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206 information gap

In fact, more complete information has been sent to the royal city of the Poplar Kingdom. Augustine Leibert even obtained a very accurate sketch.

He looked at the sketch in front of him and the obvious black smoke, and felt really unspeakable in his heart.

Elves who have seen steam engines long ago only need to take a quick look at the two tall chimneys and look at the black smoke that continues for days to know that there are two steam engines installed in this thing!

King Yangmu XI of the Yangmu Kingdom also stared at the painting and asked with some confusion: "A steam-powered battleship? You mean, the Datang Group put steam power on the ship...? Indeed, if

If this kind of power can propel the ship forward, it can indeed replace the sea wind."

Although he also knew about steam engines and these important technologies, he really could not keep up with the development of the times when it came to this specific technical issue.

There is no way, as a monarch, his skill points are almost all focused on domestic affairs, diplomacy, military and other skills that can support him in governing the country.

Augustine Leibert didn't know much about technology, but because he made his fortune relying on steam engines, he still knew a lot about this thing.

Moreover, because of his frequent contact with Cyric, he also learned a lot about the applications of steam engines. In fact, he also recently learned about steam engines in mines, but he hasn't had time to promote them yet.

So at this moment, he explained to his monarch: "On land, there are already trains that run on steam power. It is not surprising that there are such ships on the sea."

Then, he continued to add with an ugly face: "However, when the other party installs new types of artillery, new ammunition, and new steam engine power on one ship... our numerical advantage in maritime warships will no longer be possible.

there is none left!"

He really didn't expect that the little-known Datang Group, after handing over needle gun technology and steam engine technology, could come up with so many derivative technologies in a short period of time, quickly leaving the whole world behind.


Cyric has now launched imitation C64 artillery, and the other party is lobbying the Poplar Kingdom to purchase these cannons, and is threatening to sell the artillery to countries surrounding the Poplar Kingdom, preparing to regain control of the Poplar Kingdom's arms procurement.

The Augustine family, which has been resisting Cyric's return to the Poplar Kingdom recently, is actually already under a lot of pressure.

Yangmu XI sat in his seat and said with emotion: "We once had 100 level 1 sailing warships! But now, the other side may have one such ship, which is enough to blockade one of our ports!"

Augustine Reibert also realized that the delay in intelligence would bring disaster to his country's fleet: "Damn it... our naval battleship commanders don't know what they are going to face! Our messenger arrived in Austria.

By the time we arrive at Saharan Port, the navy’s warships should have already set off!”

After all, he only now knew that the opponent was not a sail warship, but a new steam-powered warship.

It is not known how this kind of warship is controlled, but as the actual ruler of Nanshui Port, he has a certain understanding of naval equipment.

Facing new types of explosive shells and new cannons, the original naval warships could be said to have no power to fight back - he judged from the news sent that the new artillery that shined in the Battle of Beiling must be equipped in

On this warship lying across the South China Sea!

The king was also very depressed. He also realized that his fleet might suffer a failure. So he looked at Augustine Rebert with some irritability, waiting for him to say something.

Leibot roughly analyzed the situation and felt that the fleet going south was probably in danger.

According to common sense, not all the warships stationed in the Osa military port will go south, so the number of warships going south should be between 10 and 15.

This number is basically everyone's guess. After all, feedback from Port Osa is still on the way, and they can only rely on their own guesses to judge the situation.

In fact, this is also the impact of backward communication technology. In ancient times, this situation often determined the outcome of a war.

For example, in some ancient wars, the attackers seemed to have hundreds of thousands of troops, but they lost. This was largely due to the backwardness of medical, communication and other technologies, which made command and decision-making difficult.

Just like now, when the decision-makers discover the problem, the war on the front line is actually over. No matter how wise and powerful the decision-makers are, nothing can be changed.

Therefore, Leibert spoke depressedly and stated the most likely outcome: "They will rush south quickly and rush to the Nanshui Port! There, they will be smashed into pieces by the enemy's warships!"

"In these messages, it was mentioned many times that the opponent's speed is very fast, and that the opponent can even crash our ship..." He flipped through several pieces of intelligence sent to him and passed the information to Yang Mu XI.

