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1804 Letter of Persuasion to Surrender

"Those damn intelligence agencies can't do anything at all!" Marshal Flix threw the report in his hand on the table beside him and snorted disdainfully, expressing his dissatisfaction.

In his view, the situation was already very obvious: the Tang Army was planning a counterattack in the Refeng Port area and was preparing to launch an unimaginable scale offensive on the western front.

He was on the front line, so he could clearly feel that the Tang army on the opposite side was ready to move. Even if he sniffed casually, he could smell the strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

"It seems that His Majesty is more inclined to distribute the troops evenly in all directions." The staff officer said helplessly to the unhappy marshal: "The north also said that the Tang Army was planning an attack. How could such a thing be possible? The Tang Army was prepared to attack all directions.

launch an attack in the direction?"

"Absurd! It's just a joke." Flix roared with dissatisfaction: "Those intelligence agencies who only know how to mess around will only kill us all!"

After complaining, he also knew that things would not change in a short time. So now the only option he could do was to rely on himself.

"Order the front-line troops to enter the position immediately and let the reserve team be ready! Everyone must be on standby at their posts! I have a hunch that the Tang Army will not give us much time to prepare." After Marshal Flix calmed down, he immediately

Strategic deployment began.

Since there will be no large-scale reinforcements coming, now he can only rely on the troops at hand to solve the problem.

The good news is that he has solid defense fortifications built in the past six months based on the original border defense line. Relying on these fortifications, he will at least have the confidence to persist for a while. As long as the Tang army starts the attack, all judgments will be finalized.

, the main attack direction of the Tang army was undoubtedly exposed.

By that time, although he was passive, he was still sure to hold on until the reinforcements arrived. By then, after defeating the Tang army's attack, the situation should have stabilized.

"Yes! Marshal!" His officers immediately went out to convey the order. The atmosphere in the headquarters was still very solemn. Everyone knew that the Tang Army was about to launch a spring and summer offensive, and a big battle was inevitable.

Countless elven soldiers carried ammunition and entered the defensive position along the pre-arranged trenches. They didn't know what would happen next, and it could be seen that each of them was a little nervous.

The veterans around me all know how powerful the Tang army on the opposite side is, so once this battle begins, someone will die every minute.

"Store your ammunition! Save every bullet!" Elf's company commander reminded everyone while buckling the chin strap of his M35 helmet and walking past his soldiers.

The entire position has been reinforced with cement, and there is even a wooden cover at the bottom of the trench with a drainage ditch underneath. It can be seen that the elves hope to hold on here for a while, and they have no intention of giving up easily.

At regular intervals, the trenches have air-raid shelters with reinforced tops. Fresh water, food, and excess ammunition are stored in them.

Covering these air-raid shelters are hidden bunkers. Generally, such fortifications are deployed at both ends of the air-raid shelter. This can form cross fire and kill the Tang army on the opposite side as much as possible.

Behind the carefully laid out defensive positions are communication trenches connecting the second trench. In the middle of these communication trenches are concealed mortar and anti-aircraft machine gun positions.

These facilities were covered with camouflage nets to hide them as much as possible to avoid detection by the Tang army. In order to prevent the Tang army from attacking, the elves arranged this place into a terrifying fortress.

Each line of defense consists of three trenches, and after the two lines of defense is the real main defense zone. The bunkers there are even reinforced with steel plates and equipped with many hidden anti-tank firepower points. Flix did not waste his time, he did what he did

Everything you can do.

It's a pity that everything he did was just useless and expensive decorations in Tang Jun's eyes.

"Marshal! Look at this." An officer handed the colored paper to Flix. On the second day after the elves entered the defensive position, Tang Jun sent some leaflets to the elves by projection. The front line

The troops collected the pieces of paper and sent them to Flix's headquarters.

Felix took the piece of paper and looked down at it carefully, and found that it was a letter of persuasion to surrender. The content on it was also very simple: In front of the powerful Tang Empire, all resistance is in vain. Put down your weapons and go home.

