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204 Enemy Fleet

Off the coast of Nanshui Port, on the bridge of the Bunas 1 battleship, the captain was sitting in his chair, eating his breakfast comfortably.

The first mate stood beside him and reported the battleship's own consumption: "The fuel can be consumed here for up to 2 days, and the food on the battleship is almost exhausted, Captain."

In fact, due to the modification, the battleship's self-sustainability at sea has been greatly improved, and the amount of fresh water and food it can carry is beyond imagination in the sailing era.

However, no matter how high the self-sustainability is, the food and fresh water carried on the battleship, including coal and artillery shells, are constantly being consumed.

The navy is an expensive branch. Every time it sets sail, every battle, and every cruise is a process of burning money.

These days, Bunas 1 has fired more than 250 shells and sunk more than 70 ships of various types.

Don't be fooled by this terrifying hit rate. This kind of attack effect is actually the result of sticking up and riding on the face to output. In fact, it is not a new development in the current naval battle artillery technology.

Before the support of radar, there would be no significant improvement in artillery technology, and the hit rate could only be looked at casually without taking it seriously.

Despite this, after firing nearly 300 rounds of artillery shells, the ammunition on the Bunas No. 1 battleship also needed to be replenished. Coupled with the consumption of coal and food, they really should return to Bunas.

They are not the pistols in Hong Kong movies. They can produce the effect of a submachine gun without changing the magazine...

The captain dipped the bread into the soup on the plate and said, "I just received a call back from Bunas. They sent Bunas 2 here three days ago. We will return at this time tomorrow."


"Will they come tomorrow?" When the first mate heard that reinforcements were about to arrive, the expression on his face became more relaxed and he asked.

To be frank these days, it is still very difficult for commanders like them. Keeping vigilance at the enemy's doorstep is very draining on everyone's spirit.

More than two hundred people were lying across the waterway. Facing an enemy that was ten times more numerous, they really needed to take a rest.

The captain was obviously much more relaxed. He took a bite of bread, chewed it a few times, swallowed it into his stomach, and drank a sip of hot water before continuing: "The captain of Bunas 2 also sent a message. They are already far away from here."

It’s not far away. You’ll be able to meet us soon.”

Having a telegraph machine is very convenient. Everyone can use pre-translated messages to transmit messages. Because there is no so-called electromagnetic reconnaissance in this world, there is no need to worry about the enemy knowing your approximate location.

Similarly, because there is almost no need to worry about secret messages being leaked, there is no need to use complex encryption systems for communication, you can just send them casually.

Therefore, the telegraph system that only Tang Mo can use is a unilateral, convenient and transparent communication system that is safe, efficient, and has no shortcomings.

The first mate's expression was full of surprise and he immediately asked: "How many hours later?"

"Well, in a few hours." The captain swallowed the last bite, nodded, and placed the plate on the small table nearby.

Just as he was wiping his mouth, an officer on duty hurried over, stood at attention and saluted: "Captain!"

"What's wrong?" The captain looked at the other party and saw excitement in the other party's eyes.

Sure enough, the officer excitedly reported to his immediate superior: "We discovered a fleet on the northern sea!"

The captain was stunned for a moment, and said in a long voice in disbelief: "Huh?"

"Elf warships! About 10 of them are turning..." The officer who had just received the news from the lookout post reported loudly.

They have not waited for an enemy ship that they can attack for two consecutive days. Nanshui Port has been completely paralyzed. Almost all the returning ships of Yangmu Kingdom have been sunk. The remaining ships in the port dare not go out to sea.

Because of the recent crazy expansion of the Poplar Kingdom, the surrounding kingdoms are more afraid, so the trade between these kingdoms and the Poplar Kingdom has almost been cut off.

The reduction of ships from other countries also allows Bunas 1 to not distinguish between ships from other kingdoms, which in disguise improves the efficiency of this blockade.

However... after many ships were sunk, the South Water Port of the Yangmu Kingdom was completely paralyzed, which made all the officers and soldiers of the Bunas 1 battleship feel depressed for a while.

On the one hand, they were unwilling to waste precious shells on the coastal defense artillery batteries, and they were also afraid of damaging their hulls by getting too close to the batteries.

On the other hand, they could not wait for the passing transport ship, and no decent results appeared for a long time. This made everyone feel bored, and they had to brace themselves to wait for a possible battle.

The captain nodded and told the adjutant: "Show a fighting posture. Let the battleship adjust its course and sail staggered with the opponent! Speed ​​up! Use the speed advantage to find the most suitable entry position!"

"Speed ​​up!" the adjutant immediately shouted to the noncommissioned officer guarding the communication channel.

