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229 call back from sea

"If they copy the easy-to-copy technology we developed, then we won't sell them their truly advanced technology that they can't copy!" Harry thought for a moment and said the method he had been thinking about for a while.


His words made Matthews, Parker and others agree. Weiss didn't care about this and stood behind Tang Mo in a daze.

Tang Mo didn't like this kind of punishment, so he just said: "This is a method, but it can only be used occasionally. After all, most things can be copied..."

After speaking, he put forward his own idea: "So, what we have to do next is the protection of technology patents around the world. Only by protecting patents around the world can we always maintain a leading edge in technology research and development. If

If someone plagiarizes and violates the law, we will call them directly and make them pay for it!"

After finishing speaking, he also knew that it was unrealistic to implement this now, so he could only laugh at himself: "However, this is still a distant plan, and there is no way to implement it now."

Harry ended the topic and mentioned another thing: "Another thing, King Wright hopes to let us transfer several sets of wireless telegraph machines. He hopes to establish his own information transmission network."

There were so many people who wanted to buy a wireless telegraph machine that it obviously had special significance for Harry to single out King Wright's request.

The senior leaders of the Wright Kingdom clearly hope that Datang Group can provide independent wireless telegraph communications to ensure that the Kingdom has independent intelligence and information transmission capabilities.

No country wants its communications to be completely in the hands of a third party, even if most of the time, this information transmission channel is neutral, reliable and guaranteed.

Therefore, King Wright's request was, to a certain extent, sending a signal to Tang Mo. It probably meant that he hoped that Tang Mo would make concessions on the telegraph system and hand over the management rights to the Kingdom of Wright itself.

In other words, at least, on the premise that Tang Mo is allowed to retain the right to operate civilian telegraphs, it is hoped that Tang Mo will make concessions and allow or support the official establishment of another independent telegraph communication system.

After Harry explained the twists and turns, Parker, who was in charge of production, raised his concerns: "If the telegraph is not in the hands of our people, it will be easy for the other party to copy it... Once we sell these technologies

, King Wright could easily have copied a similar product.”

"But if we never sell this technology, these countries will be afraid of our corresponding intelligence collection capabilities..." Harry also elaborated on his point of view from another aspect.

"The pressure is a bit high. If all countries are afraid of us, our expansion speed will be affected." Leo also expressed his opinion.

If everyone feels that Datang Group monopolizes technology and arbitrarily controls the lifeblood of the country, this will have an impact on their reputation and credibility.

And if everyone thinks that the Datang Group is more dangerous than Cyric, then they will unite with Cyric to deal with the Datang Group, which will make them even more passive.

Tang Mo would not do anything that was not worth the gain. Of course, he knew that sometimes he should give up part of his interests to stabilize his position, so he was already ready to sell off the telegraph technology.

"There is only one product that Datang Group does not sell, but it is not radio." Tang Mo set the tone for the entire meeting: "As long as they are willing to pay for it, I will sell this technology!"

"So, how to price it?" Harry asked.

"Allocate our R&D costs, manufacturing costs, and telegraph production line costs, plus a reasonable profit, to calculate a price." Tang Mo was businesslike.

"50,000 gold coins each?" Matthews looked at Parker beside him.

Parker thought for a while and said, "60,000 gold coins is not impossible. After all, we have the final say on the cost of this thing."

"Once we relax restrictions and start selling telegraph equipment in large quantities, Cyric will definitely follow up and imitate it." Matthews said to Tang Mo with some worry.

Harry thought more carefully for Tang Mo: "This must be carefully calculated. On the one hand, many factories including Cyric will produce imitations. On the other hand, there will also be losses in intelligence."

"Imitation production can actually be predicted. The other party will definitely do this. Anyway, our costs have been recovered. As long as the price is lowered, we can still make a profit in the civilian telegraph field." Tang Mo thought for a moment and spoke to comfort everyone.

Matthews spoke reluctantly: "But the Noble Telegraph Bureau we invested in before will still cost some money. If we persist for another two months..."

In the previously opened telegraph office, the price for sending telegrams was very high, one gold coin per word. This was beyond the reach of ordinary people, so this price was basically set for nobles.