Go ahead, the Tang Empire guarantees the safety of all civilians. Those who are stubborn will be punished soon.

"It's just a little trick." Felix threw away the piece of paper. He spent his whole life in the military. If he was convinced by such a few words and then surrendered directly, that would be a real joke.

Although he refused the Tang army's persuasion to surrender, he became interested in these surrender letters: "The other party is eager to send us this kind of thing. It seems that our judgment is accurate. They are indeed ready to attack."

Sending him a letter of persuasion to surrender at this time is actually more of a message: we already have a sure chance of victory, you'd better surrender as soon as possible.

In Flix's opinion, this is arrogance, similar to popping champagne at halftime. If the opponent is a little more rational, they should at least wait until they have an advantage after the fight begins. It is obviously too early to do it now.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Tang Army's 1st Group Army, Hogg smiled and put the document in his hand on the table: "How is it? Have you sent it to our opponent?"

The officer standing in front of him nodded and replied: "Sent it over! A total of 10,000. It is estimated that samples have been sent to Flix by now."

"Yes, we are old acquaintances with him. We must give him a chance to surrender before hammering him..." Hogg was very satisfied with his bad taste, stood up and ordered: "Prepare the car.

, go to the front line! In addition...inform all units...that the attack has begun!"

He didn't mind exposing the time of his attack at all, because if the elves mobilized their forces to target the 1st Army, it would be equivalent to weakening the defense in other directions. In fact, for the Tang Army who was fully attacking, the result would be the same. No matter the opponent

Wherever you stick, other places will lose sight of the other, eventually leading to a complete defeat.

On a wide front of tens of kilometers, the artillerymen of the Tang Army, who had been prepared for a long time, took down the camouflage nets covering the artillery.

One by one, the self-propelled artillery began to raise their barrels, and the artillerymen who were waiting carefully loaded the heavy shells into the barrel, closed the breech, and waited for the final order.

The soldiers of the Tang Empire were ready. They could move forward at any time and rush towards the enemy's position.

"The artillery position is ready! Fire at any time!" A rich male voice came from the radio, echoing in the makeshift command post.

"The Air Force has arrived in the scheduled airspace and is ready to provide support at any time!" Another voice was also full of excitement and expectation, indicating that the battle was about to begin.

"The armored troops are in position, waiting for the order for the general attack!" came the third voice, with a hint of impatient eagerness to make achievements on the battlefield.

Reports came one after another via radio into this simple but tense headquarters. The commanders of the Tang Army gathered around a huge sand table, and everyone's face was filled with the confidence of a winner.

On the sand table, there are models representing the military strength of both sides arranged in an orderly manner. The blue ones represent the Elf Army, and the red ones represent the Tang Army. Although there does not seem to be much red, everyone knows the little red flags.

What a terrifying power it represents...

A huge military map hangs on the wall of the headquarters, with lines and symbols of various colors marking the troop deployments, attack routes and defenses of both sides.

Next to the map, several staff members were busy nervously, constantly adding the latest battle situation information to the map.

Outside the window of the headquarters, there is a vast plain, with rolling mountains vaguely visible in the distance. There is still unmelted snow on the top of the mountain, shining silver in the sun.

Several unknown birds flew across the sky, and their chirping sounded particularly clear on the silent battlefield.

A Tang Army general was wearing a straight military uniform and a shining medal on his chest. He held his baton tightly and pointed at the position on the sand table that represented the Elven Defense Line. He coldly issued an order: "Tell the artillerymen to give them

In five minutes, I want the elf on the opposite side to feel what it means to have enough ammunition!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, a messenger immediately turned around and ran out of the headquarters to convey the general's order to the artillery unit.

Five minutes later, the thundering sound of artillery resounded throughout the battlefield. Countless artillery shells, carrying the breath of death, landed on the elves' positions.

The Tang army carefully prepared for artillery fire. It seems that people have forgotten how terrifying this kind of thing is. The Tang Empire has not used such cruel tactics for a long time, and this time the artillery bombardment lasted for a long time.

