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1680 is enough

The missile flying from a distance directly hit the bridge of the battleship. The huge explosion engulfed the steel welded tower, causing the tens of thousands of tons of sea monsters to make a creaking sound of twisted steel.

On the turret pointing to the side, the huge cannon that had just been fired was being loaded. The densely packed anti-aircraft guns on the sides were like decorations, showing no reaction to the incoming missiles.

Although this battleship was just launched a few years ago, its technology is still too old: for a battleship, its technology is very advanced, but for modern naval warfare, its performance is too backward.

Although there are many anti-aircraft guns, they have little effect. They cannot intercept the incoming anti-ship missiles. Those gun barrels pointing to the sky like a jungle can only embolden the sailors on the battleship.

The fact that a battleship can be named after the empire is enough to prove how much hope it has been given. But it is indeed too old, so old that it can no longer see the future.

"Captain...an anti-aircraft gun magazine on the side has exploded...the fire has gone out of control and the ship's speed will soon be affected." The adjutant came over and brought some bad news.

The missile hit the middle of the battleship as it turned, hitting the anti-aircraft gun position vertically, and disabled several anti-aircraft guns.

The explosion caused the shells accumulated in these anti-aircraft gun positions to explode. Now the side of the battleship is on fire, and the fire is quite serious.

"Let the damage control personnel try to rescue them as much as possible. We are already close to the enemy..." The captain still looked at the rough sea and said this without looking back.

"Yes! Captain." The adjutant took the order and left.

"After the turn is completed, the two turrets at the back will fire immediately! It's still the same coordinates as before!" After the captain issued a new order, he picked up the telescope, as if he wanted to see the enemy on the other side of the sea.

Unfortunately, the distance between them is still more than 20 kilometers, and he can't see the Tang Army's destroyer at all - the current sea conditions are not very good. Even if the distance between the two sides is closer, he actually has no way to see the target with the naked eye.

This newly built battleship was equipped with a new type of radar, which roughly detected the position of the enemy ship before being jammed by electronics.

So based on his experience, he bombarded the enemy ship's possible location. He didn't know whether he hit it or not, but he could only rely on these limited parameters to continue the attack.

What else would he do? He could only rely on weather cover to even enter the shooting range, and he was very lucky to have the chance to fire.

The fleet that was much more powerful than him, under good weather conditions, was completely wiped out without even being able to figure out where the enemy was. Several aircraft carriers and hundreds of aircraft were unable to even launch a decent attack.

The fact is so cruel. Now that he has a chance to fire, it is considered a very fair duel. So he has no right to complain, and he is not here to complain.

When he carried out this mission, he knew that both himself and the battleship under his command were certain to die. He had the courage to accept the order and came here, but he was actually ready to die.

Since he dares to die, there is nothing to be afraid of. He will try his best here to intercept the enemy's fleet or paralyze Rewind Port.

Encountering this huge fleet was just an accident. In fact, his fixed goal for this trip was the Rewind Port, which was already very close at hand.

He wanted to bombard it there to cause maximum damage, so that the Tang army would not be able to use the port in a short period of time, and buy precious time for the surrounding friendly forces.

Taking ten thousand steps back, he also wanted to prove the existence of the Elf Navy as much as possible so that the Tang fleet would not dare to easily go south to threaten the Osa military port, which actually had no defensive power.

Anyway, he had to do something...

Just as he dragged the injured battleship, he staggered and turned, pointing his bow at the Rewind Port dozens of kilometers away. And all the guns on this battleship were pointed in the direction where the enemy fleet might exist.


"Boom!" The 380-caliber cannon roared in despair, and the smoke-belching battleship was making its final struggle. This was the farewell of the old era to the new era, full of unwillingness and loneliness of being destined to retire.

The shells fired earlier landed about 7 kilometers away from the Tang Army destroyer. Now these shells happened to land about 5 kilometers away... It seemed to be getting closer, but nothing seemed to have changed.

The two escorting destroyers of the Tang Army did not continue to sail along the original route. They made a 180-degree turn and aimed the anti-ship missiles on the other side at the incoming target.

After turning around, the falling shells were far behind them. The towering water column was getting further and further away, looking like a joke.

Fine rain began to fall from the sky, leaving no trace on the clothes, but the rain finally came, accompanied by surging waves and an unfair duel.

After firing a few more shells, an anti-ship missile directly hit the No. 3 turret on the battleship. It was unknown what ignited, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

The speed of this relatively new battleship has slowed down. It can no longer sprint at a speed of 50 kilometers. Now it is like a dying old man, plodding forward towards a distant goal.

Those places that seemed close at hand in the past now seem to be far away in the horizon. The elf captain standing on the bridge has a dull expression, as if he is waiting for his last moment to arrive.

"There are still 35 kilometers to Rewind Port...Sir." When the adjutant reported the news to him, the battleship under his feet suddenly trembled. Everyone subconsciously stretched out their hands to hold on to the wall beside them, and then a deafening sound came.

Got into the ear.

We don’t know what caused the explosion, but the situation of the battleship is already very bad. The middle part of the hull is burning, and the tail part has been submerged in a thick black smoke.

"Can't you hold on anymore..." The captain of the battleship Yangmu showed a wry smile. It cannot be said that he was unlucky, but in fact he was indeed a little bit unlucky.

If...if they hadn't encountered this transport fleet, they might really have a chance to get close to Rewind Port and use artillery to prove the value of their existence.

"Keep firing! Let No. 1 and No. 2 turrets adjust their pointing... Aim at Rewind Port! Fire as soon as you get the chance..." Staring at the sea in the distance, the captain of the battleship Yangmu decided to make a final struggle.

Even if only one shell falls into Rewind Port, it is enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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