King Yangmu lowered his head to look at the somewhat alarmist information, and finally raised his head and asked Augustine Leibert: "Some people say that the other party is a warship made of steel. Is this possible?"

Leibert could only bite the bullet and answer his monarch's question: "Maybe, because we have done experiments in the pool before, steel can completely float on the sea."

"So, why didn't we build steel battleships before?" Yangmu XI asked his question curiously.

"Because the sail power cannot drive such a heavy warship, even if it is built, its speed will be too slow and it will not be able to catch up with any enemy ships." Augustine Leibert explained.

In fact, the elves are also developing a new type of warship. This kind of warship has some iron sheets hung on the outside of the wooden hull to imitate fire and solid cannonball attacks.

However, this attempt will greatly increase the weight of your warship, which will directly affect its speed, making it unable to keep up with the sailing formations of other warships in the fleet.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This directly affects the combat efficiency of this new type of warship, making it unable to form formations with most of our own warships, and further affecting the navy's established tactics.

To be honest, this is not a small problem. This problem has even affected the execution of tactics, even overturned previous tactics and destroyed familiar tactical routines.

Therefore, new warships have only remained in theoretical research and minor improvements until now. Some warships have some iron plates hung on the outside, which is the latest achievement in the development of new warships.

A warship made entirely of metal like the Datang Group has never appeared before, and no one will be able to successfully imitate it in a short time.

This also made His Majesty the King of the Poplar Kingdom feel a serious crisis, a serious crisis of losing the ocean!

Lord Augustine Leibert caught a glimpse of the king's face, and he always wanted to say something, so he could only continue to explain: "No one knows that the other party can pile up so many new weapons on a battleship at the same time.


Yangmu XI drawled a long voice and confirmed unhappily: "That is to say, it is possible...the other party used steam engine technology to increase the power, and then allowed their warships to use metal hulls...and then, they also

Are you equipped with new cannons on your battleships?"

"It is very possible that they also used other technologies. According to the depiction in this painting, the opponent's cannon is installed in an iron box. If you want to rotate such a large iron box, you must rely on complex transmission technology.

." Leibot said again, and then comforted his Majesty the King: "Actually...our fleet may not be defeated..."

"If we can win, it will definitely be good." The king was comforted and felt somewhat relieved: "But shouldn't we have this new warship?"

Without waiting for Augustine Leibert to say anything else, he continued to ask: "...Why, why do we have a bad relationship with such a weapons manufacturer? Augustine? Is it possible for us to repair the relationship between the two parties and find a way to make it work?"

Are they selling all these technologies to us?"

Augustine Leibert immediately said: "I have sent an envoy, but because we cannot reach the sea from Nanshui to go south, we can only take the land route... To reach the Kingdom of Wright by land, it is estimated that... we have to go

A long time.”

In this regard, he still has some aristocratic wisdom. Based on his experience, he can also see that it is necessary to have a good relationship with the rising Datang Group in order to maintain the Yangmu Kingdom's lead in weapons.

In this situation now, it is no longer so reassuring to simply rely on the Cyric Consortium.

The king was obviously not satisfied with Leibert's solution. He thought for a moment and said, "What we lack now is time! Find a way to get that warship to let one of our envoy ships go south! Go back to Nanshui yourself.

, you must... you must have a good relationship with the other party! No matter the cost!"

Leibot nodded slightly, then stood up and said goodbye: "I understand! Your Majesty!"

After he was promoted to Marquis by the king, he stayed in the royal city and would not leave easily. This time the king actually ordered him to return to Nanshui, which made him feel a little excited.

After all, no matter how good the royal city is, it is not his territory. Nanshui is his foundation. Therefore, if there is a problem with Nanshui, he will be more anxious than the king.

Therefore, he returned home as quickly as possible: "I will leave immediately!"

Shortly after he walked out of the house, a waiter came in and brought bad news to his king: "The special envoy from the Kashiwagi Kingdom has arrived! Your Majesty! He sent the news... The Kashiwagi Kingdom rejected our request and decided

Do not ally with us..."

"What did you say?" Yang Mu Eleven stood up excitedly and exclaimed: "Why?"


It’s been another decadent day today, the second update will be posted tomorrow morning, sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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