Those nobles who sent telegrams had dedicated personnel to receive them, and the telegraph office was also very extravagantly decorated. This was all an early investment, and now it seems that it has all been wasted.

There was no way. When the telegraph office was opened, it was only targeted at nobles who could afford the money, so it naturally took the high-end route. Now it is suddenly going down to the civilian route, and of course it will waste a lot of money.

This is why Matthews is somewhat reluctant and hopes to extend the telegraph office's operating hours for another two months.

However, the situation was stronger than the people, and Harry had to remind Matthews: "If we persist for another two months, many countries will be jealous of us."

"It doesn't matter, just package and sell the telegraph office directly to people who want to buy telegraph machines. We can avoid losses by opening a new telegraph office for civilians," Tang Mo said.

"That's a way! In this way, all our early investment can be realized and returned to our financial income!" Harry suddenly realized that he was in a good mood. It seemed that these financial losses could be avoided.

"The loss in intelligence is huge. Now, in the area covered by telegraph, at least half of the intelligence we get is free. But if there is a parallel telegraph system, the loss of intelligence will increase by at least half." Leo

Then we talked about losses in terms of intelligence.

In the peripheral intelligence network he is in charge of, most of the intelligence collection work is done through telegrams.

If the other party does not use our own telegraph network, the efficiency of obtaining intelligence will definitely be greatly reduced.

So he also said to Tang Mo depressedly: "From the perspective of valuable intelligence, the loss is even more than three-quarters! Or even more! The communication between the high-level officials of several kingdoms, after selling the telegraph machine, we

It’s basically out of control.”

"Many forces that are accustomed to using telegrams are already using their own special code books. If they are allowed to have their own telegraph system, it will be more difficult for us to decipher the other party's messages." For him, these are gradually lost.

The source of intelligence will cause problems in Datang Group's powerful intelligence system.

"The work of deciphering codes is very complicated and boring, but we are still doing this work, but if we cannot grasp the content of the other party's messages, even we cannot have traces to follow." Finally, Leo concluded.

"It doesn't matter. Since Manulife is gone, just continue to develop the intelligence network step by step." Tang Mo comforted Leo and said.

At this moment, an officer wearing a white navy uniform walked in, holding a message from the sea: "Master, Mr. Harry! This is from the Bunas-class battleship off the South Water Port.


"Read it," Tang Mo ordered directly.

The officer unfolded the message and immediately read: "Excluding the code words, the Marquis named Rebert agreed to pay the arrears of 14 million gold coins, but he instructed his confidants that he needed to use

He paid for it with land and materials... He also blessed his confidants and bargained as much as possible."

The officer who read the telegram read word for word, and when he read more than half of it, he was shocked by the content of the telegram: "The other party plans to use Osa Port, a large copper mine, a gold mine... to pay 14 million

The debt of gold coins.”

"The gold mine... is really a big deal." After Tang Mo heard this, a smile appeared on his face. People in this world valued gold mines even more than the more practical iron ore and copper mines.

Because gold is a symbol of wealth to a certain extent. It is the basis of currency and the raw material for smelting and making currency.

Owning a gold mine can be said to have equivalent wealth - as long as a gold mine can continuously produce energy, the person who owns this gold mine can be rich forever.

Even when Cyric's power was at its peak, they rarely got involved in a kingdom's gold mines. Because doing so was basically tampering with the interests of the ruling class, and the resistance would definitely be huge.

The Yangmu Kingdom is willing to use a gold mine to repay its debts, which shows that the other party definitely has other purposes.

Sure enough, the naval officer who came to deliver the message continued to add: "The other party said in the message that they want wireless telegraph equipment... and everything, new technical equipment..."

Tang Mo sneered: "You really want a lot."

"I'm afraid they don't know that we actually have new products such as cars and brand-new cannons..." Harry took the telegram from the officer's hand, read it carefully again, and then said.

"Give the original message to the special envoy of the Yangmu Kingdom! Then prepare to start a new round of negotiations with them! Since they are so generous, don't blame me for being rude." Tang Mo glanced at Harry and gave instructions.

This chapter has been completed!
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