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1760Interview with the Duke

In China, there is a saying that the two countries will not fight each other without killing each other. When European countries are at war, nobles from hostile countries often communicate with each other privately.

Even during the Second World War, Britain and Germany and France and Germany, which seemed to be at odds on the surface, actually had diplomatic exchanges.

Mustache once believed that Britain was about to surrender, which was the result of many British pro-German factions secretly deceiving them. Of course, judging from the results, these pro-German factions did play a certain positive role.

In fact, many of the ambassadors sent by the Tang Empire to various countries were still active in countries such as Lions Sussus after the declaration of war.

Originally, they were all going to leave after "closing the embassy", but the local diplomatic departments tried to persuade them to stay, so these ambassadors of the Tang Empire changed their titles and became special envoys or liaisons, and they still stayed there.

Engage in various jobs.

In fact, some local nobles who were pro-Datang Empire were not suppressed at all. At most, they were assigned more manpower to monitor them so that they would not threaten the basic security of the country.

Among them, there is a very famous person, he is Duke Leibert, an elf aristocrat. The son of this Duke serves as an important minister in the Tang Empire, and he also tried his best to promote the marriage of the elf princess to the Tang Empire.

In short, if Duke Qin and Duke Bailu of the Tang Empire have noble status, then if Grand Duke Leibolt also went to the Tang Empire, his status might not be much worse than Duke Qin and others.

At this moment, this Duke, who has a distinguished status in the Yangmu Empire and is well-connected in the Tang Empire, is being interviewed by a local elf media.

He is sitting in his luxurious office, his manners are elegant and noble. The traces left by the years on his face make him look more like a successful man, which makes the beautiful reporter sitting opposite him feel excited. From time to time,

To secretly flirt with someone, all you need to do is take off your clothes and show your body.

"I think elves and humans should live in peace. The war between the Yangmu Empire and the Tang Empire is a complete tragedy." He talked eloquently, speaking neither fast nor slow, with a mature flavor.

He was the one who supported John to join Tang Mo in the beginning, as a bargaining chip for both sides. As an old-fashioned nobleman, he can be said to be very representative.

The female reporter did not forget the purpose of coming here. She stared at the tailor-made suit tailored by a famous designer and the priceless Datang Empire luxury brand flagship watch on the earl's wrist and asked softly: "You mean, this war

it is wrong?"

She knew that no matter how she flirted with him, the Duke was unlikely to let her spend the night together. For these old nobles who had already experienced many battles, temptation was actually the least challenging daily routine.

The kind of idiot who is ready to take off his pants when he sees a beautiful woman has long been buried in the cruel competition. People who can stand at the top of the aristocracy will naturally not be able to show too much crotch.

As long as a man has some wealth, he will think more about the troubles of the aftermath rather than the excitement of that tumultuous night. It is too easy for a man with a high status to want a woman to take off her clothes, but it is too easy for a man to put her clothes on.

But that's another level of difficulty.

Yes, that's right, it's not difficult to get a woman to go to bed and take off her clothes. What's difficult is to get them to put on clothes and leave without any desire or desire.

A rich man can spend tens or even millions to make a woman obey her like a cat, but wait until the woman comes back with screenshots and videos of her children... millions will not solve the problem.

Just look at the careless Comrade Qiang Dong, and you will know what kind of price you have to pay for a little indulgence. The heritage of the old aristocrats is reflected at this time. They are more sensitive, more restrained and more vigilant in this regard.

Therefore, Leibert could flirt with the female reporter, or tell dirty jokes to the Marquis's widow at the cocktail party, but he would never reveal any flaws until he was sure that there was no danger at all.

Facing the female reporter's question, he nodded and expressed his opinion: "Yes, it's completely wrong. We elves should not break up with the Tang Empire, which has a good relationship, for the sake of the Ice Empire, nor should we take our young guys

We are sent to the battlefield to fight to the death with the wrong enemy."

His views were no secret. He was the representative of the opposition when decisions were being made. Many officials in the foreign affairs department were on his side, but their opinions were selectively ignored.

The female reporter followed the request and dug a hole for the Duke. This is a necessary part of the interview: "This is questioning His Majesty the Emperor's decision-making. Your Majesty, Duke, do you think His Majesty is wrong?"

Asking such a question is actually creating a topic, and at the same time, it also allows the interviewee to express his/her position positively and avoid being attacked by people seizing on the loopholes in the language. As long as the previous interview is used as evidence, then there will be no

There are too serious problems.

Of course Duke Leibert is not stupid, and he cannot answer wrongly: "No, I think His Majesty the Great Emperor is not wrong, His Majesty is just bewitched by some hot-headed guys. The war should end as soon as possible, and our country should restore peace.


As expected, the Duke passed all the blame on those so-called hot-headed ministers. As for who those ministers are, you can only rely on yourself to experience it.

Anyway, he didn't name him in detail, and no one would take his seat at this time. Of course, His Majesty, the real pusher, would not admit it, so it means that everyone is not taking the blame and everyone is happy.

"Won't the Tang people retaliate against us? After all, we terminated the cooperation and took back our Rewind Port." The reporter continued to ask.

The Duke did not avoid this issue, but directly admitted some of the mistakes: "Actually, we already made some mistakes when we recovered Rewind Port. However, through diplomatic efforts, we made up for our mistakes and restored our relationship with Datang.

Good relations between empires."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He was very skillful in answering reporters' questions and paid great attention to his words. When talking about Rewind Port, he used the word recycling, which was obviously a station.

From the perspective of the elves.

The Duke, who has long been accustomed to this kind of interview, is very flawless and tries his best to stand in a more neutral position when answering questions, which makes him always win the favor of many people.

