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161 transactions

The signal transmitted back from Beiling was clearly fed back to the telegraph room in Tangmo's factory. The rolling paper was struck with clear holes one after another by the firing pin.

Opening the code book in his hand, the young apprentice who had just become the head of the telegraph room checked the pages corresponding to the numbers.

She carefully pointed at the words on it and checked it twice before writing in beautiful font on the message paper: "You..."

"What..." Then she continued to look through her password book and found the second word.

To be honest, her job is a bit too boring, but the salary is surprisingly high. Her salary alone has exceeded that of her parents, which is a bit dreamy.

A year ago, if someone had told her that there was a job where she could make money by sitting in a room, drinking hot tea every day, flipping through books and copying out the words, she would have thought that person was crazy.

But now, she is doing this kind of work, translating the tapping pattern on a piece of paper into words...

This job was so easy that she could even read and study here. The room Tang Mo prepared for her was more like a study room. There were many books here, filled with all kinds of exquisite books.

If the telegraph machine was not working, she could make herself a cup of strong tea and then pull out a book from the bookshelf to read quietly. At that time, she even thought that this might be the best job in the world.


However, since the Countess of Northridge got a telegraph machine, her workload has increased. Dozens of telegrams are sent from Northridge to Bunas every day.

She smiled and shook her head to stop herself from thinking, and then continued to check the vocabulary from the code book: "When..."

This countess seemed to be in love for the first time, and she would send a lot of rubbish telegrams to Principal Tang, whom she admired, every day.

Moreover, the contents of many of the telegrams were really bold and explicit, and she, a girl, blushed and her heart skipped a beat.

But she understood the feelings of the Countess very well, because she also liked her principal very much, and she was very happy just seeing him every day.

Thinking about it, I am happier than the countess. After all, I can see Principal Tang almost every day, at least once from a distance in the lunch canteen. But this poor countess cannot do this. She

I can only miss lovesickness bitterly in Beiling, but there is no way to accompany me every day...

If you compare it like this, your job is really so good that even a count wouldn't change it.

She thought of this, with a sweet smile on her face, and continued to write a new text on the telegraph newspaper: "Come..."

In fact, she is not good-looking, but her temperament and self-confidence make her look good. Unlike the skinny girls of this era, she looks a little round because she has a good diet, and her round face with dimples is full of

a happy expression.

This made her very popular among the boys in school. Many children in the school liked her secretly. As a sensitive girl, she could feel what these boys were thinking, but she hadn't thought about it yet...

...I haven’t thought about whether to give up on Principal Tang, who is a bit unrealistic.

After all, she was not the best girl in the school. The one who often followed Tang Mo was the female monitor of the first three classes in the school, an eldest sister named You Lin.

She was confident that she could surpass more than 90% of the girls in school, but when she faced You Lin, she still felt a little ashamed.

There is no way, in terms of height, she is only 1.6 meters tall, and You Lin is now 1.63 meters tall. You Lin has a typical oval face, with beautiful eyes, full of light...

In her opinion, Youlin is, in a sense, a more beautiful woman than Countess Alice. Because Youlin has learned Tang Mo's knowledge, she is already a genius beyond her time. She has been a genius since she entered school.

He has never received a score below 90 points, and he is recognized as the top student in the entire school.

She understands Tang Mo's ideas better, is also very smart, has a good knowledge and a strong memory, and is simply a natural talent. If she had not been born in a commoner family, she might have become a socialite in the aristocratic circle.

You Lin is very attentive in school, caring about the health and psychology of her classmates, likes to make friends with others, and is very kind to all the students... so she has a nickname in school: "Queen".

The most important point... when it comes to figure, I am a bit inferior to You Lin, the eldest sister who was dubbed the queen in school and is probably the dream lover of half the boys in the school.

And the most terrible thing is that she can see, or many girls can see, that You Lin likes Tang Mo.

A girl's feelings are always poetry. She exhaled a sigh of relief. The little girl in the telegraph room felt that she heard the sound of her own heartbreak. She held the pen helplessly, continued to compare, and found a new word: "Look..."

"I..." Finally, when she found the word, it was already a complete sentence on paper: "When will you come to see me?"

Let's fight! A countess and a female top student, you two fight hard! In the end I am the winner...hehehe...hahahaha!

I don't know if it was self-comfort that worked or some other reason. She felt much better and wrote the meaning of the last series of holes on the paper: "Question mark!"

Then, she neatly tore off the paper, stood up and walked out of the door, telling the guard at the door: "Don't let anyone get close."

"Yes! Madam!" the soldier replied, and then he saw the girl walking away holding the telegraph newspaper and humming a song.

The telegraph room was actually not far from Tang Mo's room. When Tang Mo saw the telegram that said "When will you come to see me?", the expression on his face was obviously dumbfounding.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He did not expect that the telegraph he had worked so hard to invent would now become the text message system between him and Alice...

This is basically what he heard in his previous life, what those girls who frequently use verbal bombs to bombard boys on WeChat do...

"Call her back... just say... I'll invite her to come to Beiling in a few days." Tang Mo casually placed the message on the corner of the table and ordered his telegraph operator.

"Yes! Master." The girl felt that this title was more likely to bring the two of them closer together.

Tang Mo almost wanted to hit John... Ever since this guy called him master no matter what happened, fewer and fewer people in the Datang Group called him sir, sir, or principal.

The man who had been waiting in the reception room finally heard the knock on the door. He raised his head and saw a waiter in decent clothes: "Sir! Our Majesty wants to see you!"

