who came back from the airport a few days ago looked at the soup left on the plate and asked his wife: "Have you really heard that those humans are planning to take away the food stored by the army in the warehouse?"

Come out and share it with us?"

His two children were playing listlessly in the room. Because of the outbreak of the war, their family had not had a proper meal for two days in a row.

The dwarf's wife rubbed her hands on her apron, sighed helplessly and said: "Their car broadcast said so, they said they would share the food so that we would no longer be hungry... Who knows if it is true.


She also heard the news that the Tang army planned to distribute the supplies left by the dwarf army to local civilians, but how could this news be true?

In the past, it was considered good if the army did not look for food from the common people. After the war with the elves broke out, the dwarves suffered a whole year, and the common people even had potatoes to eat.

Now there is an army that says that when it comes in, it will distribute food, and distribute the food that the nobles exploited the people in the past... Are they lying to fools?

Therefore, women are very worried and don’t want their men to take risks again: “I think it’s better not to go? What if they have some bad intentions and cause trouble while the food is being distributed?”

In her opinion, her husband had already narrowly escaped death when he went to the airport. Wouldn't it make her worry again when he went to the warehouse?

I didn’t even look at the woman next door downstairs, who was crying every day. It was so difficult: That woman’s man died at the airport, and his body was found later, but it already stunk...

Although the man was still worried about what happened at the airport, he still reluctantly said: "I think it's unlikely. If they wanted to deal with us, they could have done it before... Anyway, if there is no food at home, we will starve to death.

Why don't I go and take a look, what if what they say is true?"

Anyway, they don’t have anything to eat at home, so why not give it a try, or will they starve to death hiding at home?

The woman looked unwilling and expressed her opinion with a snort: "I still think this matter is risky... If something happens to you, what will our whole family do..."

"What can we do? If we don't go get the food, what will we eat tomorrow and the day after tomorrow...Forget it, bring me my hat..." The man also got a little angry, stood up directly, grabbed the plate and drank all the contents

With the remaining soup, he put down his plate and walked towards the door.

The woman had no choice but to follow him to the door, help the man put on his hat, and said: "Don't argue with those humans, pay attention to safety... If something happens, think about me and my two children first."

, you have to be careful...you must be careful."

The man put his thick beard on the woman's face, and then gave the woman a big hug: "Don't worry! I will be back... You see, I came back last time, right?"

He opened the door and walked toward the stairs. When he passed the neighbor's door downstairs, he stopped for a moment, looked at the closed door, and sighed slightly.

After walking through the dim corridor and walking downstairs, looking at the somewhat bleak street, the dwarf adjusted his clothes and walked onto the street that looked peaceful but frightened him.

The walk from their home to the warehouse was not too far, but it was definitely not close either. He had not eaten enough to begin with, but when he walked to the door of the warehouse, he found that the place was already crowded with people.

Some people happily walked out of the warehouse door with a bag of flour, while others were still waiting anxiously. From time to time, voices of discussion could be heard in the crowd.

"Hey! Hey! Are they really giving out food?" The man carefully walked to a dwarf who was waiting in line and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but it looks like this. I didn't hear the gunfire, I only saw someone walking out of the warehouse carrying potatoes and flour...so I thought I should give it a try.

"The old dwarf replied directly.

The dwarf who came to queue quickly walked to the end of the queue. Not far away, he saw a Tang soldier with an assault rifle on his chest, maintaining order.

Parked behind the opponent was an armored vehicle, which was taller than a person and had a majestic machine gun on it... These things were really too intimidating to a dwarf civilian.

"Stand in line! Everyone can only receive a share according to the number of people in the family! No more!" An officer from the Tang Dynasty held up a trumpet and shouted until his mouth was dry. He didn't know if it had any effect.

He didn't have a good idea, because the dwarves were very amateur in their identity certificates. They didn't have the almost impossible-to-forge identity certificates of the Tang Dynasty, nor did they have a driver's license, or household registration or anything like that...

Therefore, it is almost impossible to count whether these dwarves received more food. But the commanders of the Tang Army did not care. They only knew that if the food was distributed, the civilians in Benn City would

, the possibility of causing trouble is very low.

Just as the dwarves were lining up and walking forward, a familiar voice suddenly called out his name: "Buck! Hey! Buck!"

Buck, who managed to escape home from the airport, was stunned subconsciously, then raised his head and saw a familiar face in the direction of the sound.

That was the friend who went to the airport to repair the runway with him and Tommy. Everyone thought that he was dead like Tommy, but they didn't expect that he was still alive.

There were still some scratches on his face, and his friend came over enthusiastically. Only then did Buck see a red armband on his arm, with a dazzling dragon emblem on it...

This chapter has been completed!
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