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1722 Datang treats everyone equally

Building a house in winter was not a wise choice, so the Tang Empire's construction work on the Eastern Continent was basically suspended.

But this does not mean that all the prisoners have nothing to do: they have to help transport and sort goods, and also build refugee shelters in many places.

The war brought huge trauma to this land. Even if the Tang Empire tried its best to avoid it, these traumas would be enough to bring untold suffering to the people on this land.

As long as there are shells falling, there will be people crying. There is no way to avoid this kind of thing, so the Tang Empire must take responsibility and use time to comfort the people here.

Snowflakes also began to fall in Rewind Port, but it still could not hide the fact that the place was recovering. Aunt Shilin was walking on the road and saw some more cars driving out of the port.

She didn't need to be very professional to identify that these cars did not come from the Eastern Continent, because the styles of those cars were from the Tang Dynasty, and there were very few flat-head trucks in the Eastern Continent.

In order to improve off-road capabilities and reduce the turning radius, most of the trucks used by the Tang Empire have flat heads. Only some countries on the Eastern Continent insist on using truck designs with engine compartments in the front.

Although in a sense, the two designs actually have their own advantages and disadvantages, in fact, flat-head trucks are used more often.

The Tang State has been trying its best to build a southward railway, but the construction of this railway has never stopped. This railway extends from Benn to Everwinter City, and then goes south from Everwinter City through Saint-Lo.

It doesn't end until Rewind Port.

With this railway, the Tang army could quickly deploy troops and transfer some supplies to the direction where they were needed more.

After all, excluding the unsafe Rewind Port, the Eastern Continent port with the largest throughput in the Tang Empire is Yongdong Port. If a railway can be fully utilized to maximize the value of Yongdong Port, it will obviously be the most beneficial to the Tang Empire.


Since Shilin knew that her two children were still alive, she seemed to be in a much better mood. There were many people in Rewind Port who had the same idea as her. Everyone did not hold any grudge against the Tang Empire, and their national consciousness was also

It is far from the point of complete awakening.

Mr. Charlie was promoted, and his work ability was pretty good. At this time when there was a shortage of officials, he was naturally reused: the civil affairs officials appointed by the Tang Empire appreciated him very much, so they promoted him to a small department.

Section Chief.

There are three elf clerks under me, and everyone is very busy every day, but the salary is very good, so no one complains.

Originally, Shireen was planning to go out and find a job to earn some money, but because Charlie's salary was higher, Fran finally left Shireen behind and became their family's full-time nanny.

In the past, Fran couldn't afford such a nanny, but now she does have some capital: the treatment in the Tang Empire's government departments is really good, and as long as nothing goes wrong, there is still hope of getting rich.

What's more, because of his busy work schedule, Charlie has to come back a little late every day. He also hopes that Shireen can stay and spend more time with Fran.

The public security in this city has never been so good, and it has even begun to appear that the houses are not closed at night: whether it is a movie theater or some other entertainment venues, the neon lights will flash until dawn. In such an environment, safety is obviously not an issue anymore, what really matters is

It's identity.

Although they are not too sensitive, everyone is still very confused. They don't know who they are and what the Tang Empire is here to do.

Until today, Shilin finally heard a piece of news that reassured many people: the Tang Empire began to apply for identity certificates for law-abiding citizens in Rewind Port. From today on, they have truly become "quasi-preparatory" citizens of the Tang Empire.

Of course, there is no such thing as directly becoming a citizen of the Tang Empire. You must know that becoming a truly Tang Dynasty citizen is an opportunity that many people only dream of in their lifetime.

However, the Tang Empire generously gave everyone a chance: as long as they supported the rule of the Tang Empire and worked within the territory of the Tang Empire for more than five years, they could obtain citizenship.

Compared with other regions, this condition is relatively loose. I heard that in order to win this opportunity, some elven officials at the top of the Tang Empire, especially a senior official named John, lobbied for a long time.

Everyone is spreading the news. They heard that this John was once a nobleman of the Yangmu Kingdom. He was later kicked out of the family and has been working in the Tang Dynasty Group since then. His father is the famous Duke Leibert of the Yangmu Empire.

Another person who contributed to this incident was Princess Yilin. This princess from the Elf clan was concerned about her own people, so she advised the Emperor of the Tang Empire and begged him to treat the Elf clan equally.

Many people in Rewind Port are praising these compatriots and praising them for everything they have done for the civilians of Rewind Port. However, no one mentioned that cities such as Everwinter City and Benn also received similar treatment.

The Tang Empire was building a new world that was completely different from the past. Of course, Tang Mo could not continue to discriminate against foreigners.

In addition to the goblins who committed numerous crimes against Zheng Di, the Tang State has even slightly relaxed the identity verification of the orcs. Some orcs who are becoming "human" can also live legally in the Tang Empire.


Of course, the main reason for opening this gap is that there are too many cat girls exported to the Tang Kingdom by orcs, and there is a princess with cat ears...

Whether they are dwarves, elves, orcs, whether they are yellow-haired people or black-haired people, in theory, there is no distinction between high and low in the Tang Empire.

But this is just theoretical. In fact, whether there is discrimination and whether there is superiority or inferiority can only be analyzed in detail. Tang Mo will not restrict this kind of thing at the legal level and prohibit dislike of certain types of people.

He really can't do this kind of idiotic thing.

Shirin touched the ID card in her pocket. The special plastic material was slightly cold. Her photo on it was very clear, and even the wrinkles were clearly visible.

She knew that she had the motivation to continue to persevere. As long as she could work honestly and pray devoutly to the gods, her child would come back to her one day in the future.

For her, this is enough to reassure her... hope.

This chapter has been completed!
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