"..." The man wearing a distinctive blue navy officer's uniform stood up and held his armed belt unnaturally.

The long sword and musket at his waist were confiscated, so his hand that wanted to press the weapon was in vain, and he could only hold on to his armed belt to hide his embarrassment.

Then he followed the waiter through the long corridor, passed two gates guarded by soldiers, and finally saw the person he wanted to see in another hall.

Among the two nobles sitting there wearing gold and silver, one was a count he had seen, and the other man he had never seen looked richer.

And this man he had never seen before spoke first, with an extremely easy-going tone: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Captain from the Kingdom of Wright."

"I am also very happy to be summoned by His Majesty the King of Pasimu Kingdom." The captain representing Datang Group bowed slightly and said.

The king casually indicated that he could sit here wherever he wanted, and then continued with a smile: "After seeing the gift presented by the earl, I have to summon you, a distinguished guest from afar."

Unlike the Kingdom of Leyte, the king of the Kingdom of Passim has greater control over the entire kingdom, and the nobles below him are loyal to him.

So when a count saw the K1 fast gun, he immediately presented this new weapon to His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Passim.

Then, the king of the Kingdom of Passim regarded this new weapon as an opportunity provided by God, an opportunity to expand his territory!

The captain of Datang Group's fleet was equally polite. He waited until the waiter pulled out his chair before he sat down and thanked him: "I am flattered by your Majesty's hospitality."

The king of the Kingdom of Passim was very direct and started talking about weapons: "No more gossip, Mr. Captain, I heard that you have three boats, which are full of those...K1 fast guns and supporting equipment.


"Yes, Your Majesty the King." The captain replied with a slight nod without going around in circles.

The king continued to ask: "I heard from the earl that a gun and matching bullets cost 15 gold coins?"

The captain immediately replied: "You are fair, Your Majesty. A gun, plus the corresponding ammunition bag, belt, and 100 rounds of bullets are priced at 15 gold coins."

"I want them all." The king nodded slightly, and then without even discussing the price, he just made a big buyout.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty." The captain knew that the other party was not asking for an explanation on the price, but there must be other conditions. He was not in a hurry and just thanked him.

Sure enough, the king continued to talk about the trade of the Kingdom of Passim and made his own request: "Our kingdom and the Kingdom of Leyte do not have a road border, so business exchanges are not frequent. I hope Mr. Captain can help me.


"I will do my best to help His Majesty the King with his affairs," the captain said politely.

The king said excitedly: "It would be great to have your words. I hope that when you return to the Kingdom of Wright, you will take my fleet with you... We have gold coins and goods, and we hope to do some business in the Kingdom of Wright."

"Well... Your Majesty, I make money from this route... You are trying to replace me." The captain immediately looked embarrassed.

"Mr. Captain, I hope you can help me with this." The king requested sincerely.

"It seems that I can't help you with this favor." The captain thought for a few seconds and finally refused.

"This..." The king immediately became unhappy.

The captain insisted: "If you are not willing to buy these K1 guns, I can continue to go south and think of a way."

Thinking of this batch of arms, the king's attitude softened a little: "No, Mr. Captain, whether you agree to help or not, I will still buy all your K1 guns."

"Then, once again... thank you for your generosity." The captain stood up, bent slightly, then turned and walked out of the hall.

When the captain walked away, the earl sitting next to him said: "Your Majesty...it seems that he refused?"

The king nodded: "Yes, I refused... Thinking about it, he should also refuse. After all, he wants to make more money through this career."

The earl smiled and said: "This is also human nature, there is no good way."

The king was a little unwilling: "But we can't wait any longer! The intelligence said that the king of the neighboring country is already in very bad health. If we seize this opportunity and annex this neighboring country, our national strength is destined to be even higher.

On the first floor!”

"What do you mean?" the count continued.

The king continued to answer: "The captain is unwilling to cooperate, and his men may not be. If we can win over his sailors or adjutants, as long as he can take us to the Kingdom of Wright, as long as he can get a lot of new weapons, I don't mind.

Give him a bright future."

"Then, sir, go down and give it a try!" The earl immediately stood up.

"I gave up a lot of money to send you here." Looking at the adjutant beside him, the captain said in pain as he left the palace.

The first mate who was following him smiled and said, "Can the master's affairs be measured by money?"

"Do you think he will look for you?" the captain asked uncertainly.

"If I make it so obvious and he still doesn't act, then there is something wrong with his brain. I will use another plan to deal with the mentally retarded one." The young first mate said with certainty.

"Hahahaha!" the captain laughed.

"Then, I'll go to the brothel and wait for them..." the young first mate said.

"It's better to leave without seeing him off!" the captain said nonchalantly.

As the adjutant walked, he complained: "Pretending to be a lustful sailor is really a troublesome thing."

"Be careful, you are only 19 years old! Don't act nonsense!" the captain warned.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing and what are the most important things." The adjutant replied firmly.

Then, he looked in the direction of the Wright Empire: "Besides, where can I fall in love with these vulgar fans? They can't do anything except take off their clothes, and they don't even know what potassium permanganate is..."

The captain complained with disdain: "The king of Passim doesn't even know what potassium permanganate is."

"So he needs me." The young first mate said with a smile while touching the dandelion ring on his finger.

"Hahahaha!" the captain laughed again.


There is only one update today, as we have a family gathering, and the same will happen tomorrow. Please be patient, updates will resume soon.

This chapter has been completed!
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