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1713 Another scene

"At least 10,000 people have frozen to death... I'm not kidding, General! Our civilians are starving!" The wrinkles on the face of the Prime Minister of the Ice Empire were distorted as he spoke, making him look even older: "If

The people's morale has collapsed, and the army is equally unsustainable."

"I know everything you said, but now there is no way but to wait. Prime Minister, if the transport convoy delayed by the snowfall arrives, then I can order some troops to return some of the 'requisitioned' civilian clothes." Chief of Staff.

Larbu explained.

In fact, the number of civilians who froze to death in Ironforge City must be far more than 10,000, but no one is actually counting such numbers now, and it is meaningless to count them.

Thousands of people freeze to death here every year in peacetime, not to mention the current state of war? In fact, everyone knows that almost thousands of civilians die in the ruins and rubble every day.

Because of the snowfall, the transport convoy that was supposed to arrive on time was late, and there was no news at all about the transport convoy that was supposed to be late.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up supplies. After these supplies are distributed, the next war can continue.

"Actually, Prime Minister, if the arms cannot be delivered on time and the problem you are worried about does not arise at all, we will be finished." Larbu even smiled when he said this, because he really began to feel that this

The war is hopeless.

In the past, he had some illusions. At least when he was formulating a counterattack plan on the eastern front and asking Marshal Xieke to launch an attack, he believed that they could rely on Ironforge to persist for at least a year.

But now, he has seen through: Xie Ke's counterattack did not happen at all. The Eastern Front Army is now lingering on the east side of the city, and the Western Front Army has also been compressed to the edge of the city. Now the south of the city is in danger, and Ironforge may fall into trouble at any time.

Heavy siege.

If a city is really under siege, it is impossible to rely on street fighting to survive. Especially a city that is not prepared for war at all, it will collapse quickly.

According to the plan, this week they should receive 50,000 Mauser rifles, 10,000 street-fighting submachine guns, at least 7,000 rocket launchers, more than 100 cannons, more than 30,000 artillery shells, 1,000 vehicles, and 150 tanks.

, more than 200 armored vehicles.

This is just a rough idea. In fact, the list also includes anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns and other equipment, as well as communication radios, telephones and telephone lines, small power generation equipment...

In addition to these, there is also the most important thing, grenades! The dwarves need 70,000 grenades to ensure that they have sufficient firepower in street fighting and can fight the Tang army.

However, not enough of these supplies have arrived at Ironforge. Overall, not even one-third is satisfied! The dwarves only received 20,000 grenades, thousands of rifles, and 900 submachine guns this week...

There is not a single tank, the number of armored vehicles is in the single digits, and the number of rocket launchers is closest to the requirement, only over 3,000.

All supplies, including fuel, are in short supply, and the dwarves are fighting the most brutal war in the most straitened state. Sometimes they have to collect bullet casings and send them to a temporary handicraft workshop set up in the south of the city.

, go and reload some ammunition for emergency use.

There is no guarantee of the quality of such ammunition, and it can only be used to embolden recruits who have just entered the battlefield. Anyway, hundreds of recruits are killed every day. When they die, it is unclear whether the magazine contains reloaded bullets or regular bullets.

It's not important anymore.

But as the war continued to develop, reloaded bullets were no longer enough... After all, cartridge cases can be recovered, and gunpowder must always be reserved. Because of the poor transportation of materials, scarce resources such as gunpowder are no longer available.

Every day, Larbu, the poor chief of staff, would receive countless calls, either from the Eastern Front Army or the Western Front Army. Both sides were urging for logistical supplies, but Larbu had no extra supplies to allocate to them.

As the chief of staff, he now feels like a general in charge of the logistics department. He only worries about the trivial matters of logistics every day.

"What do you mean? You mean, in such a cold winter, we may collapse first?" the prime minister asked, looking at the chief of general staff.

Larbu snorted: "Master Prime Minister, hundreds of thousands of troops consume countless supplies every day. Even if this city is a treasure, there will always be a day when it is hollowed out... The less things are sent from the south,

, the more things we have to solve on our own in Ironforge."

After speaking, he sighed: "Isn't what you are worried about caused by us not having enough supplies?"

Without waiting for the prime minister to say anything more, he continued: "When the ammunition reserves are exhausted, the front will collapse soon, the troops in the city will be divided, and the chaos will last for several days...

Then, it's all over."

"So, what you are worried about about the thoughts of the civilians is actually not important at all. Before that day comes, we will all become prisoners...or, corpses." He pointed at himself and looked away.

Everything looks like.

"His Majesty asked yesterday when we can drive the Tang people out of Ironforge." The prime minister did not talk about the people's hearts anymore, nor did he ask about the war situation. He also never mentioned material supplies, but talked about the Ice Age.

The current situation of Binghan I is much better than theirs, because His Majesty the Emperor has always felt that the arrival of winter has changed the situation of the war. He is planning some counterattack every day, and even fantasizes that the elves' troops on the Western Front have recaptured Saint Lo.

It would be great if we could always be so carefree as a human being, or it could be said that His Majesty the Emperor has gone crazy. He automatically blocked out all unreasonable details and only subconsciously paid attention to those illusory lies.

"His palace may enter the range of the Tang army's artillery at any time... He is still asking such questions. In a few days, or a week, the artillery shells fall on the palace, and we may not be able to hide anything." Larbu was helpless.

said to the prime minister.

If the Tang army really bombarded the palace of Ironforge every day, then all the so-called lies about the war situation would be self-defeating. No matter how much you lie to yourself, the door is bombed every day, Binghan I still knows what the truth of the Battle of Ironforge is.


"Let's talk about it then... Maybe we can think about the feasibility of ending this war with dignity." The prime minister seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be saying these words to Larbu.

Larbu once had such an idea, but he knew that no matter what, his Majesty would not agree to such a thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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