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224 Not familiar

Fitral, who was not prepared to let Harry talk about the numbers first, planned to clarify his bottom line first. He believed that by doing so, he could control the losses to a minimum.

So, I just listened to him pretending to be generous and said: "Don't forget it, we plan to repay you 200,000 gold coins with interest. This is already a very sincere figure. 100,000 gold coins a year ago, and we will pay you back 200,000 gold coins a year ago."

Just paid back twice as much..."

"How much?" This time, it was Harry's turn to be shocked.

He was really shocked by the shamelessness of these elves. They really planned to calculate the interest casually and pay back the money and be done with it...

You know, this money was very important to Datang Group a year ago. The degree of importance cannot be compared with today's 200,000 gold coins.

That was a time when Datang Group was in urgent need of funds and supplies. One gold coin at that time was more important than a hundred gold coins now!

This is why Tang Mo has such a figure of 14 million gold coins - these are all "fair" figures calculated accurately!

But the other party shamelessly defined the value of the arrears of 100,000 gold coins as 100,000 gold coins itself, without considering its adverse impact on the development of Datang Group.

Let me ask, how can it be possible that 100,000 owed to Jack Ma in 1988 and 100,000 owed to Jack Ma in 2018 are the same concept?

Fitral, who was obviously unwilling to admit something, pretended to explain: "200,000 gold coins. This is already higher than the highest interest rate. We are very sincere."

"Hahahaha!" Harry couldn't help laughing loudly.

"I don't know, Mr. Harry, why are you laughing?" Knowing that his statement would definitely be questioned by the other party, Fitral asked bravely.

In fact, he estimated last night that the other party would probably not accept the figure of 200,000 gold coins.

However, in his opinion, the other party would only ask for a figure of 300,000 gold coins or 500,000 gold coins at most.

There was no way, poverty really limited his imagination. He had never actually seen 500,000 gold coins in his life, and of course no number exceeding 500,000 gold coins came to mind.

After Harry had laughed enough, he looked at the other party with a gloomy face: "I'm laughing, haven't you figured out how much interest is on this debt?"

"So... Mr. Harry, how much do you think the money should be?" Knowing that he was in danger, Fitral could only continue to ask.

"It's not what I think, but how much money this money can turn into in our Datang Group in one year! Mr. Fitral... In fact, in the past year, 100,000 gold coins can create for us

The profit... is 14 million gold coins." After Harry finished speaking, he directly reported an astonishing figure: "So, the debt you should repay is more than 14 million! Mr. Tang Mo was very kind, and he decided to erase the fraction,

I only want 14 million gold coins from you!"

"How much?" The same expression appeared on Fitral's face this time. He really didn't expect that the other party would actually ask for 1,400 gold coins!

"14 million gold coins." Harry repeated his offer with certainty.

Fitral shook his head crazily, saying that this was simply impossible: "Are you crazy? Our Yangmu Kingdom's treasury does not have so much money in total!"

"You can use materials, land, mine property rights, and all valuable things to repay it. We have a special audit team that can estimate the value... Don't worry, I am innocent and will never take an extra copper from you.

Damn it." Harry said with a sneer.

"It's impossible for us to repay so much money! What's more, this is no longer normal money! This is blackmail!" Fitral's voice was much higher.

"Then, Datang Group, which has not slowed down its development due to your default on payment, deserves to be unlucky?" Harry continued to sneer.

"That 14 million is really too much!" Fitral spread his hands and acted rogue.

"I've said it, you can just use it to pay off the debt if you can't take it out!" Harry insisted unyieldingly: "Who told you... you defaulted on the payment at that time, and you still haven't paid it back, and you don't even have the dignity to do so.


"You should know that it is impossible for me to agree to such a thing." Fitral insisted.

Harry nodded, stared at the other party and said: "Actually, it is very simple for us to get our money back. Guess, if we continue to send warships to block the South Water, or even destroy all your ports, the neighboring countries around you will

What do you think?"

He said while leaning on the sofa: "Believe me, your neighbors are already very dissatisfied with your expansion, and they also hope that someone can stop your next expansion plan."

"If we come to talk to them, do you think they would be willing to spend tens of thousands of gold coins to pay for the military operations of our warships?" He smiled and stretched out his hand, making a gesture: "A little will make a difference."