"Speed ​​up!" the sergeant immediately shouted the order to one of the pipes.

"Full right rudder!" the captain ordered loudly while taking the telescope and looking at the northern sea.

The helmsman turned the steering wheel and repeated the command loudly: "Full right rudder!"

The captain put down the telescope and ordered with a sneer: "Reload the artillery! Teach these silly elves a lesson! Don't let any of them go!"

The adjutant nodded slightly, and then conveyed the captain's order again.

There is a process for increasing the speed of a battleship. Previously, Bunas 1 had been cruising at a very low speed. Now it actually takes time to accelerate suddenly.

However, it is still gradually increasing its speed, strolling leisurely, gracefully or so slowly that it makes people speechless.

An officer came over and sent the exact number of elf warships: "The watchtower has determined the number of enemy ships. There are 12 warships! Heading due south!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Turn! Head due south! Inform the turret to turn!" The captain is also preparing to reveal his flank turrets, preparing to use the most advantageous firepower to meet the enemy.

Relying on his superior speed, he prepared to implement leapfrog tactics and use a U-shaped maneuver to completely sink these incoming enemy ships.

This U is deployed around the enemy ship's column battle line. Bunas 1 will travel parallel to the opponent, and then attack all enemy ships on its side one after another.

Then Bunas 1 will rely on its terrifying speed to turn in the column of the opponent's fleet, and then move towards the other side on the other side, once again passing by all the enemy ships that have not been sunk.

, get a second chance to take action.

If there are still fish that slip through the net, relying on the higher speed, Bunas 1 can catch up with the opponent and sink it!

In short, the Bunas 1, which has superior firepower, speed, and defense, can simply do whatever it wants when facing an old sailing ship.

The first mate quickly confirmed his heading: "Course south! Speed ​​37 kilometers! Sea conditions are good!"

"Good vision! Aiming completed! The enemy ship is 4 kilometers away!" the officer in charge of weapons command reported loudly.

The captain once again raised his telescope and issued the order to correct the course: "Correct the course by 4 degrees! Stick it up!"

"Correct the course!" The helmsman turned the steering wheel again and repeated the command loudly.

The bow of the battleship cut through the sea and moved towards the enemy ships that had been lined up in a row in the distance. The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere became more tense.

Neither side sent any signals, because it was already assumed that the other side was the enemy, and everyone had nothing to talk about, so let's use cannons to argue.

The elves' navy seems to be approaching. It seems that the other side wants to use their superior numbers to end this naval battle as soon as possible.

In the bridge of Bunas 1, the captain continued to order: "Steady! Wait until the distance is 2 kilometers and report again!"

"Understood!" The adjutant responded to the captain's order by standing behind him with his hands behind his back.

On the bow of the ship, the twin 120mm caliber gun turrets have been turned to the side facing the enemy. On the side of the battleship, the artillerymen have all entered their combat positions at the 75mm caliber gun positions.

Because of the favorable wind, the speed of the sailboat on the other side was actually not slow, but compared with the Bunas 1, which had already increased its speed to 35 kilometers per hour, it was still a bit slow.

As time passed, the two sides became larger and larger in each other's telescopes. Everyone was waiting for the distance to be shortened, waiting for the critical point when they were sure to fire and sink the other side.

Obviously, Bunas 1 has a longer range. The generation difference of the aiming equipment and the range advantage of the artillery give it the ability to fire at a distance of 5 kilometers.

But for the sake of safety, the captain of Bunas 1 decided to put the enemy at a distance of about 2 kilometers before opening fire.

But now, their distance has been shortened to less than two kilometers. At this distance, the accuracy of the Bunas 1 battleship's artillery is already very scary.

"It's time to fire!" The weapons commander walked behind the captain with his head held high and spoke to report.

"Fire!" the captain ordered without any hesitation.

"Boom!" A few seconds later, the main gun of the Bunas 1 battleship opened fire, and three shells roared towards the Elf battleship in the distance.

However, it is a pity that the two shells left two holes in the opponent's sail, passed over the head of the opponent's warship, and fell into the seawater further away, stirring up a huge water column.

The third shell hit a battleship in the middle of the opponent's fleet, causing a huge explosion that directly blew off a mast of the opponent's battleship.

Before the Elf navy could be shocked, a row of 75mm cannons flew over. This time... the Elf fleet completely exploded.


Today's melon is so unexpected, I'm going to eat it first as a sign of respect, and I guessed the size wrong, hahaha. Another chapter will be updated tomorrow morning, I'll go ahead and continue eating the melon, hehehe.

This chapter has been completed!
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