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1566 An anticlimactic air raid

"Fried! Fried! Turn! Turn!" Suddenly a comrade was shouting crazily in the earphones. Although there was some interfering electric sound, Fried could still hear it clearly. He pulled the trigger hard.

His own joystick caused his plane to suddenly change its flight direction.

The Saber fighter jet turned rapidly, exerting its maximum performance, but it still couldn't get rid of the sensitive air-to-air missile following behind it.

The missile's seeker had locked onto the burning tail flame, and the sensitive original component drove the sharp missile wings to rotate, instantly following the saber's tail flame and changing its trajectory, and cutting into a more direct angle.

Before Fried could pull his plane back to its normal flying attitude, he felt something push him behind him.

Before he had time to think, he pulled his parachute switch, and the sound of an explosion was instantly heard in his ears: a small amount of explosives around the cabin blew off his cabin cover, and he was thrown out of the plane together with his seat.

The tail of the Saber fighter he was driving had disappeared, and the burning and exploding fireball was swallowing the entire aircraft. The next second, Fried's cockpit was submerged in burning fireworks.

The plane had exploded and disintegrated in the sky. After feeling the heat around him, Fried immediately experienced the coldness of high altitude. Only the howling of the wind was left in his ears, and he felt as if his whole body was being held by a giant hand.

Carrying it, it was swaying in the strong wind.

"Ha! Ah! Ha..." He tried to breathe heavily, but because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't breathe smoothly. He wanted to see everything around him clearly, but he couldn't control his brain because it was spinning.

He had not yet escaped from the explosion. Pulling the parachute switch to eject from the plane was completely a subconscious reaction. In fact, from the moment he performed the large overload maneuver, he was in a state of

I was in a dizzy state.

In the next second, he saw the ground beneath his feet, the sky above his head, the plane falling with thick smoke, and white tracks.

The entire sky seemed to be burning. The Tang Army's aircraft shot down countless aircraft, including the Sabres, including the J-6, which came from afar, including the more advanced J-6 modifications.

The little wealth that the Ice Empire had managed to accumulate, as well as the support from afar, all came to naught on this day. Hundreds of planes crashed, and the roar of engines and the airflow were cut everywhere.

Sharp sound.

Even without the interference of the Tang Army, the entire frontline command channel of the Ice Cold Empire has been paralyzed. There are voices asking for help everywhere, and all channels are full of curses and crying.

No one had any way to prevent this from happening. Even if the order was issued to return all the planes, it was already too late.

The Saab bomber formation was being massacred. Behind the self-defense cannon in the aircraft, the gunners searched the sky nervously. They could not see the incoming enemy, but they could hear the desperate voice of the pilot in the earphones.

"Where are they? Find them! Find them quickly! Otherwise we will all be doomed!" Although hearing such words made them wish they had two more eyes, they still could only wonder between the white clouds and the blue sky.

In a daze.

They couldn't see the shadow of the enemy at all, and then suddenly they saw a white smoke trail hitting a Saab bomber, followed by the plane shattering into pieces in the sky, accompanied by the pilot's shouting, from the formation

Fall down.

Soon, a second smoke trail rushed over and hit another plane on the edge. Then that plane also fell dragging black smoke, and its wings broke when it fell halfway.

Some people began to shout in despair, and some began to sob. The commander's order came over the radio, saying that they had been surrounded and requiring them to immediately lower their height and prepare to drop bombs.

Unfortunately, the entire formation was in chaos, with few people executing such orders. Some aircraft began to turn and return home, some aircraft dropped altitude, and some aircraft began to climb. In an instant, the formation no longer looked like it.

"We have been betrayed! Where are the fighter jets covering us? Where are they?" Someone started to collapse and asked on the radio.

Then the curses began one after another, and many people began to curse: "Those bastards must have run away on their own! Damn it! To execute such an order is to make us die! Those officers should be arrested and shot!"

Because they were too old, the Saab bombers did not have alarms. They did not know that they had been locked, and they did not even know that the missiles that shot them down were coming in a steady stream.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a missile exploded on the side of the cockpit of a Saab bomber. The flames engulfed the left engine, and shrapnel also shattered the cockpit glass of the aircraft.

The pilot fell on his seat with his face covered in blood, and the co-pilot's arm was soaked with red blood. He tried hard to control his plane to maintain a flying attitude, struggling to pull in the cold wind that poured into the cockpit.

The joystick in front of you.

His plane was losing control. The engine on one side began to smoke, and flames shot out from behind the stalled propeller, covering the damaged skin around it. Seeing that the flames inside could no longer be suppressed, thick smoke burst from the plane's cover.

The flames spurted out from the gaps in the skin, and then the air flow blew away some of the skin, revealing the flames inside.

"We're done!" The co-pilot said this without knowing whether the bombardiers and machine gunners behind him could hear his voice, and then gave up. He could no longer control his plane, and now this plane

A bomber loaded with bombs is like a wild horse running wild.

Or this description is not very accurate, because it will soon be unable to maintain its normal falling trajectory.

The wing on one side began to deform and break due to the burning. The steel frame made a creaking sound, and was eventually torn apart by the airflow. The wing tip broke away in the howling wind, and some fragments followed it.

He was left behind by the crashing plane.

Immediately afterwards, it began to rotate, roll, and then shatter and disintegrate...but in the end, a large part of the fuselage and a section of the wing hit the ground together, and were immediately engulfed by the explosion.

The bomb fuses hanging in the magazine completed their final firing during the impact, ensuring that the bombs completed their mission.

The air counterattack that should have been inspiring has now brought greater despair to the Ice Empire infantry fighting on the ground. They saw their planes falling one by one, and the fear in their hearts had spread, and they would no longer be affected by any attack.


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