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174 Unexpected Harvest

"If Mr. Tang Mo is willing to surrender, then Mr. Gis is willing to give up his position as the person in charge of the Wright Kingdom. The entire Wright Kingdom, including the Susas Kingdom... will be handed over to Mr. Tang Mo." Sitting on a small horse.

, the envoys from Cyric talked freely.

Along the way, he was deeply shocked by the entire position of Datang Group. Because he didn't even see groups of soldiers!

He did not see the small number of soldiers stationed in the trenches, nor the machine gun bunkers hidden halfway up the mountain.

Similarly, he did not see artillery positions because these positions were deployed further away. After all, they had an absolute range advantage.

He did not see the headquarters, nor did he see transport carriages, scattered laborers, or other people. It was as if what stood in front of Cyric's troops was just a wilderness.

It's a pity that people are more afraid of the unknown. Facing the endless wilderness, the envoy felt that the power of the Tang Group became even more unfathomable.

What is regrettable is that he did not come here to worship, he came here to negotiate, so he could only say some words that even he found a bit boring, to the boring people in front of him.

Geese sent him to negotiate. Of course Tang Mo couldn't receive him personally. In fact, even Redman didn't have the time to receive such an envoy of unknown rank.

Finally, a battalion commander sat in front of Cyric's envoy bored, listening to the other party talk about some whimsical words with an indifferent expression.

In the end, the envoy felt that it was not interesting anymore. He ended his conversation and looked at the young commander like this: "What he has to pay is to change the name of his workshop and then rename himself."

It’s just handing over the new technology.”

Of course he didn't know what the epaulettes and armbands on the opponent's military uniforms that represented military ranks meant. He was just curious about why Datang Group would choose such a rustic color as the fabric of its military uniforms.

Although the design of this military uniform really has an indescribable sense of sophistication and beauty, to be honest, the color of the fabric is too ordinary.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. The envoy found that after he finished his eloquent words and stated the conditions, the other party was still silent and sat there without saying a word.

Sitting here bored, the battalion commander used his own brain to deduce his supply and tactical arrangements on the fantasy sandbox.

When he realized that it might be his turn to speak, he looked at the envoy's face and found that his face had turned red.

"Ah... I'm sorry, what did you just... say?" The young battalion commander didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and asked with a half-smile on his face.

"If Mr. Tang Mo is willing to surrender, then Mr. Gis is willing to give up his position as the person in charge of the Wright Kingdom, and the entire Wright Kingdom, including the Kingdom of Susas... will be handed over to Mr. Tang Mo." There was no way, this envoy could only

I could repeat what I just said.

"You have been fighting for a whole day...and you haven't even touched the forward positions of my troops. What gave you the courage to come here and talk nonsense?" The battalion commander frowned and asked seriously.

A very embarrassing question for the other party.

His battalion had more than 600 soldiers, including artillery troops and infantry. In fact, from the beginning of the battle, he had a company behind him as a reserve.

Not to mention the reserve team behind them, the two companies deployed in the front, 90% of the soldiers, have not even had a chance to shoot until now.

The efficiency of the machine gun massacre was so high that those troops who had not yet exposed their positions were reluctant to open fire and cause chaos to the machine guns.

"Go back and let your people clean up the battlefield...before it gets dark." After the battalion commander finished speaking, he stood up, patted the side of his pants twice with his white gloves, and pointed to Cyric's shoulder in the distance.

The direction in which the troops are stationed: "At least, you have to break through my front-line positions and then come back to sue for peace, right? Otherwise... wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

The envoy was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time. He was so choked by the battalion commander's coquettish words that he couldn't say a single harsh word.

There was no way, the current situation was stronger than the people, and his unit was defeated by a sudden storm of bullets without even seeing the opponent's people.

The pain involved in this is really like a person knowing whether the water is cold or warm. If the troops on the front line had been more up to date, he would not be so embarrassed at this moment.

It is a pity that there is no what if... The continuous sound of gunfire has become an eternal nightmare, engraved in the minds of all Cyric commanders.

Didn't he actually come here this time because after seeing the terrifying hail of bullets from the Datang Group, the troops were frightened and no one was willing to attack anymore, so he had the idea of ​​suing for peace?