Countless artillery shells fell on the Elf defensive positions, raising thick smoke that covered the sky, and a series of explosions were shocking. The Elf soldiers who were lucky enough to survive felt that they were in hell. They cried out during the explosions of the artillery shells,

Scurrying around, struggling in vain.

It was only at this moment that the Elf front-line commanders realized that the Tang Army did not often prepare artillery fire, just because they felt it was unnecessary. Once the Tang Army thought that intensive firepower was needed, then they would obviously invest sufficient artillery.

At this time, the elves finally remembered that the country with the largest steel production in the world and the largest number of cannonballs seemed to be opposite them!

After the preparation of artillery fire, the Tang army's attack began. On a position where the elves were defending, the two sides broke out and started a battle.

An Elf No. 4 tank that came to support was shot through by a Type 96 main battle tank from the Tang Dynasty. The tank members were killed and engulfed by the explosion before they could even climb out of the tank.

On a position filled with gunpowder smoke, this Type 96 main battle tank, which had just penetrated the opponent and killed all directions, ran over the trench with its wide tracks.

Following it was an infantry fighting vehicle, and the turret on the fighting vehicle was spitting out tongues of fire. Tracer bullets hit like raindrops near the bunker that was still firing just now. The white smoke aroused engulfed the perforations, temporarily making the bunker


The Tang army following the armored body hunched over and ran quickly with assault rifles in their hands. They jumped into the trenches and quickly cleared the remaining elven soldiers in the trenches with grenades and assault rifles.

The main gun on the infantry fighting vehicle fired a shot at the suppressed bunker. The 100mm low-bore pressure gun directly hit the target and blew off the roof of the bunker.

Under the cover of Type 96 tanks, the Tang Army, which took the lead in attacking, crossed the first line of defense of the coalition forces and destroyed various obstacles set up by the coalition forces.

Behind the battle line, dozens of self-propelled artillery roared, and 155mm howitzer shells hit the coalition positions.

The Elf's M35 steel helmet rolled on the ground, and the broken limbs that were blown away by the grenade fell along with the gravel and soil. The Elf troops in the trench collapsed.

The ground covered with bullet casings shook slightly as the shells fell. On the second line of coalition positions, nervous elf soldiers were waiting for the arrival of the Tang army.

"Is the first line of defense over?" The elf troop commander put down the telescope in his hand and asked anxiously.

His location was a camouflaged observation post, built of logs and soil, with a camouflage net hanging around the post in an attempt to hide at the edge of the dense forest.

Even though this place is still far away from the battlefield, the violent explosions and deafening artillery fire still make this simple observation post tremble slightly.

The elf's master could clearly smell the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, mixed with the smell of earth and the faint smell of fresh blood... This smell made him feel slightly nauseous.

The scene he just saw through the telescope was as horrifying as the end of the world: the originally lush forest was torn apart by artillery fire, and the trees broke and collapsed, exposing the charred trunks; the carefully constructed fortifications of the coalition forces were blown to pieces, and the barbed wire and anti-tank cones were blown to pieces.

Roadblocks were scattered all over the ground; the elven soldiers who had been hiding in the trenches were now running around in panic, their bodies covered with mud and blood, and their faces full of fear and despair.

The artillery fire prepared by the Tang Empire was so fierce that he even began to doubt whether there were any surviving Elf soldiers on the front line.

Although he tried hard to see the situation ahead clearly, the diffuse smoke and the light of artillery fire prevented him from peeking at the first line of defense.

He could only vaguely see that the enemy's steel torrent was like a flood that burst a dam, rushing unstoppably in his direction.

"Yes, sir. The first line of defense is over! The 1st Regiment's position has been lost!" his adjutant replied regretfully after putting down the phone.

"I hope we can last longer than them." The elf commander muttered. He was really not sure how long he could hold on to the position. It might be one hour, it might be two hours, who knows.


Two in one.

This chapter has been completed!
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