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319 The end of the royal city

After all, Tarun X still failed to wait for his loyal and brave fort guard, and he also failed to wait for reinforcements from the direction of the fort.

He kept walking back and forth in his palace until it got dark again, but he didn't think of a good solution.

The entire royal city was actually completely out of control. Talon X was actually unable to restore order here and let it operate as usual.

Although the shelling had stopped a few days ago and the attacks from the sea had long since dissipated, the entire royal city still has not been able to return to its original state.

The civilians and rebels who have become red-blooded, or have no way out, are still wreaking havoc in the city, with no intention of stopping.

All kinds of rumors are noisy in the world, and there are so many bizarre legends that it is impossible for people who are already frightened to distinguish them.

There are some rumors that His Majesty the King is dead and died in the shelling a few days ago. The ministers did not mourn in secret, in fact, in order to maintain the power in their hands.

In fact, if it were normal, as long as Talon X made a few public appearances, similar rumors would immediately disappear without a trace.

But there is a lot of chaos outside now, and there is no media such as television, so Talon X Road has become a big problem.

There was no other way, Tarun X was not a capable person, and he did not have the guts to risk being attacked by running out of the palace to prove that he could still breathe...

Therefore, there is still a market for such rumors. Many people swear by their wife's aunt's brother-in-law's second uncle's seventh brother's son's friend... who said that they saw with their own eyes that day that Tarun X was blown away by a cannonball.

Half a head, scary to death.

Of course, some people say that because he was shot in the lower body, his abilities are actually gone, so the harem princess and so on will have to suffer.

There is another legend that the enemy has come ashore!

Yes, this legend was also passed down with great assurance, and many people patted their chests and promised that they had seen the enemy troops coming ashore.

Although in the end these people could not tell clearly how the other party looked, nor could they tell the specific number of people, let alone the purpose of the other party, they would tell anyone who inquired about this information that the enemy had come ashore and was killing people and setting fires in the city!

In fact, at this point, thoughtful people have already understood that the rumor that the enemy troops have come ashore is obviously spread with purpose.

The purpose of those who spread such rumors is simple. They are taking advantage of the chaos to make money, and naturally they need the chaos to continue.

Now that the enemy has stopped firing artillery, they have to create new anxiety to make their actions easier, and at the same time, artificially create a villain who will take the blame!

The reason is very simple. These people commit all kinds of crimes by killing people and stealing goods. After the incident is over, they blame the invading enemy forces and others will pay for the losses.

And what about themselves? They have taken advantage of it, and if they hide in hiding until the storm calms down in the future, no one will investigate and judge them for their crimes.

Against such a chaotic background, the royal city of the Talon Kingdom has turned into a purgatory on earth.

A large city with a population of hundreds of thousands will soon turn into a life-devouring quagmire after losing order and effective management.

Any city requires countless officials and workers to work hard day and night to maintain its operation. Once these things are disrupted or stopped, everything will collapse.

Modern cities are fragile, and people living in big cities are also weak. They lack the ability to cope with a collapse situation, and they don't even have the basic experience to survive.

In reality, just destroying the waterworks can cause a huge city with a population of several million to collapse in a matter of weeks.

It only takes 48 hours of power outage for basic modern civilization to be destroyed, smartphones to be completely useless, the Internet to be unavailable, and people to panic.

A water and power outage is enough to turn people in a city into beasts, become violent, hate each other, and lead to tragedies such as robbery, riots, and killings.

In a big city with millions of people, the food reserves will be exhausted within a few weeks. At that time, the door to hell will be opened, real despair will begin to spread, and all suffering and sin will have just begun.

Although in the era of this alien world, urban development has not become so huge and complex, the city itself is still fragile.

Take the Talon Royal City in front of you as an example. No one here has come to collect the residents' excrement for seven or eight days - originally these things were to be transported out of the city and sold to farmers for fertilizer.

But now, who would buy these stinky excrements? So these disgusting excrements are piled up among the ruins and buildings, and they have become ubiquitous in the streets and alleys.

This filled the air of the entire city with a putrid smell. The neglected cesspools were already overflowing, mosquitoes swarmed, and infectious diseases had actually begun to spread.