So he had no choice but to get on his horse, hold up the white flag and return the same way, and came to Guis in fear.

"So...you haven't even seen Tang Mo's face?" Gis looked at his subordinates with contempt and asked in a long voice.

The subordinate who acted as the envoy looked embarrassed, lowered his head and replied: "The other party, the other party only sent an officer to receive me."

"It seems that they have not agreed to our conditions?" Keith continued to ask questions without comment.

"Yes." The envoy lowered his head and answered Guise's question: "The officer said...said..."

"What did you say?" Geese frowned, feeling that the other party was hesitating, which made him very irritated.

"He, he said... 'At least, you have to break through my first line of defense and then come back to sue for peace, right? Otherwise... isn't it embarrassing?'" The envoy mustered up the courage to say the ridicule of the Datang Group officer.

"Pfft..." Geese couldn't hold back and laughed: "Hahahaha! That's right! When we ask for peace, we must win at least once..."

Except for him, no one had the intention to laugh. Because they knew that it would not be easy for them to win the battle in front of them.

Not to mention the terrifying exploding artillery fire, just looking at the continuous weird gunfire is already very despairing.

At this moment, these Cyric commanders finally understood why Susus' famous general Tucci died at the Sanchakou.

Faced with such a vicious force, it is not a strange thing to lose his life when caught off guard. I heard that Tucci died from artillery fire. Facing such a sneak attack with self-exploding artillery fire, it is normal for him to die.

"Yes, that's right... the other party said, let us... let us send people to clean up the battlefield, collect and collect the bodies..." The envoy finally remembered another thing.

"It makes sense. They have few soldiers, so they don't want to waste energy..." Giss nodded, and then looked at his subordinates: "Arrange some handymen and ask them to go up and collect the corpses, and don't get close to the opponent's position...


After he finished speaking, he looked at the row of generals beside him: "Don't worry, after the sky gets dark, we can use the darkness of night and our advantage in military strength to give the opponent a hard blow."

This was a new tactic that Giss thought of hard and he could find in a short period of time, which was to use the night and low visibility environmental conditions to attack and seize the Datang Group's defensive position.

He had also thought about using dispersed formations to attack before, but Cyric's troops had never been trained in this tactic.

Once the phalanx is disbanded, without the need for drumbeats to direct, and the personnel are dispersed to attack, then your own side will definitely be in chaos first.

How do dispersed soldiers solve the problem of being afraid to move forward? How to effectively command all troops? How to mobilize these troops to deal with the next problem after the attack fails or succeeds?

In short, they have never tried to disperse their troops to attack. If they use it reluctantly, they will only cause trouble for themselves.

The alternative is to use the cover of night to close the distance between the two parties as much as possible, and then take advantage of the large number of people to try to fight.

It is true that they have not tried operating at night, and if the large corps is mobilized at night, there will definitely be all kinds of troubles, but Giss has his own ideas.

Although the chaos at night was terrifying, Cyric relied on its own strength of numbers and could bear any greater loss.

According to Giese's assumption, even if both sides were in chaos, even if he paid three times the price, he could still defeat Tang Mo's troops first without losing two regiments.

By daybreak the next day, the chaotic battle would be over, and his troops could take advantage of their numerical superiority to seize the position and win the battle.

This was another reason why he sent an envoy to see Tang Mo. He planned to paralyze Tang Mo, and then actively prepared at night to launch an attack in the dark night before dawn the next day.

A pre-dawn attack, the darkness will soon be dispelled by the sunrise, the chaos will soon end, and early morning is the moment to decide the winner!

Everything seems to be in his plan. As long as his night attack succeeds, the battle will probably be over.

Because Tang Mo had no time to collect his defeated troops and assemble them to deploy a second line of defense. The disadvantage in terms of military strength did not allow Tang Mo to do this.

To his surprise, when he went to "persuade surrender" this time, he got something else: the other party actually allowed him to clean up the battlefield.

Even if he is only allowed to clean up two-thirds of the corpses, he can make the attack smoother.

As long as they survive this distance that is almost impossible to cross during the day, they can use fewer casualties as the price and let the soldiers from both sides fight together!

"Tang Mo, Tang Mo, a arrogant soldier will be defeated... You are still too young." A sinister smile appeared on Ji Ji's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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