If it’s more, we can eventually get back a little bit of interest.”

Before Fitral could continue to speak, he continued: "However, interest alone is obviously not enough..."

He glanced at Fitral, who had a pale face, and continued to talk about Datang Group's possible debt collection plan: "Of course, if we continue to operate and sell them some weapons... You see, it's not the case now.

The Yangmu Kingdom is ready to expand, but it must seize the time to expand its army and prepare for war, lest it be swallowed up by its neighbors... Tsk, tsk, how pitiful."

"What is regrettable is that when they needed a port the most, there was no port available. The resources had been exhausted and they could not keep up with the consumption. The war failed... The Kingdom of Yangmu became a thing of the past, just like... the Kingdom of Galles...

"Harry said, putting on a very sympathetic look.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, there was no sympathy in his words: "When you are defeated and annexed, it will be much easier for us to get this money."

Yes, right?"

"You guys!" Next to Fitral, the deputy finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up abruptly and stared at Harry with a frown, as if he wanted to eat him.

Harry, however, had a bad smile on his face and continued indifferently: "What? Are you so angry now? We haven't taken any serious action yet! We will soon announce our support for the restoration of the Kingdom of Galles. When the time comes, guess what?

How many orc slaves will look forward to the return of their king to the plains of Seine?"

"..." This time, even Fitral couldn't bear it. Of course he knew that the Kingdom of Gales had just been annexed by them and was still in rebellion.

If the Tang Group is allowed to intervene in this kind of thing, it will be completely complicated on the Seine Plain. Maybe, just the orcs causing trouble will be enough for the Yangmu Kingdom to spend millions of gold coins to quell it.

"As long as we are willing, the Wright Kingdom will soon declare war on the Poplar Kingdom! You will become the target of public criticism, and you will not even have a chance to make a comeback!" Finally, Harry dropped another bombshell.

Fitral did not believe this statement at all and immediately retorted: "The Kingdom of Leyte has no border with us at all."

Harry smiled and retorted: "We only need to send two legions, 3,000 people, with weapons that are ten times more advanced than yours, and we can easily occupy Nanshui, Osa... By that time, how many people will fall into trouble?"

, think about it yourself! Idiot!"

"You are a threat!" the deputy envoy couldn't help shouting loudly.

Harry glanced at the other party: "I'm just stating a fact! If you think this is a threat, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the winner is definitely not the Yangmu Kingdom. Please be sure to... believe this!"

Fitral thought for a while and decided not to make any concessions: "You plan to steal 14 million gold coins from us just with a few threats? This is impossible! I will not back down because of your bluff!

Mr. Harry!"

"Language is the most useless thing in the world." Harry did not refute, or said that what he would do next was also part of the negotiation plan.

He slowly stood up, looked down at the two elves from the Poplar Kingdom who were sitting opposite, and said: "My teacher once said something, and I regard it as my motto... The truth can only

Within the range of the cannon, dignity is only as good as the edge of the sword."

He made an invitation gesture: "So, I am going to take you to visit the truth of this world in the afternoon, and then make you surrender under the truth."

"What do you mean?" Two elves from the Poplar Kingdom asked in surprise.

"The meaning is very simple. Right now, I am going to take you to visit our weapons testing site, and then go see the warships attacking your Nanshui Naval Port, so that you can truly understand the gap between you and me, and stop having any illusions.

." Harry replied.

Then, he once again made an invitation: "Let's go! Come with me!"

"John... I am your father's confidant! Don't pretend you don't know me." When he walked out of the room, the deputy approached John with luck, lowered his voice and said, "You want to help Yang Mu

Kingdom, please speak a good word to your father!"

He felt that Sir Leibolt asked John to join Datang Group in order to solve troubles like today. But now that things have come to this point, it is time for John to take action.

"What a joke! I'm the manager of Datang Group now! Don't drag me into trouble!" When John heard what the other party said, he immediately stepped aside out of fear and even dusted his sleeves, as if he was on the other party's body.

It's like a germ: "You are seeking death, but don't take me with you!"

"What, do you two know each other?" Harry turned around and asked knowingly.

"..." For a moment, the deputy envoy didn't think about how he should answer.

"I'm not familiar with him!" John was already shaking his head.


I still owe you all an update! Hehe.

This chapter has been completed!
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