"This is actually not easy, but some speculators have made the efforts of the diplomatic department meaningless. The relationship between us and the Tang Empire has hit rock bottom, and countless young elves are bleeding. This is something I don't understand.

I would like to see it." He brought the topic back to the Yangmu Empire's declaration of war against the Tang Empire.

After all, the two countries are still at war. Yesterday, the Tang Empire bombed several elven cities and destroyed factories, causing thousands of civilian casualties on the elven side.

Factories are unable to operate, large-scale power outages occur in cities, people's lives have been seriously affected, and dissatisfaction is spreading.

Originally, there were not many civilians who supported the declaration of war against the Tang Empire. Many elves did not understand the matter of declaring war on the Tang people for the sake of the dwarves, and even fewer people could see that they were dying.

For most people, they believe that as long as they maintain a good relationship with the Tang Empire, at worst return the Refeng Port they robbed before, and cede some land, there will be permanent peace between the two countries.

Now the country has inexplicably declared war on the Tang Empire, and the war has already reached its doorstep. Tens of thousands of elven soldiers have died in a foreign country... Naturally, these things will not make people too happy.

Duke Leibert is the representative of these people and their mouthpiece. Therefore, he can speak out these words with confidence. Even Emperor Yangmu I cannot do anything to him.

Because even Yangmu I needed such a character alive, he needed him to help the people vent their suppressed emotions, let them see the emperor's mind, and let them expect their opinions to be accepted, so that they would not make drastic choices.

Therefore, Yangmu I did not deal with Duke Reibert, and even asked him to accept an interview and express his voice in the media.

It's just that such a voice may affect the country's will and shake the determination of war. Yangmu I can only hold his nose and endure it.

"So, Your Excellency, do you have a way to stop this war and make everything return to normal?" The reporter asked this question hopefully.

In her view, if the war can be ended and the two countries resume their previous relations, it seems to be a good outcome.

Leibot smiled bitterly and replied with some regret: "I can only say that we took the initiative to declare war on the Tang Empire... Now the other party has closed all channels for peace talks. The Emperor of the Tang Empire is obviously furious. In his anger

Until the situation subsides, we can only pray that the officers and soldiers on the front line are safe."

He is not a fool. In fact, a nobleman like him has naturally seen the outcome long ago: anyone with a little bit of political savvy can feel how sweet the temptation placed in front of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Empire is.

That is the ultimate dream that no one can refuse, a goal that no one will give up as long as there is a slight chance! The meaning of so many kings' lives is now very close to the emperor who is far away in Chang'an!

Now that the wheels are turning, no one can stop the unification of the world! Even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty himself can't stop it easily.

That is the unification of the world! That is a future where there is only one flag and one voice in the world! How many people are fighting for this now? How can it be possible to just stop?

Leibot knew it all, he knew it all! He knew that even if he went to the Tang Empire to negotiate peace now, he would be ruthlessly rejected.

Even if the elves do not declare war on the Tang Empire, the final result will not change. The only difference is that after the Tang Empire destroyed the Binghan Empire, it will immediately declare war on the Yangmu Empire. The justice of the war is somewhat compromised.

It's just a little impact.

There will be no difference other than that: the Tang Empire will annex the Yangmu Empire, and Tang Mo will make such a decision anyway. Then comes the Sussus Empire, then the Lions Empire, and then Dorne,

It's the Nanla Empire...no one can be spared.

Resistance is just delaying time, and struggle is just unwillingness. As for success or not, it doesn't matter.

For the common people of various countries, the arrival of the Tang Empire may be a happier thing. But for the kings of various countries, they cannot willingly become kings of subjugation.

So they must fight to the death, even if they know that the result may not be ideal, they will still make such a choice. After all, even if a person who falls into the water knows that he will definitely drown, it is impossible not to splash the water - this is instinct

, the instinct to survive.

At this time, anyone who said he could quell the war was a lunatic, so it was impossible for Leibert to say that he could negotiate peace with the Tang Empire.

Although he had accomplished such a thing several times, he knew very well that he did not have the ability this time.

Therefore, he could only tell reporters: "The soldiers on the front line are very brave, and they have done everything they can for this country. Watching these outstanding young men die in a meaningless war has a profound impact on me personally.

It is a very painful thing for them. But my ability is limited and I cannot help them."

Just when the reporter was about to ask something, she suddenly felt the chair under her butt vibrate. Before she realized what had happened, Leibert just frowned.

Soon, a distant, dull explosion sounded. This was the first time that the capital of the Yangmu Empire was directly attacked in this war.

"Sorry, Miss Reporter, the interview may have to be interrupted. Sir... there was a violent explosion in the distance." The door was pushed open, and the housekeeper nervously walked to the Duke's side, bent down and lowered his voice and said, "Do you want to go?

Take shelter in an anti-aircraft bunker?"

Before Leibert could answer, the city's air raid siren started blaring. Now even the female reporter knew that something big seemed to have happened.

"Boom!" This time the explosion was closer, and the glass shook. The second long-range ballistic missile hit the elf capital, helping Leibolt end the interview.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, the Duke took refuge in the air-raid shelter built by his family, which may have a higher safety factor than the bunkers in the palace. As for the beautiful reporter, she had no choice but to leave alone.

There is no way, there is no such thing as pity for a woman, and reporters are not qualified to enter the private security facilities of the Duke's house.

Alarms have been echoing all day long. Five ballistic missiles landed in the urban area of ​​the elven capital, causing a large number of casualties. It also made all elves realize that war is no longer a foreign matter.


The two updates are put together.

This chapter has been completed!
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