Because of the crazy zero-dollar shopping in the past few days, corpses can be seen everywhere in the city's courtyards and streets.

Some of the corpses began to rot due to the weather, and no one found or took care of the corpses in most rooms or buildings.

They are both carriers of plague, and they are also breeding grounds for harmful animals and insects such as flies, rats, and insects.

Originally, these corpses needed to be burned and disposed of in an organized manner as soon as possible, but now no one cares about this at all.

There are very few teams that can really be organized, and they are almost always either near the perimeter of the city wall or around the palace.

In the rest of the city, there was hardly a single person to be seen, let alone the patrols collecting corpses.

Most of the kind-hearted civilians have taken refuge outside the city at this moment, and some wealthy and well-protected bureaucrats have also fled to country manors.

Those who stay are either the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled who cannot leave their homeland, or they are speculators with ulterior motives. Naturally, they cannot pay attention to any laws and regulations.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect you look at it, Talon Royal City can now be said to be a dead city.

"Where are the people who are inquiring about the news? Where are the people?" Talon X stared at the prime minister and several ministers hysterically, and asked loudly.

Before, he would let the ministers go home for the night, but there would always be fewer people returning to the palace to discuss affairs the next day, so Talon X simply kept these ministers in his palace.

He also sent people to pick up the families of the detained ministers, causing the entire palace to be filled with smoke and overcrowded people.

That was what he did a few days ago, when his orders were still relatively effective - now, he no longer dares to easily dispatch his confidants and troops outside the palace.

Because the two confidants he sent to the fort before never returned, and most of the people he sent out to inquire about information in the past few days have also been heard from.

Obviously, these people went out with weapons. The possibility of being intercepted and killed was actually very low. The most likely thing was that they ran away as soon as they left the palace and did not carry out the tasks assigned to them by the king at all.

"Your Majesty! I don't know..." The prime minister quickly dismissed the blame. He had no hope for this kingdom.

In the past few days, he did not even dare to send envoys to find the commanders of the enemy warships lying on the sea, because these envoys also never returned, and there was not even any so-called progress.

The royal city in front of us has almost been swallowed up by civil strife, and there is no way to save it - even the people sent out are often missing. How can we manage and control the entire city?

What's more, the food stored in the city is almost exhausted. When there is a food shortage, those random people are hungry and desperately want to find some food in the palace. What should they do?

Thinking of this, the prime minister couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart - as the prime minister of the Tarun Kingdom, it seemed that he had reached his end.

"I don't know! I don't know! Why don't you know anything? Huh?" Talon X became angry and his voice was raised to the point of changing the tone.

"Useless trash! They are all trash! They are all traitors!" He shouted helplessly, venting his inner dissatisfaction and fear.

Then, he grabbed a water cup and smashed it at the feet of the prime minister and several ministers who were detained in the palace: "Get out! Get out of here!"

Several ministers and the prime minister were granted amnesty and hurriedly exited the hall. Talon X, who was already furious, turned his attention to a trembling waiter standing aside.

"You...come here!" He waved to the waiter with a gloomy expression.

Seeing the king summoning him, the waiter's face showed an expression uglier than crying, and he reluctantly moved his thin body towards His Majesty the King.

Seeing that the other party was so coquettish and frightened, Talon X became even more irritated. He walked straight towards the other party, raised his arm and gave him a loud slap in the face.

The waiter was whipped around in a circle and took several steps back before he managed to regain his footing. But before he could stand upright again, King Talon's stormy fist struck again.

A few minutes later, King Talon gasped for breath, stepped on the waiter who was covered in blood and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and glanced at the remaining silent maids and waiters: "What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of me? What are you afraid of?


As he spoke, he gave the bloody living sandbag two feet on the ground: "What are you afraid of me for? What are you afraid of me for? Tell me! Why are you so afraid of me? What are you doing? Tell me!"

It wasn't until the guards carried the waiter's body out of the room in fear and threw it away, and the maids bravely stepped forward to clean the blood-stained floor, that the only sound left in the entire meeting hall was the rustling of rags against the floor.

It was a strange, scary, calm.

This chapter has been completed!
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