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1649Yangmu Is Determination

In the palace of the Elf Imperial Capital, Yang Mu I looked sad, and heard the ministers below quarreling together. Everyone was shouting, as if he, the emperor, did not exist. The splendor of the palace could not cover up the current situation of the war at all.


He knew that the great responsibility for this failure was that he continued to appoint an unreliable commander, but he could not admit this mistake. The ministers actually knew it, so they did not discuss who was responsible for this failure.


Saint Lo has been lost, and now the situation has collapsed to an irreversible level. If there is another problem with the elven troops on the front line, it will really be doomed.

Therefore, King Yangmu I issued an order yesterday evening, ordering all elven troops to stop advancing and switch to defense on the spot, stabilizing the situation before making further plans.

At the bottom of the steps, there were still ministers angrily asking several generals in the army: "What exactly happened?"

One general did not want to go into details, but just put all the blame on the captured General Van Crews: "That loser Van Crews! He killed the Marquis of Lourdes, and now he has lost Saint-Lo!"

Anyway, this damn bastard is now squatting in the prisoner of war camp, so naturally it is most appropriate to leave all the blame for this matter to him.

This time Lu De was redressed, and he was now in charge of the work at the rear, which was a blessing in disguise and saved him a lot of worries.

The prime minister glanced at Yang Mu I in his position, sighed and said, "What's the use of talking about this now?"

Another minister on the side spread his hands and asked a question that made many people even more troubled: "Damn it, what should I do now that Saint Luo is lost?"

Yes, what should we do now? After Eternal Winter City was lost, everyone was thinking about retaking the port and stabilizing the situation. But at this moment, Saint Luo was also lost, and everyone had no idea what to do.

A general clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "What else can be done? We should gather our troops to get Saint Lo back!"

In his opinion, the reason is very simple. The lost positions must be regained. Only by regaining the lost positions one by one can things turn around.

But his words made the minister next to him sneer: "That easy? Attack the Tang Army's solidly fortified defensive positions?"

His words resonated with many people: They fought back and retreated all the way, and now they have even lost the Saint Luo at their doorstep. If they continue to fight back, the Tang army will go south to Rewind Port...

What's more, the continuous failures have caused many people to lose confidence. Now, many people in the court have begun to secretly study peace negotiations.

Debating has never been the strong point of military generals, so the general just asked: "What do you think we should do?"

"What else can we do? Build a defense line to defend the current land! Every time we attack, we will cause trouble. This time we will not attack. We will wait for the Tang Dynasty to attack first!" The minister actually didn't understand military affairs at all, so he just said casually.

Hearing this statement, the general was happy, sneered and asked continuously: "Huh? Waiting for others? I said, the Tang people are waiting for the port to be repaired and waiting for more supplies. What are we waiting for? Waiting to die?"

The minister argued with a red face: "We can't strengthen ourselves by recruiting more soldiers and starting larger-scale wartime production! It's not like only the Tang people are getting stronger."

Anyway, in his opinion, as long as you don't admit defeat, it's enough. But another general on the side spoke up and said rudely: "Stupid! We have become twice as strong, and the Tang Dynasty has become ten times stronger! How can this be compared?"

The minister still showed no sign of weakness and directly began to criticize: "You are scaremongering! You are shaking the morale of the army!"

"You are the one who is bringing disaster to the country and the people! I have long heard that you and Leibert have close contacts. I am afraid you have become a spy of the Tang State a long time ago, right?" The general's expression changed, and he slapped him with a bigger hat.

The other party staggered in anger, pointed at the general and shouted unwillingly: "You are a slanderer, but I look at you... you always persuade your majesty to make some unrealistic choices. You are the one who defected to the Tang Dynasty, right?"

Noisy and noisy, it is impossible to achieve a result. Yangmu I knew that all he could do now was to send more troops to the front line to try to regain the initiative on the battlefield.

It's not that he hasn't thought about negotiating peace, but after thinking about it, he doesn't think it is a good idea: everyone can see clearly the ambitions of the Tang Empire. Even if peace is obtained with compromise now, the Tang Empire will not do so in a few years.

Continuing to move south, the Yangmu Empire is still unable to support itself.

At that time, there will be no ally like the Ice Empire standing in front to take the beating, and the situation will only get worse and the chance of winning will be even smaller.

Therefore, he could only try his best to gather a few more troops of the army, send them to the territory of the Ice Empire, and fight the Tang army again near Saint Luo.

"That's enough! Stop arguing!" Yang Mu I slapped the armrest and stood up, and everyone shut their mouths.

He, the emperor, walked down the steps, walked in front of the ministers, and ordered in a stern tone: "Don't be timid! This war has not yet been decided! I want to take back Saint Lo! At any cost! Take back Saint Lo!"


He has already thought about it. Although Saint Luo has been occupied by the Tang Army, the opponent is still in a state of instability. The elves launch a full-line attack, and the opponent may not be able to easily block it. As long as Saint Luo is recaptured, the situation will be reversed, and the advantage will still be in

In the hands of the coalition forces.

"Send a telegram to Binghan I! Request him to mobilize troops to cooperate with our army's actions! Attack Saint Luo from both sides! Cut off the Tang Army's supply line, and besiege the Tang Army near Saint Luo! Eat the First Army of the Tang Dynasty! Reversal of defeat!" After that, he

He clenched his fist and waved it, as if he had made up his mind.

"Send another telegram to Susus I, requesting his troops to coordinate our attack and besiege Saint-Lo at all costs! Even if it means losing lives, we must pile them into the city of Saint-Lo!" The more he spoke, the firmer his tone became.

The speaking speed is also faster.

As he talked, his thoughts seemed to be straightened out a bit: "Mobilize the whole country and continue to recruit troops! Create 10 new group armies! 10! If one group army doesn't work, we will use two; if two group armies don't work, we will use three! In short,

, we must drive the Tang army into the sea!"

Seeing the somewhat crazy Yang Mu I, all the ministers closed their mouths and lowered their heads. They were silent, and there was no sound in the hall. No one dared to speak, and few even dared to move a little.

After a while, the old imperial prime minister took the lead and responded: "Yes, Your Majesty! I will handle it immediately."

This chapter has been completed!
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